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This is the sort of response I've come to expect from Athenian leadership.

To be fair you have been hurling accusations from your first post in this thread and onward (accusations which really have little to do with the treaty cancellation or the circumstances surrounding it).

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Londo, I'm still very confused as to what evidence you have. TSI - Athens communications hit an all time low during the Karma War itself, being on opposite sides of the fight, and even more so that we didn't talk too often beforehand. From what the most of us can see here, you are basing your "information" by stringing words out of context, and perhaps even fabricating your own. I cannot, for the life of me, comprehend what kind of evidence Athens would be able to weigh against TSI that we would be so deceitful as to say anything that might harm one of our allies.

Either this is a monumental misunderstanding, or you just ridiculously enjoyed story time as a child.

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Or The Great Londo got burned twice with a leak of fairly unique information immediately after conversations with one Shurukian, Empress of TSI. Our government discussed it, we weighed the evidence, we went over the possibilities, I went over my logs to make sure I hadn't said this stuff to anyone else... and lo and behold, this was the only explanation that made sense to anyone in our gov. Take that as you will, James Maximus.

Interesting. Your evidence to back your claims against TSI is "I hadn't said this stuff to anyone else" in regards to Empress Shurukian of TSI. Well thats all fine and dandy for you, but what about the rest of your government? Surely you were not the only one in Athens who was aware of this leaked "information" that no one in TSI seems to know about. I propose that perhaps another person in Athens who knew about this info "leaked" it.

Edit: clarification, hotheadedness

Edited by Antos
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Sorry to see these cancellations occur but if communication is not there, treaties are not worth having. I also know TSI follows the bushido code....as does Ronin and Bushido, I would find it....dishonorable to find that they broke it and personally would need some solid proof before heading down that path. Those who follow the code take it very very seriously.

EDIT: Though in adherence with Ronin's Charter, Antos must be tarred and feathered for using an image of a Ninja to represent himself....ninjas are the true enemy of the samurai. B)

Edited by AirMe
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This is the sort of response I've come to expect from Athenian leadership.

Denial I know! They need to come out of the closet and get it done with.

Hmmm, so we have one conversation in July, where you tell me how tired you are

He was probably tired due to the quote below so it all makes sense.

I thought what we had was special. I've been misinformed.

He's all yours, mhawk.

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Interesting. Your evidence to back your claims against TSI is "I hadn't said this stuff to anyone else" in regards to Empress Shurukian of TSI. Well thats all fine and dandy for you, but what about the rest of your government? Surely you were not the only one in Athens who was aware of this leaked "information" that no one in TSI seems to know about. I propose that perhaps another person in Athens who knew about this info "leaked" it.

The statement was not one that I had shared with the rest of my government, and I doubt anyone in Athens government would leak something to mhawk anyway. Of course this will be denied, and my credibility will be called into question, and the credibility of our entire alliance's government will be called into question. Believe what you want, we know what we saw go down.

Personally I don't care about this treaty being cancelled. While I was in TSI government you folks in Athens never talked to us at all. And here is the funny thing, the majority of TSI's government hated Athens and wanted to drop the treaty much earlier. We only kept it because this so called leak of yours, Empress Shurukian, stuck up for you and refused to hear anything bad against you.

I'll bet, I was a good source of information! <_<

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A very wise move on the part of Athens. Things like that shouldn't be taken lightly and may TSI learn from its mistakes.

Best of luck to all parties involved.

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The statement was not one that I had shared with the rest of my government, and I doubt anyone in Athens government would leak something to mhawk anyway. Of course this will be denied, and my credibility will be called into question, and the credibility of our entire alliance's government will be called into question. Believe what you want, we know what we saw go down.

If Athens truly cared about the relationship between them and TSI, they would have contacted our government in regards to these accusations, and tried to work this problem out when it was on the table. Yet, you did not. Why? Instead, you leave this for several months when it becomes almost obsolete. Can you explain the logic behind this move?

I am still under the impression that this is a fabrication of paranoia, fear, and irresponsibility on your part; you've presented us with nothing but your words that your government things we are the bad guys, and that we apparently leaked some sort of information which you cannot even recall to be able to disclose.

Please enlighten us all, Londo Mollari. It is not fair to keep most of CN in the dark with your intentions and actions, without showing the responsibility and evidence of your actions.

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Yay! GATO made the cut. As to the rest.....TSI was always very loyal to TPF so if they did leak some things I wouldn't be surprised but without any further logdumps and screenshots it's all speculation and I don't comment on speculation..

We may be very loyal to TPF, but we have the dignity to keep such potentially sensitive information to ourselves.

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Without evidence being presented, the accusations being leveled at TSI are disgusting and wrong. It's funny how everyone is taking Londo's word for it despite no evidence. I can only express my disappointment in Athens. I guess this is what the future holds as Athens has demonstrated, where baseless accusations can run rampant and ruin others.

Edited by Beatrice
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It was the TSI members I tell ya, it can't be the former IRAN members. ^_^ But from what I see people are only pointing fingers at each other. Sorry. ;)

Can you support that first bit of your statement? It seems no more than the same blind shepherding done by Londo.

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