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The war has at least set a precedent for white/light terms on such a large scale. Previous wars often gave similar terms to all alliances despite their involvement in the CB. I'd like to think this will remain a trend.

I think it will be interesting where the larger, non-bloc aligned alliances fall into place.

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Whats done is done in regards to the peace terms.

You should know that is never the case. If anything, that is the most drilled in topic of this war. Terms go back to haunt you, usually much more than the war itself.

There are no saints on Planet Bob. This is what I hope people have learned from this war, and to act like one or criticize others only makes you look foolish.

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What did I learn? Well first of all, I learnt that when people say they want to change the world, they only mean for them. That not many want to make things better, they just want revenge.

I learnt that very few alliances will stand by what they say and truly mean it. And that when most alliances sign a treaty, they only do so to protect their own $@! and not for friendship.

I also learnt who I can and cannot trust. I've learnt who our true friends are and those i would willingly lay my nation on the line for.

I also learnt that there are no such thing as second chances, since despite what you may do, people will continue to see what they want to and wont ever try to see you as you are.

I also learnt that having a MP is essential and that trusting people is something that should be spent sparingly.

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I'm going to agree with Steelrat and Srqt on their points here. The political situation may not be as split as the Leage/WUT era, but there is now enough division that no single group could pull off a NoCB war without risking turning a fairly significant force against them. You don't ave to tiptoe around anyone for fear of being smashed because there are plenty of groups in which you can seek safe harbor now, but you can't be a complete asshat either or you risk alienating everyone. No one is completely safe but no one is completely screwed either.

As far as the cynicism regarding trust is unfortunate and, I think, misplaced. The trick isn't to trust no one, but to be selective about it. You need to pick people for which holding your trust is the priority above anything else is in CN. And it needs to be a trait you reciprocate. If there is any situation that you would not support them or in which they wouldn't support you, then your relationship has a major weakness and in all likelihood will probably fail. The way to prevent this is to know your allies. There are something things that a person or group will feel they have to do or cannot do to the point that it will strain even the strongest relationships. Know what these are for your allies. Even if you disagree, these are situations you need to support them if you value the relationship. If you can't do that then you are allied to someone you shouldn't be.

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I learned that most of the people in this game realize it IS a game and range from "meh" to "pretty cool" and the actual cretins are about a 1:25 ratio. Sadly, I also learned that most alliance governments do not have this same ratio of cool:cretin and seem to attract a lot more of the overly worked up types.

I learned it is important to pay attention to what your alliance is doing instead of just logging in, collecting, and logging out. Otherwise you end up saying things like, "Wait, my alliance is offering you WHAT terms? I'm so embarrassed." and "We did WHAT to your alliance? I'm so embarrassed." Having been on both sides of that conversation this war, I urge everyone to lend a moderating voice to your alliance and stay active.

I think a lot of people have learned lessons that changed their viewpoints and conceptions of things, but I don't think they're the people everyone thinks have changed.

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I learned it is important to pay attention to what your alliance is doing instead of just logging in, collecting, and logging out. Otherwise you end up saying things like, "Wait, my alliance is offering you WHAT terms? I'm so embarrassed." and "We did WHAT to your alliance? I'm so embarrassed." Having been on both sides of that conversation this war, I urge everyone to lend a moderating voice to your alliance and stay active.

Sometimes THAT isn't even enough. There are alliances out and about that don't even hear about what happens in those private channels even if they are active members of that alliance. Along that same track, there are even less that get the full accounts of private channel encounters.

Yes be active in your alliance, but also keep those running your alliance accountable for what they do. After all, in this game you can and will be rolled if your alliance leader basically acts a fool.

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I learned nothing from this war that I didn't already know. I had a lot of things I thought were true but couldn't confirm proven correct though I guess. My predictions for warchest consumption which had been laughed at by others many times were proven true and I feel good about that. Really no major surprises though, I was already so jaded by the time were started that none of the power grabbing or propaganda surprised me, some of it did sadden me though.

I learned to be more cynical. Trust nobody, and you'll never be disappointed. I'm not quite at the "believe in nothing" stage though. It'll come.

Good, good Francesca...

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There won´t be any bigger war without what you call watertight CB for about +6months. There is a very fragile balance of power in CN right now and no major force will risk to break it to be found at the wrong end of the food chain.

In the next months the more powerhungry ones will test the water again and again until they think the risk of being annihilated by an unforseeable force is minimized. The question then will be, did they hit the right spot and time and did they estimate correct.

The point is, after this karma war no major force ever can be even sure it plays out as they think. There will be for a long time this last uncertaincy of running into something similar like Karma again. This uncertaincy and the old bounds scattered we will see a multipolar world for quite a long time. This means everybody will walk with socks on the floor to make as less noise as possible or in other words, no one is going to piss off someone else for entertainment only.

No, you are worng, there won't be any bigger war because people are sooo merciful your fool :P


Yeah, I agree with you.

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I learned that hypocrisy and double standards are not bad, they are in fact wonderful things that can earn you billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of tech.

Where is the hypocrisy in the terms you received? Where are the double standards?

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I learned that hypocrisy and double standards are not bad, they are in fact wonderful things that can earn you billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of tech.

From your behavior in previous wars, especially the NoCB war, it's easy to tell this is not something you just recently learned. It's something you've practiced for quite a while. So please stop complaining.

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From your behavior in previous wars, especially the NoCB war, it's easy to tell this is not something you just recently learned. It's something you've practiced for quite a while. So please stop complaining.

Oh yeah, James Dahl sure was a hypocrite during the noCB war. You really got him there. :rolleyes:

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Good post.


Because they kept their word regardless of the circumstances or consequences, because they showed that they would fight to the end even if it was not a curbstomp tech raid, because they actually showed that a treaty with an Mhawk lead TPF is worth something, because they showed that they are true friends even if you think their treaty partners wouldn't have done the same.

That is very respectable.

Showing all the leadership smarts of a turnip as you doom your alliance to defend a despotic government is not something that earns my respect. Keeping your word is nice, but keeping your word that you will sacrifice everything to serve the devil? Not so much.

Glen MoP:

This war also set a precedent that "give us all your tech" isn't just some sort of joke term.

I'm quite happy with the terms against the NPO being used again for the next alliance that griefs the game for two plus years.


You should know that is never the case. If anything, that is the most drilled in topic of this war. Terms go back to haunt you, usually much more than the war itself.

Terms should only come back to haunt you if they were excessive or unjust.

There are no saints on Planet Bob. This is what I hope people have learned from this war, and to act like one or criticize others only makes you look foolish.

No saints? I disagree.


As far as the cynicism regarding trust is unfortunate and, I think, misplaced. The trick isn't to trust no one, but to be selective about it. You need to pick people for which holding your trust is the priority above anything else is in CN. And it needs to be a trait you reciprocate. If there is any situation that you would not support them or in which they wouldn't support you, then your relationship has a major weakness and in all likelihood will probably fail. The way to prevent this is to know your allies. There are something things that a person or group will feel they have to do or cannot do to the point that it will strain even the strongest relationships. Know what these are for your allies. Even if you disagree, these are situations you need to support them if you value the relationship. If you can't do that then you are allied to someone you shouldn't be.

Well said. One great way to make sure you actually have allies is to not have treaties that tie you to both sides of a potential conflict like we saw with multiple alliances in the war. This would, of course, be accomplished by following point #2 in the OP. :)

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I hope that nobody will allow a new hegemony to form, regardless of who is in it. And a new hegemony must be a bad one at that....unjust wars, spying used as a cb, pushing everyone around, using their diplomatic weight, threatening others, using war before diplomacy, using allies as meatshields and backstabbing them at the first sign of trouble, being generally dishonourable and immoral, opportunist, etc.

Edited by Starcraftmazter
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I don't think people ever learn anything in this game. They just end up pulling more dramatic stunts. Which is why we're all still playing. CN is rinseand repeat in war cycles, but hey you have to admit they're getting more interesting and the propaganda better. I think that's the only thing I look forward to in this game, the damn war propaganda.

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Alright, I'll give you Walford. :P

That joke wasn't even funny when it was current...

Anyway, there are some people around here who I think are qualified to criticize because they haven't linked themselves to bad policies and because they have remained consistent on their viewpoints over the years.

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