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At Long Last, the End of the Karma War


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I would have to say that The Phoenix Federation should be respected for standing next to their ally the New Pacific Order to the very end. Especially when they knew they weren't going to win this war. Very few friends do that for each other.

Very honorable TPF. I'm sure the New Pacific Order will back you up in tough times as well.

Edited by Arwen
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I would have to say that The Phoenix Federation should be respected for standing next to their ally the New Pacific Order to the very end. Especially when they knew they weren't going to win this war. Very few friends do that for each other.

Very honorable TPF. I'm sure the New Pacific Order will back you up in tough times as well.

Yes, this, and other reasons, are why we honour TPF. :)

Edited by Ogden Chichester
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Yes, this, and other reasons, are why we honour TPF. :)

Ogden, you are truly a class act, not to mention an amazing fighter. Guys, he attacked me without nukes after I hit a CCC member, and he simply refused to turtle or die. I just couldn't get him to go away. Considering that he didn't have nukes, he was probably the best I faced all war (that's out of 20 nations).


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I would have to say that The Phoenix Federation should be respected for standing next to their ally the New Pacific Order to the very end. Especially when they knew they weren't going to win this war. Very few friends do that for each other.

Very honorable TPF. I'm sure the New Pacific Order will back you up in tough times as well.

Yeah, this is how it will happen:

TPF will be hit

NPO will send a notice on the forums like "we will not defend TPF, that is all"

After 2 days of incredibly large public scrutiny, NPO will rescind this statement and hit people.


Don't be so quick to take the TPF "*sob sob* WE WERE DEFENDING OUR ALLIES HONORABLY" line for fact. They all betrayed Pacifica when given the chance to earn true glory.

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Like the entire KARMA coalition about how NPO is ebil.

But its all over the overlords took their licks and now we wait.

You really shouldn't mix medications like that. If you do your posts tend not to address the comment you think they do and you end up making no sense at all. Just like you did here.

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Finally, I can get on with getting out of peace and distributing my Billions :P of pesos to our reps. JK.. will be nice to finally get these terms over with so I can finally Retire :D

Glad to see an end.. I had fun with my opponents early on and I'm sorry I wasn't available to share of my Nuked Ribs with more of ya ;)

oo/ MK

oo/ PC (yeah.. i did it.. deal with it :P)

oo/ TPF

oo/ others involved

oo/ our allies :D

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Yeah, this is how it will happen:

TPF will be hit

NPO will send a notice on the forums like "we will not defend TPF, that is all"

After 2 days of incredibly large public scrutiny, NPO will rescind this statement and hit people.


Don't be so quick to take the TPF "*sob sob* WE WERE DEFENDING OUR ALLIES HONORABLY" line for fact. They all betrayed Pacifica when given the chance to earn true glory.

Well, they stayed through the duration of the war while "some" of NPO's other allies bailed out or stepped back and watched the war from the sidelines. "Some" honored their treaties when they knew this wasn't a winning war.

I feel the true test of loyalty and honor comes when you have to make the decision to back up your friends in a losing war. In a losing war you soon find out who your true friends are. Some people are only your friends when it is convenient for them.

Edited by Arwen
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Congratulations on Peace.
PC, FoB, MK, and GR may each relax or drop any of the terms or requirements in this Article on an individual basis by their own discretion.

Weird, I thought that this was obvious. I am curious about the need to write it down in the terms.

Didn't you know standard terms can not be waived? Although it happened all the time before the Karma War, acording to the 18 on the NPO terms, if any alliance waives their "share" of the loot, it gets sent to the others. This spells out that they might be able to get some cash off for good behavior.

They also added a term that state which alliances must be paid by TPF. Again, while not specified in the NPO treaty, it is apparently standard procedure to assume that all reparations must be paid by the surrendering alliance.

I'm glad that by bringing international attention to these issues, the Pacific News Network has done a small part to help make Planet Bob a better place.

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Weird, I thought that this was obvious. I am curious about the need to write it down in the terms.

Didn't you know standard terms can not be waived? Although it happened all the time before the Karma War, acording to the 18 on the NPO terms, if any alliance waives their "share" of the loot, it gets sent to the others. This spells out that they might be able to get some cash off for good behavior.

They also added a term that state which alliances must be paid by TPF. Again, while not specified in the NPO treaty, it is apparently standard procedure to assume that all reparations must be paid by the surrendering alliance.

I'm glad that by bringing international attention to these issues, the Pacific News Network has done a small part to help make Planet Bob a better place.

Or because some of the people writing the terms had to deal with a certain alliance adding things later like that. ;)

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Ogden, you are truly a class act, not to mention an amazing fighter. Guys, he attacked me without nukes after I hit a CCC member, and he simply refused to turtle or die. I just couldn't get him to go away. Considering that he didn't have nukes, he was probably the best I faced all war (that's out of 20 nations).


Thanks Bama. That really means a lot to me. :) It was a pleasure to meet you in combat.

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