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Statement of Friendship


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Plenty of NPO posters on these boards recently are not showing any change in attitude at all – although admittedly some of those are in NSO these days. Contrast that with the attitude of, say, IRON or GGA, who seem to have realised that the old world is gone and that complete power is not necessarily a good thing. A few NPOers (like Litha in this thread) seem to want to play with the rest of the children and recognise that things are not as they were, but the NPO is not doing its part to reduce the 'hate' towards it (as the NpO did when they were beaten).

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Actually, I'm not one of those people who just hates NPO, so please stop labeling me as such and address my points. NPO is *not* humble now. Some are. Moo is more humble, for one example. But plenty of NPO isn't.

Edit: great chain of arguments here:

1) You guys are holding a petty grudge!

2) Not really, for one it's a well-rooted grudge due to years of actions by NPO, for two my current problem with NPO is that they haven't been humbled by this experience.

3) This is a LIE: we've been 100% humble.

4) A half dozen links to examples of 'humbleness' that took me approximately a minute to find, showing that NPO really hasn't been humbled.

5) You're just anti-NPO and there's no reasoning with you you're obviously a fanatic.

Penkala, having been on the receiving end of your opinion vis-a-vis NPO on more than one occasion I would beg to differ, you are a hater par excellence. You should just own that, and stop trying to pretend your opinion is fair and balanced in that regard.

Invicta are great people, and they deserve much respect.

Edited by James Dahl
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Plenty of NPO posters on these boards recently are not showing any change in attitude at all – although admittedly some of those are in NSO these days. Contrast that with the attitude of, say, IRON or GGA, who seem to have realised that the old world is gone and that complete power is not necessarily a good thing. A few NPOers (like Litha in this thread) seem to want to play with the rest of the children and recognise that things are not as they were, but the NPO is not doing its part to reduce the 'hate' towards it (as the NpO did when they were beaten).

So others can come in here and insult both NPO and Invicta about their announcement, but they have to keep their mouth shut?

Might makes right?

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So others can come in here and insult both NPO and Invicta about their announcement, but they have to keep their mouth shut?

Might makes right?

Nobody said that. Stop pretending to be a victim. And James, you don't know me. I'm not as anti-Pacifican as you may think.

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Congratulations to our freinds in NPO and Invcita for their ongoing freindship. To Bob Janova, we in the New Sith Order are acutely aware of the changing times in the world of CN, we merely wish to discourage needless admonishment of the NPO, especially in a thread dedicated to freindships.

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The people who are insulting those alliances are not coming from a position of being universally hated by (almost) everyone outside their circle or treaties, so they don't need to show a change in attitude in the same way that NPO does. However, I would say that people that come into threads like this to insult or snipe do look bad, and were they to do so consistently would gradually decrease their alliances' standing in the world. NPO are (were?) hated for good reason, and while a lot of that is material, a lot of it is also down to the way they behaved for the last two years – and that works both ways: NPO need to show that they are different now, but also other nations and alliances can get themselves hated by their behaviour going forward.

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Bob, we need to look forward and look at actions not words. Understandably a lot of NPO nations are going to be upset by the colossal reperations and the outcome of the war. Lets not hold grudges, lets be progressive and move forward.

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Nobody said that. Stop pretending to be a victim. And James, you don't know me. I'm not as anti-Pacifican as you may think.

Stop being so defensive I wasn't even talking to you I was responding to Bob.

How am I pretending to be the victim? Just because I said people from on the other side are using put downs

on an announcement of friendship.

P.S. You're an anti-Pacifican from what I've seen in your posts.

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Plenty of NPO posters on these boards recently are not showing any change in attitude at all – although admittedly some of those are in NSO these days. Contrast that with the attitude of, say, IRON or GGA, who seem to have realised that the old world is gone and that complete power is not necessarily a good thing. A few NPOers (like Litha in this thread) seem to want to play with the rest of the children and recognise that things are not as they were, but the NPO is not doing its part to reduce the 'hate' towards it (as the NpO did when they were beaten).

Might want to talk to someone else about that tech, stats boy. That sort of attitude won't get you anywhere.

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Actually, I'm not one of those people who just hates NPO, so please stop labeling me as such and address my points. NPO is *not* humble now. Some are. Moo is more humble, for one example. But plenty of NPO isn't.

So, they have an ego? That's their crime? Listen buddy, nowhere in the terms did it say they have to be humble. They survived this war, had ruled the world for over two years, come on, can you blame them for being a little arrogant? I would be too. And considering that most of you haven't accomplished even a fraction of that, yet still have similar egos, I don't fathom you have much room to be telling other people to "be humble."

As you have all said. The old days are supposedly gone, so tell me, what gives you the right to act like you own everyone else? Unless things haven't necessarily changed as much as you claim.

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Nevertheless, my point still stands. The same fellows attacking you for this feeling are just as guilty of having as you. Hypocrisy at its finest.

I don't know, RV. While certainly not classy or friendly, it's only natural for the winners to rub it in the faces of the losers. This is pushing it a bit far but NPO and countless other winners of countless other war/game/competition both IC and OOC have done it countless times. For the first time, NPO and its allies have REALLY been beaten (GWI is too ancient for most of Bob to remember), give everyone the time to rejoice and abuse their newfound joy. I'm not condoning this attitude but not everyone has the fortitude you or Litha have.

Edited by potato
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Plenty of NPO posters on these boards recently are not showing any change in attitude at all – although admittedly some of those are in NSO these days. Contrast that with the attitude of, say, IRON or GGA, who seem to have realized that the old world is gone and that complete power is not necessarily a good thing. A few NPOers (like Litha in this thread) seem to want to play with the rest of the children and recognise that things are not as they were, but the NPO is not doing its part to reduce the 'hate' towards it (as the NpO did when they were beaten).

perhaps because no matter what NPO does people are still going to hate them and accuse there freinds that have stuck with them as a meat "shield" or a {insert team color } conlony of them ? or maybe they don't care anymore and simply want to move on and rebuild the allience.

or maybe..just maybe that after this recent war they changed ? were humbled...

just some thoughts

Edited by sircrimson
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Remember when you made an alliance on the Red Sphere, to help free the poor, huddled masses of red nations from the evil NPO?

Remember how it was an utterly transparent tactic to try to take advantage of the NPO during a time of war, and how no one believed you for a second that you had the interests of Red at heart?

What sphere are you on now, again?

Take some self-responsibility, would-ya?

Those poor, huddled masses of red nations finally took the opportunity to help themselves and the Cross was no longer needed.

Congrats on having one friend Cortath, you should be putting more effort into your rep payments than talking about things you have no business talking about though.

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Those poor, huddled masses of red nations finally took the opportunity to help themselves and the Cross was no longer needed.

Congrats on having one friend Cortath, you should be putting more effort into your rep payments than talking about things you have no business talking about though.

*chuckles heartily* You came into a thread about the friendship between my alliance, and my great comrades at Invicta, and chose to slander us.

ModusOperandi, I will say two things: you know nothing about economics. Don't talk about rep payments. You know nothing of this. I am honestly befuddled as to why you speak and open your mouth.

Secondly, I have one more friend than any opportunist like yourself ever will.

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Our members are free to express themselves, the fact that this announcement makes some of them vomit in their mouth doesn't exactly say anything about MK's official stance.

[ooc]Your members want to kill the NPO name off if they have the chance and are trying to in other worlds, other planets, etc[/ooc]

Guess what? MK is classier than that.

Nope, not really their foundation shows they didn't have any class to start with or is using LUE 2.0 still not cut it as well as it used to. Also have you actually read what MK members have posted here?

If you truly can't see any difference in the NPO's behavior then it's because you don't want to see it. It's quite clear that you are one of the ones who are simply obsessed with the NPO being pure bad and can't cope with the new reality of things.

But I thought that the NPO was the evil of the world. Guess that teaches me for believing everything I read on the CN Forums ;)

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[ooc]Your members want to kill the NPO name off if they have the chance and are trying to in other worlds, other planets, etc[/ooc]

Nope, not really their foundation shows they didn't have any class to start with or is using LUE 2.0 still not cut it as well as it used to. Also have you actually read what MK members have posted here?

But I thought that the NPO was the evil of the world. Guess that teaches me for believing everything I read on the CN Forums ;)

Glad that treaty that MK and NPO held to try to rebuild relations was held in high regard by the rank and file members of NPO. OH LOOK! AN LUE 2.0 reference. Boy that's so 2007...aka BY 3.

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The people who are insulting those alliances are not coming from a position of being universally hated by (almost) everyone outside their circle or treaties, so they don't need to show a change in attitude in the same way that NPO does. However, I would say that people that come into threads like this to insult or snipe do look bad, and were they to do so consistently would gradually decrease their alliances' standing in the world. NPO are (were?) hated for good reason, and while a lot of that is material, a lot of it is also down to the way they behaved for the last two years – and that works both ways: NPO need to show that they are different now, but also other nations and alliances can get themselves hated by their behaviour going forward.

This is a very good point, and hopefully people will take note.

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Glad that treaty that MK and NPO held to try to rebuild relations was held in high regard by the rank and file members of NPO. OH LOOK! AN LUE 2.0 reference. Boy that's so 2007...aka BY 3.

Classics are still time less Airme, you are letting the noob in you show. As for that treaty, I think MK takes the prize for respecting it esp with the roll Archon played in Karma at the foundation so unless you can prove that our hands were dirtier 1st of violation and lack of high regard, go right ahead.

If LUE 2.0 is all they have in their arsenal of insults I'm not worried :v:

Wasn't trying to insult but if you want me to I would be more than happy to accommodate.

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Actually, I'm not one of those people who just hates NPO, so please stop labeling me as such and address my points. NPO is *not* humble now. Some are. Moo is more humble, for one example. But plenty of NPO isn't.

Every post I've seen you make about the NPO seems based more out of your own slanted view of the world and imposing your own shape of things, as opposed to a rational understanding of what's actually being presented to you. That slant is a decidedly anti-NPO slant.

Plenty of NPO posters on these boards recently are not showing any change in attitude at all – although admittedly some of those are in NSO these days.

If you have to reduce your argument to this level of nonsense to keep it up, then you should probably re-evaluate your position. The NSO is probably more arrogant than the NPO is these days, for any number of reasons. Taking our posting habits and applying them to the NPO in order to prove the NPO is still arrogant makes about as much sense as saying that Gramlins are arrogant because NSO posters are arrogant.

Contrast that with the attitude of, say, IRON or GGA, who seem to have realised that the old world is gone and that complete power is not necessarily a good thing. A few NPOers (like Litha in this thread) seem to want to play with the rest of the children and recognise that things are not as they were, but the NPO is not doing its part to reduce the 'hate' towards it (as the NpO did when they were beaten).

IRON didn't post much before the war, and doesn't post a whole lot more now. Those posts don't tend to be much different now than they were then. And GGA is a laughable example of anything, their government has changed at least once a month for the last six months or so, and the only significant change they've made is which teat they're latched on to. Any change in methodology remains unsubstantiated.

The problem isn't that the NPO hasn't been "humbled" but that people want the NPO to constantly lick their feet and prostrate themselves before their "betters." And that's just stupid. Their attitude is different. They are still a proud alliance, and they always will be, and they have good reason to be. They are still an alliance with the potential to be dangerous in the future, even if they don't ever return to the previous heights of their power. People don't want the NPO to be humble, people want the NPO to be like GGA and cower under the skirts of those that blew them into oblivion, all while professing the wonders of those victors.

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