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Statement of Friendship


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We all know having actual friends is an entirely new thing for NPO, so let them have their fun while it lasts.

I think all the alliances that have been good friends & allies of NPO over the years might have something to say about that. Unless you are saying none of them ever were friends with NPO and they all pretended to be friends for years just to sign & maintain a treaty. Then again perhaps you are completely wrong and they have had many fine friends over the years like Invicta.

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Why don't you leave MK out of this? Was it an official announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom? Did Keshav state it was MK's official stance?

You are Lord High Envoy, so please clarify MK's stance on this announcement so I will know what it is.

I know you don't like us

What gave it away?

I really feel like we were too lenient with you when you came crawling for peace.

Live and learn.

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You are Lord High Envoy, so please clarify MK's stance on this announcement so I will know what it is.

If you want my personnal opinion, read the post you conveniently ignored. You know, the one just above Keshav's which you used to show your affection for MK.

If you want MK's opinion, you're not getting it.

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*looks at the list of alliances getting reps from NPO*

Yup, I think you're in the minority on that one.

I see your point, but at the same time, I think Pacifica has already paid for what they have done, and are continuing to do so, if you get me. Nevertheless, now is the time to give them a second chance.

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I see your point, but at the same time, I think Pacifica has already paid for what they have done, and are continuing to do so, if you get me. Nevertheless, now is the time to give them a second chance.

For some it will take more than losing one war to wipe the slate clean i am afraid, besides holding onto grudges is nothing new and did any of us really expect the vast array of grudges to disappear overnight??

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For some it will take more than losing one war to wipe the slate clean i am afraid, besides holding onto grudges is nothing new and did any of us really expect the vast array of grudges to disappear overnight??

Oh, I don't expect it to. No harm in trying though.

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Hopefully the NPO now realises the value in real friends and will reciprocate instead of treating its many MDP partners as strategic assets and meatshields. Friendships need to work two ways and too many of NPO's did not, which is how they got where they are. That mindset needs to be killed off if alliances like Invicta are not to be meatshields again in the future.

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Can you still call it friendship when one is the master and the other is a broken down old dog?

This is the official position of der_ko of the USSR. Hello, Sileath. B)

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Hopefully the NPO now realises the value in real friends and will reciprocate instead of treating its many MDP partners as strategic assets and meatshields. Friendships need to work two ways and too many of NPO's did not, which is how they got where they are. That mindset needs to be killed off if alliances like Invicta are not to be meatshields again in the future.

I would argue that an awful lot of NPO's allies treated the NPO in exactly that way. Which is how they got where they are. I think they've learned that lesson incredibly painfully.

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The reactions this innocuous little announcement is getting amuses me greatly. It just shows how many still cannot get over Pacifica. Even after getting your revenge you still hate them. You still fear them.

Why don't you leave MK out of this? Was it an official announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom? Did Keshav state it was MK's official stance? I know you don't like us but this has nothing to do with MK and everything to do with Keshav saying he doesn't see the point in this announcement. I really feel like we were too lenient with you when you came crawling for peace.

I haven't seen a single complimentary post by a Mushroom Kingdom member in this thread. Judging from that , it's easy to tell how most of Mushroom Kingdom feels about this matter.

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Glad to see them showing their friendship. No matter what treaties were canceled or formed... I will always see NPO as my friend!

o/ NPO

o/ Invicta



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The reactions this innocuous little announcement is getting amuses me greatly. It just shows how many still cannot get over Pacifica. Even after getting your revenge you still hate them. You still fear them.

I haven't seen a single complimentary post by a Mushroom Kingdom member in this thread. Judging from that , it's easy to tell how most of Mushroom Kingdom feels about this matter.

Comrade Corinan, I must respectfully disagree. I do not know if hate or fear are the predominant values being expressed by some persons in this thread.

It's more of a confusion. What do you do when you build your persona, your nation, your foreign policy, perhaps even your alliance (I'm looking at you, Modus Operandi, and many other late-comers to the "Free Red" movement), on a hatred of the New Pacific Order?

I don't know if they still really hate or fear us, but I do think that they've created themselves in such a way that they do not know how to feel anything else anymore. It is fascinating to watch those who have built their careers by hating us, so swiftly see their purposes collapse.

So Comrade Corinan, it's clear what they have to do. If you only know how to fear and hate, then you have to build up something that you fear and hate. And regardless of the substance or truth to that fear or hate, you have to build it up pretty big, or learn how to feel something else.

The latter is rather difficult.

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So much so that many of your members feel compelled to insult both alliances just so everyone knows how little they care. Makes sense to me.

Our members are free to express themselves, the fact that this announcement makes some of them vomit in their mouth doesn't exactly say anything about MK's official stance.

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The reactions this innocuous little announcement is getting amuses me greatly. It just shows how many still cannot get over Pacifica. Even after getting your revenge you still hate them. You still fear them.

I haven't seen a single complimentary post by a Mushroom Kingdom member in this thread. Judging from that , it's easy to tell how most of Mushroom Kingdom feels about this matter.

Since when is the word of one (or more) members the official stance of an alliance? If anything, you probably skipped MY post which was meant to be nice. Take that as you will.

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I was tempted to dig out my Vox avatar for this post, but then I realized it wouldn't be fair to the people mocking Invicta.

(They'd be so confused).

I will say, however, that this is one of the best thread of '09, mainly for all the inside jokes included in the first 3 posts :awesome:

And now onto the quotes:

Moo was a poet,

And I bet you didn't know it!

o/ Invicta

You, sir, deserve a cookie.

I'm sick of seeing NPO and their friends who didn't go to bat for them crying about ending old grudges.

Come on. You all know you're pissed about the war and terms and you're going to carry a grudge about it too. So drop the act.

Invicta, you're a terrible alliance.

I was going to respond to that, but then I realized I didn't have too.

Wow. The amount of rude comments and childish behavior in this thread is overwhelming. Really guys, just grow up.

[OOC] Sadly, some people haven't realized that Cybernations is an online, text based game. [/OOC]

No, it's more like 6 pages with hails, and 2 pages of NPO/Invicta fails, and 1 page of "Huh?" xD


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OK, first of all, when I originally posted this announcement I did so in the wrong place. Someday I hope to master the complexities of point-and-click. :D

Now, on the topic of this thread:


First of all, it would be disingenuous of me to say that I didn't expect a reaction. But it would be fair to say that I wasn't exactly sure what that reaction would be. I appreciate the supportive comments from our friends -- thank you. But maybe even more I appreciate the observations of those people to whom maybe Invicta is not that close who get what I was trying to say.

I forget sometimes that I am really not very well known outside of my alliance and my sphere. So I am surprised when people ascribe all kinds of secret motives and hidden agendas to my words. Really I am a lot less crafty than that assumption credits me for being! Basically, when I make a statement I tend to do two things:

1. Talk a LOT. (Really. Ask my members! Brevity is not my strong suit.)

2. Say what I mean.

I guess I am a little surprised by the level of suspicion underlying many of the comments in this thread. So let me be clear: I did not make this announcement as some legalistic, back-door way of signing a treaty without signing a treaty. Really, what would be the point of that? And, moreover, what would be the point of announcing it if we did? It seems to me that would just be asking for trouble.

I am also really, truly baffled by all the grudge-holding. At the risk of sounding judgmental (which is honestly not my intention), what good does it do to hold on to all that anger? The World of Bob moves at a much faster pace than that other world (I think it's called the "reel" world?) some of us have heard about. A month is a long time, a year an eternity. So why continue to focus so much time and energy and emotion on past wrongs? It just seems counterproductive to me. As I said in my original post in this thread, for most of my time in Bob I was blissfully ignorant of international doings. So I have no strong emotional memories of any of the things that seems so important to so many people. It just seems like excess baggage to me. I guess I just like to travel light!

Finally, wasn't the point of Karma to militarily redress all those past grievances? To teach NPO a lesson? And hasn't that been DONE? They have been beaten. Karma has gotten what it wanted. So why not call it all good? Or, as the Regional Manager of the Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch might say: "Hug it out, !@#$%*." :)

I have said it before and I will undoubtedly say it again: I believe that there were good people on all sides of the Karma War. Now that the war is over, I think it is time to move forward. Invicta would very much like to make new friends, but not at the price of abandoning an old one. It is important to me that people know that friendship mean something to us. I guess that was all I was trying to say.

I told you it would be long! :P

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