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Some news from Purple

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Also, how is Bob_Sanders not Mr. Purple?

Did you Stumpy too stupid to vote?

Aqua has no unity treaties that we are a part of, and have aboslutely no issues procuring tech or trades.

We don't abuse our own with the senate either, nor does aqua throw down with each other.

Sure, it might be nice to have that warm fuzzy that comes froma treaty of some sort, but in reality, good spheres don't require it.

This pretty much sums up my feelings of things. Hell, you could probably draw up a fairly simple web of treaties that connects every non-neutral aqua alliance within two treaties (or three for a handful of small alliances) of eachother as it is.

We hold together because we're friends, not because we feel obligated to.

Edited by flak attack
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Aqua has no unity treaties that we are a part of, and have aboslutely no issues procuring tech or trades.

We don't abuse our own with the senate either, nor does aqua throw down with each other.

Sure, it might be nice to have that warm fuzzy that comes froma treaty of some sort, but in reality, good spheres don't require it.

Pretty much this.

Many are allied to each other as well, and we work together when we need too. We backed up TDO over the TSO drama, and if anyone tried to pull any shenanigans in the Senate they'd face many of the strongest alliances in the game countering them.

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Its actually really funny how little I've contributed to the hatred in this thread. My comments were light, silly, and just me taking a piss in the beginning and it seemed to go from there entirely without me. However, everyone I've talked to seems to be under the impression that I orchestrated an attack on Purple in this here thread, while working on a real one behind the scenes, and that I've been spewing hate throughout this thread. Its really funny when people confuse my posts with those of others. But I guess asking for an award jokingly and calling myself the King of a color is absolutely heinous these days and is a capital offense. I never knew I was such a monster.

Still playing the victim, it only works when you are actually victimised and not the person doing the victimising.

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Still playing the victim, it only works when you are actually victimised and not the person doing the victimising.

Im not playing the victim. I don't feel victimized either. I find it funny that people like you blame me for things I don't do (and it really is becoming a reoccurring theme with you) but Im certainly not being brutalized or whatever you thought I was saying in my post. I actually don't really know why I bother responding to these kinds of posts, they are often so far off that they kind of disprove themselves as you read them.

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I was gonna make a post like this but I decided not to. Id take a multi-colored bloc like C&G over a color bloc any day. Those alliances in C&G are there cause they want to be there and because their personalities are similar. We work, so we made a bloc. We didn't just use the same economic system and decide that that means we should be best buddies. Not that color unity blocs are useless, I've just never viewed them as a necessity.

None of us has said that we cant belong to other blocs or that a color bloc is supperior to another. So I fail to see why the comparison. What we do have is a united sphere of alliances that genuinely try and get along. Yes we will have our disagreements but hey what people dont.

Aqua has no unity treaties that we are a part of, and have aboslutely no issues procuring tech or trades.

We don't abuse our own with the senate either, nor does aqua throw down with each other.

Sure, it might be nice to have that warm fuzzy that comes froma treaty of some sort, but in reality, good spheres don't requi

Aqua has had its problems as well. So lets not get in to this sphere > that sphere. No where is it required for any alliance to join in any of the treaties to enjoy the PU boards. So those in stone houses and all.

Stumpy while it seems most of C&G doesnt like us I think its a great bloc as far as you have picked people you can work with and that seem to have similar goals. Good deal we just happen to enjoy being on the same color. It seems to me this is considered poor form by some what a shame.

Edited by Buds The Man
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Color unity allows for more than that SF some one as experianced as you are should know that. It allows for easier trade circles tech deals as well as stopping senate seat abuse. So really i must disagree with you on this SF it becomes more than just a color it becomes a family. Ive seen it on two spheres now so im going to say your off on that assesement.

I am experienced. That is how I know it is useless, as has been shown numerous times. If all you have in common is a color, and you ally anyone who joins that color, your bloc will fall apart. You have nothing in common aside from that color. The only reason Purple has stood together is because all of you were/are followers of Pacifica and do whatever they say/said.

Any team that's organized doesn't need a treaty to do those things, as everyone else said.

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None of us has said that we cant belong to other blocs or that a color bloc is supperior to another. So I fail to see why the comparison. What we do have is a united sphere of alliances that genuinely try and get along. Yes we will have our disagreements but hey what people dont.

Sorry, my comment didn't really apply to the quote all that much. It was mostly to the post that SF quoted originally where Buffalo made it sound like we were in some way failing because we aren't signed onto a color unity treaty. I was just stating that just because we aren't involved in a unity bloc doesn't mean we have failed on some level. We have different priorities (see: C&G) that we chose to focus on rather than a color treaty.

Edited by Stumpy Jung Il
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I am experienced. That is how I know it is useless, as has been shown numerous times. If all you have in common is a color, and you ally anyone who joins that color, your bloc will fall apart. You have nothing in common aside from that color. The only reason Purple has stood together is because all of you were/are followers of Pacifica and do whatever they say/said.

Any team that's organized doesn't need a treaty to do those things, as everyone else said.

Hate to call you out SF but you were a member here and if you bothered in your time here to actually read the boards you know half of what you just said is BS. So please try again.

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I am experienced. That is how I know it is useless, as has been shown numerous times. If all you have in common is a color, and you ally anyone who joins that color, your bloc will fall apart. You have nothing in common aside from that color. The only reason Purple has stood together is because all of you were/are followers of Pacifica and do whatever they say/said.

Any team that's organized doesn't need a treaty to do those things, as everyone else said.

People don't get into PEACE just because they're purple. They have to apply, go through a Q&A, and a then a voting session of all the relevant alliances. It would also be foolish to assume we have nothing in common besides color. Don't use absolutes, they're so rarely true. :)

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As a recently new member of the purple sphere, I'm trying rather hard to be offended by the content in this thread, I've failed in that respect miserably.

I also tried to put myself in the shoes of a CnG member, and failed in that respect as well.

So all I really have to contribute is a congrats to the winners (as inconsequential as I personally find such things, it is still an accomplishment)

It is an interesting position, being an interested party yet still being bored to tears by what is so enthralling and galling to others.

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People don't get into PEACE just because they're purple. They have to apply, go through a Q&A, and a then a voting session of all the relevant alliances. It would also be foolish to assume we have nothing in common besides color. Don't use absolutes, they're so rarely true. :)

yeah what he said. /me grumbles off after missing that point :P

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As a recently new member of the purple sphere, I'm trying rather hard to be offended by the content in this thread, I've failed in that respect miserably.

I also tried to put myself in the shoes of a CnG member, and failed in that respect as well.

So all I really have to contribute is a congrats to the winners (as inconsequential as I personally find such things, it is still an accomplishment)

It is an interesting position, being an interested party yet still being bored to tears by what is so enthralling and galling to others.

Im still trying to figure out what was so offensive about half of this thread. I, too, am still unamused.

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Aqua has had its problems as well. So lets not get in to this sphere > that sphere. No where is it required for any alliance to join in any of the treaties to enjoy the PU boards. So those in stone houses and all.

What spheres are better than others are all personal opinions. I'm merely stating that just because their is color unity doesn't mean anything really. If the same can be accomplished without paper, and has, why bother with a treaty. It would be nice to have that crinkly piece of paper telling me that if we are attacked, that all of Aqua would have our backs, but frankly, with the treaty web the way it is, there's a good chance most of aqua would anyway. If we came up with a mutually beneficial color unity treaty, we'd certainly look into it, but we are pragmatists. The bigger the sphere, the more trades there are and more trading equals more money. More money means more tech, infra and nukes.

Sure, we didn't care for a lot of the white politics, but when it comes down to it, we could just ignore all that. It is all about the economic benefits vs unity, for us anyway.

You can pick your own friends, you have a lot harder time picking the alliances on your sphere. Why should I force myself to like people I normally wouldn't care for just because we share the same space?

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I am experienced. That is how I know it is useless, as has been shown numerous times. If all you have in common is a color, and you ally anyone who joins that color, your bloc will fall apart. You have nothing in common aside from that color. The only reason Purple has stood together is because all of you were/are followers of Pacifica and do whatever they say/said.

First things first we have never had a direct connection to NPO, followed NPO anywhere or done anything for them. We have allies that have treaties with them like most alliances did a while back if that makes someone their followers then 90% or more of bob fit that comparison. Secondly your suggestion that we have nothing in common is far off the mark as the many individual treaties between the different Purple alliances that were signed only after a strong relationship was built can testify to. We have far more in common than you suggest and we are becoming closer all the time, your over simplification of the sphere shows how little you know about us.

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Aqua has no unity treaties that we are a part of, and have aboslutely no issues procuring tech or trades.

We don't abuse our own with the senate either, nor does aqua throw down with each other.

Sure, it might be nice to have that warm fuzzy that comes froma treaty of some sort, but in reality, good spheres don't require it.

No issues procuring tech and trades = true.

Indeed, I stay on Aqua for a reason, even though I'm essentially in a Purple alliance. I don't screw with success and trade wise Aqua has been better to me than any color save for Black, where most of my trade slots were filled with GOONS members (whatever else they were guilty of, GOONS 1.0 was excellent to deal with--never had one of them canceled, always understanding) though for tech these days I stay in house at Valhalla in order to help out our smaller nations.

I never heard of a problem with Senate seats either.

As for not throwing down on each other, also true, but there have been some close calls. At least more than you are implying.

As for the no bloc treaty, I suggest you consult this: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Aqua

Attempts have been made to be sure, some more successful than others.

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As for the no bloc treaty, I suggest you consult this: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Aqua

Attempts have been made to be sure, some more successful than others.

ICE's failures were a huge wake up call to a lot of us that Aqua Unity wasn't truly possible as far as treaties go. There has been an unsaid agreement between aqua alliances for a long time now, however, that has kept war out of the sphere for the most part. I like that about Aqua, a lot.

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Hate to call you out SF but you were a member here and if you bothered in your time here to actually read the boards you know half of what you just said is BS. So please try again.

That may be true, heh. However, color unity is just an outdated practice. I prefer to choose my friends because I like them rather than because we are on the same team color. It's just the same as that I won't ally another Monarchy, with no religion, and a Greek population because of that. It's just a small detail with no bearing on personality traits.

People don't get into PEACE just because they're purple. They have to apply, go through a Q&A, and a then a voting session of all the relevant alliances. It would also be foolish to assume we have nothing in common besides color. Don't use absolutes, they're so rarely true. :)

That isn't a very complicated process. Besides, you admitted very new purple alliances, and just about every purple alliance out there. It's not a very elite group. Have you ever rejected anyone?

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First things first we have never had a direct connection to NPO, followed NPO anywhere or done anything for them. We have allies that have treaties with them like most alliances did a while back if that makes someone their followers then 90% or more of bob fit that comparison. Secondly your suggestion that we have nothing in common is far off the mark as the many individual treaties between the different Purple alliances that were signed only after a strong relationship was built can testify to. We have far more in common than you suggest and we are becoming closer all the time, your over simplification of the sphere shows how little you know about us.

Purple never had any ties to NPO Nope,never

Hell, its not like Legion, Invicta, Valhalla held MDP's with NPO, that would completely make you a liar

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That may be true, heh. However, color unity is just an outdated practice. I prefer to choose my friends because I like them rather than because we are on the same team color. It's just the same as that I won't ally another Monarchy, with no religion, and a Greek population because of that. It's just a small detail with no bearing on personality traits.

That isn't a very complicated process. Besides, you admitted very new purple alliances, and just about every purple alliance out there. It's not a very elite group. Have you ever rejected anyone?

PEACE is an economic treaty with military optional. There is no military requirement there so probably not. But not everyone is in Poisidon or Peagusus that calls for a much better relationship. I believe there have been rejections to both of the latter treaty whether it be in order to get to know them better or they just werent a fit I couldnt say as I have just recently become more involved with this aspect of Valhallas treaties.

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To those of you who say LOL purple ok if your a stats person run them I think Seipher did a pretty good job of proving that Purple is pretty unified.

To be honest – and it’s not my intent to speak for the pertinent crowd here – I’m thinking the lolpurple sentiments have little to do with the unity of your sphere. That said, personal opinions aside, sphere unity is no easy feat, so for making headway there I'd have to give you guys props.

As a bit of an aside though, as has been pointed out, color unity is simply not everyone's cup of tea, for a variety of reasons (this is in response to accusations that others are jealous of purple's unity, not in response to the post quoted above).

Edited by SirWilliam
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Stumpy is right, a multi-colored bloc of people who share the same mindset and all that is better than a color treaty where no one agrees on anything. The thing is, Purple (the ones that are in the bloc) does share that same mindset. So it may be a color treaty to most, but in all reality, they are no different than any other functioning bloc. And that is why I like purple.

Nevertheless, Stumpy does in fact deserve an award. However King of only one sphere is just too damn small.

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First things first we have never had a direct connection to NPO, followed NPO anywhere or done anything for them. We have allies that have treaties with them like most alliances did a while back if that makes someone their followers then 90% or more of bob fit that comparison. Secondly your suggestion that we have nothing in common is far off the mark as the many individual treaties between the different PurpleSure, alliances that were signed only after a strong relationship was built can testify to. We have far more in common than you suggest and we are becoming closer all the time, your over simplification of the sphere shows how little you know about us.

Sure, you were never direct allies with the NPO, but it is, and always was, obvious what side you are on.

And why yes, 90% of Bob were followers at that time.

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