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SLCB Harboring Rogues?


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Don't worry I have plenty of logs of you talking to Londo.

None of course that will be shared publicly but you should know what I'm talking about. Everyone in Athens agrees you hate CnG

It is unbecoming of an alliance gov member to run around talking about logs and then not sharing them. Don't take my dislike for some of Athens policies and behaviors as hatred for CnG. You should also stop taking this conversation into territory that has nothing to do with the issue at hand.

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No great argument there however it seemed that negotiations were at a stand still. What further recourse does an alliance have when they know they are being prodded?

Well, I have a difficult time really labeling negotiations as being at a standstill after only twenty-four hours, however, ignoring that, my next move would be to bring in allies of the other party into the talks, especially if any happen to be mutual friends, though that isn't strictly necessary. Sometimes allies have a tempering effect or can do a better job of reasoning with the other party than you can especially if you are a die-hard opponent of the alliance in question. And if the other party is being especially unreasonable, getting their allies involved can definitely have a beneficial effect in terms of back channel pressure in many instances.

There are situations where going public can be useful, but Invicta seems to have rushed into this and skipped over a couple of potentially more viable options in doing so, effectively removing them from the table, or at least blunting their potential efficacy in case they are used at a future point. That's why I consider this to be a rather ill-considered move.

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Who the hell pays reps when their members go rogue?

Tell you what Invicta, when a member of the NPO goes rogue on you, you go try to get reps from them and see what they say. When a member of MK goes rogue on you, go to them see what they say. When a member of NpO goes rogue on you, go see what they say. Again, this is an instance of a private matter that shouldn't be public. Yet another smear campaign on the Stickmen.

Get over yourselves. You guys wonder why purple is a freaking joke. I will pay the damn 6 million reps for them if it will get you guys to shut up in public.

EDIT: Valhalla, you might want to move off of purple, your color mates are .....challenged.

Man, every post your make now days dealing with politics, I'm like, "I can't believe I used to respect this guy". You clearly need to join CDT for a while and get to know us and see what is really going on.

As for SLCB, 3 mil per nation can't be that far off from the actual damage done. I don't know if anyone has checked lately, but Infra is expensive, and can be destroyed really fast. Are you really so cheap that you can't afford 3 mil per nation? Is that really the issue you're claiming here? That you want to keep the member and 3 mil per nation attacked is too much for you to pay?

You know, it's funny, because when I said something publicly about FAN taking part in extortion of 6 million from FEAR, some of the same people complaining now laughed and said, "You're complaining about 6 million? C'mon.." Hopefully people will see CDT's consistent honor and lack of aggression, and recognize the others who are trying to have their cake and eat it too.

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Who the hell pays reps when their members go rogue?

Tell you what Invicta, when a member of the NPO goes rogue on you, you go try to get reps from them and see what they say. When a member of MK goes rogue on you, go to them see what they say. When a member of NpO goes rogue on you, go see what they say. Again, this is an instance of a private matter that shouldn't be public. Yet another smear campaign on the Stickmen.

Get over yourselves. You guys wonder why purple is a freaking joke. I will pay the damn 6 million reps for them if it will get you guys to shut up in public.

EDIT: Valhalla, you might want to move off of purple, your color mates are .....challenged.

Delta, if a Polar nation attacked you, you would expect us to pay, and rightly so. There would not be any argument, indeed we just pay for the mistakes in judgment without resort to pettiness. Given that I don't like you and vice versa etc etc, the situation would still be resolved almost immediately. I don't see the massive issue here. Either agree to pay (big difference to actually paying) and move on... or not.

This thread should have nothing at all to do with an alliances obligations in these matters. I smell another agenda at work.

I think AirMe needs to catch up on his CN etiquette

3 million is easier on the person paying reps, and the person attacked gets a bit of extra cash out of it as a "sorry our member was dumb and attacked you"

Although, I wouldn't expect anymore from Shovel, IIRC he killed the last couple alliances he was in

Edited by CptGodzilla
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Don't worry I have plenty of logs of you talking to Londo.

None of course that will be shared publicly but you should know what I'm talking about. Everyone in Athens agrees you hate CnG

You'd serve your alliance well to walk away from whatever you're considering doing right now. AirMe has served C&G a thousand times over, remember that next time you speak with him.

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I think AirMe needs to catch up on his CN etiquette

3 million is easier on the person paying reps, and the person attacked gets a bit of extra cash out of it as a "sorry our member was dumb and attacked you"

Although, I wouldn't expect anymore from Shovel, IIRC he killed the last couple alliances he was in

You don't remember correctly, keep trying though.

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Man, every post your make now days dealing with politics, I'm like, "I can't believe I used to respect this guy". You clearly need to join CDT for a while and get to know us and see what is really going on.

Man, this post is like 10 minutes too late. I'm like, "I can't believe this dude didn't refresh the page before posting". you clearly need to refresh the page and wait for awhile before posting.

Why is this thread still going? SLCB's actions are kinda inflammatory... Invicta lacks the spine to do anything about it and the laughs are dying out.

:edit: forgot the "t" in posting.

Edited by tamerlane
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I think AirMe needs to catch up on his CN etiquette

3 million is easier on the person paying reps, and the person attacked gets a bit of extra cash out of it as a "sorry our member was dumb and attacked you"

Although, I wouldn't expect anymore from Shovel, IIRC he killed the last couple alliances he was in

To both of you, I misread the OP. I thought the member in question was leaving the game. But my point about 6 million stands. It's not worth a thread.

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So alliances from which rogues come from are accountable for their actions now? I've had more in damages from failed tech deals (in fact there is one such example in my foreign aid slots right now), you don't see me complaining to their respective alliance leaders and demanding they pay reparations.

not a rogue. A member of SLCB attacked 2 invicta nations and a legion nation. SLCB sorted it out with legion and refuses to sort it out with invicta. the nation (i am assuming) is staying in SLCB

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1. lol purple

2. Invicta should have just attacked the rouge and seen what SLCB did after refusing to pay. If its a rouge they do nothing everyone wins (sort of) and if they back their nation you have a legit CB and go to war.

3. Who the heck is the Athens guy I've never heard of saying AirMe hates CnG and ICE? All I have to say about that is you've got to be kidding me. I mean AirMe hates CnG so much he has that nice MK treaty just to spite them then he goes and keeps a nice little =LOST= treaty just to rub it in.

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3. Who the heck is the Athens guy I've never heard of saying AirMe hates CnG and ICE? All I have to say about that is you've got to be kidding me. I mean AirMe hates CnG so much he has that nice MK treaty just to spite them then he goes and keeps a nice little =LOST= treaty just to rub it in.

Maybe hes a masochist?

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Howdy kids!

Uncle porksaber here!

Well, them SLCB boys was in a heap of heat for them thar reps, but in the wee minutes before update, they done got paid!

Yup! Thats right, eveythings been written off as stoned!

And, ta make matters better, Waltar took em all down to the Boars Nest and bout a few cold units for everyone!

Yup, thing's is all back ta normal here in purple county!

Y'all come back now, y hear?

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