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Cybernations Fantasy Draft

Kim Jaym Il

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You continue being amused by the big lie. I'll continue being right.

You want Hoo to have been forced from power because you hate him and refuse to accept that he made his own choices and didn't receive the punishment you obviously think he deserved for what you feel was wronging you. I'm sure sticking your head in the sand and pretending the world exists as you wish it did makes you feel better, but I know what happened and you know what you want to have happened.

I'll believe my own recollections over your wishful thinking. But you keep right on comforting yourself.

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Rish, what do you expect from someone called Hymenbreach? (You are from now on HB, that is simply a disgusting and juvenile name that smacks of trying too hard to be clever)

Just because you and some others are butthurt over past issues with him does not take away from the fact that Van Hoo was a great leader. He busted his butt to build Ragnarok in record time and no amount of lying or naysaying about his abilities on your behalf changes that.

Feelings still hurt? Grow up.

Van Hoo > YOU

Edited by Rampage3
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They had words. He left. So, yeah. Funny.

Are you really this !@#$@#$ retarded? Do you think Hoo would just up and leave because of some words? You are making these dumb accusations about Hoo, and I bet you've never even spoken to him. Same with everyone else here, because if you've even talked to him you wouldn't have this idiotic impression your getting. Hoo was a damned good leader, but an even better friend. It's hard to find now a days, even by those you call your "allies".

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Are you really this !@#$@#$ retarded? Do you think Hoo would just up and leave because of some words? You are making these dumb accusations about Hoo, and I bet you've never even spoken to him. Same with everyone else here, because if you've even talked to him you wouldn't have this idiotic impression your getting. Hoo was a damned good leader, but an even better friend. It's hard to find now a days, even by those you call your "allies".

Hoo was and is a lot better than nearly all other leaders. Too many baffle themselves with fame and wanting attention, whilst others cause unnecessary wars and let their emotions bewilder their rationality. Remember, many are biased.

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I don't know most of you, and I really don't care to.

I will address the single point that made Hoo an awesome leader in my mind.

He took the time out of running a 600 member alliance to talk turkey with a 3 day old noob...me.

I can think of no better handshake. A leader that gives a rats @#% about the noobs? *set loyalty dial to max setting*

After almost a year in this game, I have yet to see much more out of the OWF regulars, than double-talk, useless insinuations about what others mean, and a thousand versions of history from a thousand singular perspectives.

Enjoy your "soap opera".


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Hoo was and is a lot better than nearly all other leaders. Too many baffle themselves with fame and wanting attention, whilst others cause unnecessary wars and let their emotions bewilder their rationality. Remember, many are biased.

I thought better was inherently subjective?

I wouldn't write that line and then proclaim someone's superiority as an absolute.

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Did Vox have room for 600+ angry folk in it?

Honestly we probably had about that many people pass through, officially or otherwise. But yes. The arms of Vox Populi are as long as is necessary to take all willing souls into the embrace of liberty.


Edited by Elyat
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Rish, what do you expect from someone called Hymenbreach? (You are from now on HB, that is simply a disgusting and juvenile name that smacks of trying too hard to be clever)

Just because you and some others are butthurt over past issues with him does not take away from the fact that Van Hoo was a great leader. He busted his butt to build Ragnarok in record time and no amount of lying or naysaying about his abilities on your behalf changes that.

Feelings still hurt? Grow up.

Van Hoo > YOU

I thank you for your recently formed opinions. I shall give them the attention they are worth.

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Fact: Van Hoo III left on his own devices. No one forced him to. Whoever says anything else is just plainly lying. Why or for what reason eludes me.

And thinking someone from the outside of Ragnarok was able to meddle with internal affairs is just a good laugh at all.

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I thank you for your recently formed opinions. I shall give them the attention they are worth.

Oh, your not going to back your crackpot conspiracy theory with evidence and facts? Surprise, surprise.

Pack up and take your toys home, you will not be missed. ^_^

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Unless Doitzel has changed his name (which is possible), I don't see why you bring him up. But hey, aren't we having fun?

You're either baiting somebody or unaware of the name change. And if it's the latter it sort of makes any political analysis on your part a bit suspect.

Edited by PhysicsJunky
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Unless Doitzel has changed his name (which is possible), I don't see why you bring him up. But hey, aren't we having fun?

I hope for your sake you have forum sig images disabled, cause yea... the big "doitzel" across his sig image is pretty hard to miss.

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