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Statement of Friendship


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Yeah, this thread should have had about three pages of hails and then died. Unfortunately there are some folks that think no one should like the people that they themselves do not like. Why do people care so much and why are they giving this such a massive arena to be displayed in?

I suppose they need to prove that they are right.... rather then just nodding there head agreeing and hailing :huh:

I actually am starting to miss that ^_^

Edited by sircrimson
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Maybe because NPO's in no position to do so anymore? And that's GOD giving all those threats they're lunatics we in MA don't really associate with them ^_^

Yea, because MA never acts aggressive or hostile when it's unnecessary or uncalled for. At least you still support that kind of behavior, we wouldn't want to think you had changed or anything.

Edit: and I've seen 'do something about it' a lot more from NSO alone in the past month than from SF, so...

No you haven't.

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They meant a lot to you, but um seeing as the way they treated a strong militaristic alliance like TORN

Yes, poor torn,....

Just to say, your view how we treated torn is not the only one, but there has been enough controversy around that.

I point this out to show you how although you strongly believe in your world view of events, there are people that don't. If you decide to just blatantly laugh at their faces for that to try to insult them or provoke them, then,...thats a bit weak you know....

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No, clearly I was correct earlier. Like I said, I fully understood your post, and concluded that your having trouble understanding because, quite plainly, you are. Not only is your argument (if you can call it that) based on denial and a warped sense of non-applicable human psychology, but you literally did not understand, or misunderstood, my posts. Because of this, your responses are seemingly random in regards to the topic at hand and my opinion on it. Go back, reread, re respond and I'll try to answer before I go out.

I am not talking about your suggestions. I do not "have a problem", nor have I ever stated that I have one, so you should stop using imaginary statements of mine to back up the opinion that Pacifica is the world's problem child that doesn't want to change.

What I am talking about is you entering a thread about friendship between two alliances, by your own admission reading nothing but the OP and 2 pages, and starting to tattle off the perceived faults you find in the Pacific, portraying us as the abnormality in society and claiming the universality of your position; "If only they could act normal". That in itself give your words an incredible aura of arrogance and superiority; and that it is the inconsistency between that and the similar characteristics that you are trying to assign to the Pacific that I am highlighting.

And no, you did not understand my posts. You dismissed them; first as an "an effort to use big words in an angry fashion" and then dismissed them as "based on denial and a warped sense of non-applicable human psychology".

If what I say appears random to you, it is quite obviously because you are not talking to me, but to the image of me inside your brain. You are talking to the person you think is "offended" by your "righteous" and kind suggestions, and since what I am saying has nothing to do with that conversation in your head, it is no wonder you think I'm not addressing the issue at hand.

You are doing exactly what you call psycho-babble is claiming that you are doing. Instead of actually addressing what I say, you use your own beliefs to assign words, ideas and characteristics to me that are simply not there, such as finding "not being arrogant, not bullying because you can, or any of the other fundamental concepts that I listed as something that is offensive to suggest, you quite clearly have a problem.". In the process of trying to find something to counter, you create an argument on my behalf by relying on your beliefs, and then proceed to counter that self-constructed argument, in the process dismissing what I actually say and claiming that I don't understand what you are talking about. You will use any amount of projection and rationalization to come to the conclusion that we are "different" people.

In the end, all you manage to do is show that the character faults you claim we have, are in fact your own.

And the time-machine comment is so damn simple I don't see what it is you can't understand. Time-travel takes you to the past, in the past you can see examples of the behaviour of losers. You don't seem to currently remember them, so looking at it again might help you form a more accurate worldview.

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Nah, I was just asking if that is what you meant. I see that our idea of the intention of the thread disagrees. I don't think that there's any point in arguing a difference of opinion. So, let's just agree to disagree and let things play out. :P

Seeing as I wrote the original draft of this, I think I'd know more about the intent of it than you, or anyone else outside of Invicta and NPO for that matter.

But by quoting me, you do make a response, and bring me back to this thread. And now I will say why I am laughing. Invicta has been a close follower of the NPO for a long time. They meant a lot to you, but um seeing as the way they treated a strong militaristic alliance like TORN, it all came true that they are just looking out for themselves. Now they are desperate because everyone has abandoned them. Who do they go to that will still listen? Invicta. The fact that people like IRON have decided to move on yet you haven't it the reason I am laughing.

Reading comprehension much? Notice that I never said I wouldn't respond, just that I wouldn't make a thought out response.

No you haven't.

Your force tricks will not work on me Sith. :P

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Seeing as I wrote the original draft of this, I think I'd know more about the intent of it than you, or anyone else outside of Invicta and NPO for that matter.

Yes, but it takes less than ten key strokes of a keyboard to deceive and, seeing as I do not see the necessity of this thread, I expect a better reasoning than 'oh, well, we're really awesome amigos *high five guys!!!*' to be honest. I figure you can understand my position.

Edited by Eamon Valda
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@Eamon Valda

Well, since you have an inane need to know *exactly* why this was posted, beyond the obvious reason, to re-affirm a freindship. I'll give you the reason, tinfoil free.

When the NPO's terms included dissolving all military pacts, regardless of their termination clauses, or the will of the other party, some (most) allies saw this as an opportunity to be rid of any relation to the highly unpopular NPO. Whether freinds or not, it is currently most prudent of an alliance not to appear our friends. As well many alliances that would not have approached these previous allies before are hungering to snap up that ally for themselves. Invicta is stating to all parties that they are not going to go down that path, and are still committed to this friendship, not matter it's unpopularity.

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Yes, but it takes less than ten key strokes of a keyboard to deceive and, seeing as I do not see the necessity of this thread, I expect a better reasoning than 'oh, well, we're really awesome amigos *high five guys!!!*' to be honest. I figure you can understand my position.

Nah, I understand your position, though I wish it were different. Not everyone in CN is out to deceive, I hope that era will soon come to a close.

Interesting. This seems close to towing the line of terms. But congrats nonetheless.

I didnt realize that the terms said NPO wasn't allowed to have friends for 6 months, sounds pretty Day Care to me.

"Now sit in the corner by yourself and think about what you've done!"

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Nah, I understand your position, though I wish it were different. Not everyone in CN is out to deceive, I hope that era will soon come to a close.

I hope so too. Perhaps this thread will prove a turning point for a new paradigm. ^_^

@muffasamini: I see your tinfoil hat and raise you a OMG NPO WANTS TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD conspiracy.

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I hope so too. Perhaps this thread will prove a turning point for a new paradigm. ^_^

@muffasamini: I see your tinfoil hat and raise you a OMG NPO WANTS TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD conspiracy.

Cheers =)

And besides, the real reason we're doing this is part of a secret plot for Invicta to take over the world.

>.> Captain Morgan gives me loose lips =P

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What in the world are you people arguing? The statement of friendship or some other nonsense no one on the opposite side of you cares for?

Its the law of cause and effect in CN forum.

[ooc]To put it best, Zeta's Law, "If it has to do with the NPO it will get attacked regardless. In addition, The frequency of the attacking and whining alliance & its members is directly proportional to the fear and hate they carry with them.[/occ]

Edit: Added OOC tags due to the wording of the IC law.

I hope so too. Perhaps this thread will prove a turning point for a new paradigm. ^_^

@muffasamini: I see your tinfoil hat and raise you a OMG NPO WANTS TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD conspiracy.

I see your OMG NPO WANTS TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD conspiracy and raise you a Puppet Master wth.

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/me is very grateful for all of the nice comments people have been giving! <3 <3 <3

It is truly an honor to have NPO as a friend, and to have so many of you who support our friendship.

o/ all you awesome supporters out there \o

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Ok, so you, Pacifica, have a friend and wish to show it off. To me, and perhaps others, pointing this out seems to signal that your are on your way back up the ranks and plan to gain more allies. Not only is this implication in violation of the spirit of the surrender terms, but it does not seem kind in nature. I imagine that is why many people are in an uproar over this declaration. In the end, I really have to question why this was necessary at all, though.

This statement was our idea, not Pacifica's. (Not mine, incidentally.)

They do presumably intend to gain allies once their terms are over. Most alliances have that, apart from the neutrals, and I have not seen any discussions suggest that they intend to cancel on GATO and join the ranks of GPA, TDO and WTF.

This statement doesn't gain them an ally. In fact it contains a specific statement that it is not a treaty, not an alliance, and is intended to keep in line with the surrender terms. What more do you want, really?

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Interesting. This seems close to towing the line of terms. But congrats nonetheless.

VII. The New Pacific Order will immediately cancel and dissolve all treaties with military clauses. The New Pacific Order will not sign any new treaties without the approval of the victorious coalition until these terms end. All cancellation clauses are considered waived.

Most of us thought the intent of that clause was to prevent the NPO from signing any more treaties with military clauses. Apparently that is not the case, but yet this is still not a treaty.

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