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An Announcement from the Orange Defense Network

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This thread is complete !@#$%^&* and makes a mockery of what orrple once was. Many of the members may not have been around when orrple was good, but it was. ODN and Legion had an amazing comradery and we considered ourselves as one.

The end of orrple shows the end of one of the best times within the cyberverse, for myself at least. I'd like to think that it will be remembered for what it was, not the petty squabbles it has turned into. It was certainly fun while it lasted.

o/ orrple

Well in the talks there really was no squabbling ODN and Legion are still friends. :) Squabbling comes from troll like folks that have nothing else to do within their alliance but prowl the forums for places to make funny comments :lol1:

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Well in the talks there really was no squabbling ODN and Legion are still friends. :) Squabbling comes from troll like folks that have nothing else to do within their alliance but prowl the forums for places to make funny comments :lol1:

No better place than an ODN thread, and for that we are thankful.

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I cry for this abhorrent announcement and decision. What brought this about deeply saddens and disgusts me.

You did play a significant role in the sad tale of our alliances' growing apart, as in the earlier, happier times. There's enough sadness to go around.

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I cry for this abhorrent announcement and decision. What brought this about deeply saddens and disgusts me.

Like it says in your sig Swampy:

Over three years in CN has taught me one fact: Nothing is forever. The only thing that stays the same is change.

It really is true.

I continue to wish Legion all the best in the future. A harder decision has never before been made than this.

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In our alliance, the general assembly (GA) is the highest authority. The leader is elected by them and all major decisions are brought before them. Another term for this type of government is a republic, or more specifically a representative democracy.

While your post might make sense when referring to some sort of autocratic government, it makes no sense whatsoever in this context. We change our figurehead with relative frequency; however the power remains in the same place.

When's the last time you guys started negotiations for a treaty at the behest of the GA and against the wishes of the Sec Gen?

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This thread is complete !@#$%^&* and makes a mockery of what orrple once was. Many of the members may not have been around when orrple was good, but it was. ODN and Legion had an amazing comradery and we considered ourselves as one.

The end of orrple shows the end of one of the best times within the cyberverse, for myself at least. I'd like to think that it will be remembered for what it was, not the petty squabbles it has turned into. It was certainly fun while it lasted.

o/ orrple

Akasha enjoys taking words right out of my mouth. I am one of those who were around when ORRPLE was great. This thread simply saddens me. I am going to forget this thread and all of the bickering, and instead focus on the memories I have from the glory days of ORRPLE.

o/ ORRPLE. Rest well.

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Really? I thought this was one of the best reasons I've seen in a long time, for cancelling a treaty.

When I cried for this announcement and called it abhorrent, that was an emotional reaction I by no means retract. As for the reasons though, that's more complicated, darlin.

Things finally got to the point where ODN canceled Orrple and Legion couldn't bring itself to accept anything less than a defensive treaty as a place to work from. That tears at my heart. The particular long series of events that pockmark the ineffably vast wheels which turned circumstances to this point--that's what deeply saddens and disgusts, what breaks my heart.

You did play a significant role in the sad tale of our alliances' growing apart, as in the earlier, happier times. There's enough sadness to go around.

And speaking of the long series of events, it's Pingu right on cue with one of the exact unhappy historical references I was making! (Thanks, man.) With enough certainty I can say Purplegate was the moment Orrple was no longer ODN's primary concern, true enough. Pingu, never doubt for a moment that I recognize my role in the unraveling of the relationship. The damage Purplegate did to Orrple is perhaps the effect that saddens me most to this day.

As for the other references, the in the almost 2 years since (my, how time flies!) that relationship has grown more and more strained. Legion likes to bring up the Universalis/Vangaurd conflict where ODN tried to honor two commitments at once, but Legion's own conduct in that war was arguably appalling. (Others can make that argument far more cogently than I, so I'll let them do it in my stead if some Legionnaire really feels like contesting this :rolleyes: ) I think parts of ODN never really understood why Legion felt such commitment to NPO, and somehow the communication for that disjoint was never effective enough (I'm not stating that one as fact, but as a theory I'm hoping someone more informed might either confirm or discredit helpfully.) Admin Almighty knows that just about the entire Cyberverse disagrees with Legion on the nature of that relationship. When the Karma War buildup came around, ODN knew what side it wanted to be on for reasons that aren't the point of this thread or post, and Legion knew where it wanted to be. You guys chose different sides, and it's that simple. You both had your reasons, but Orrple actively broke from its well-established policy of never fighting on opposite sides in a war. When the chips fell, NPO was attacked for a war they started and this time Legion upheld the treaty they should have three years prior. When Legion, IRON, and GGA were attacked, ODN did nothing, as they already stated where they'd be this war.

There are other things I won't bother or bore people with, but that's more what upsets me so much: the bigger picture.

Like it says in your sig Swampy:
Over three years in CN has taught me one fact: Nothing is forever. The only thing that stays the same is change.

It really is true.

I continue to wish Legion all the best in the future. A harder decision has never before been made than this.

You got me there Sunstar. <_< I can't argue with me on that one. Doesn't make it all that much easier to deal with though.

And @ Akasha: seeing you post things I was thinking exactly made me realize how much I miss you and what we had back in the day.

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I'm always right and I do not disappoint. There's a reason ODN is the subject of these snarky remarks and it's not just that nobody likes ODN.

Hiya Kat, your right when you describe ODN as having been flakes, we are sincerely trying to move away from that. Of course i have said many times we are painfully aware that we have a long way to go yet. I think its perfectly clear to anyone who has been paying attention to ODN that the lessons of the past (flaky behaviour, questionable sidestepping of conflicts, etc, etc) is something that has been taken on board.

And snarky is a cute way of describing the incessant barrage we elicit but yeah i know only too well that is not only a case of dislike.

This thread is complete !@#$%^&* and makes a mockery of what orrple once was. Many of the members may not have been around when orrple was good, but it was. ODN and Legion had an amazing comradery and we considered ourselves as one.

The end of orrple shows the end of one of the best times within the cyberverse, for myself at least. I'd like to think that it will be remembered for what it was, not the petty squabbles it has turned into. It was certainly fun while it lasted.

o/ orrple

Did anyone expect anything less?? this is an ODN related announcement afterall which is cue for all and sundry to commence kicking our teeth in...we are somewhat resigned to the fact that such things are part of our routine here on the BB's.

No better place than an ODN thread, and for that we are thankful.

Well at least we have one use :ehm:

I cry for this abhorrent announcement and decision. What brought this about deeply saddens and disgusts me.

Hiya Swampy B)

Edited by Cataduanes
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its a shame to see this happen. best of luck to the both of you in the future.

Also, to the trolls, cant you just leave these guys alone? Isnt it bad enough that they had to get rid of their oldest treaty as well as deal with all the crap from the peanut gallery. May ORPLE Rest in Peace

Edited by the damned
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There was/is a lot of anger in The Legion about ODN's conduct over the last few years. Anyone denying that is being dishonest. I imagine this anger may, on occasion, have been reciprocated. Like two friends who have put up with bad behaviour because of a childhood bond, we decided we could no longer be that tight anymore.

I think that without the false bonds and hopes of Orrple (which has been useless since 2006 and GWiii) that we can reappraise our friendship and come together again.

I, for one, through this thread, have unloaded my poison and feel I can look at ODN fresh, if they will permit our gaze upon them.


Edit: wrong word.

Edited by Hymenbreach
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I, for one, through this thread, have unloaded my poison and feel I can look at ODN fresh, if they will permit our gaze upon them.

That would be something i think any ODNistas would like to see, if out of this venomous thread we can restore something for the future then it will have all been worth it.

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I think parts of ODN never really understood why Legion felt such commitment to NPO,

What's not to understand? It's only the logical thing to do. Look what happened last time the Legion canceled a defensive treaty with the NPO.

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1. There is an ORRPLE Wake, taking place at Pingu's Pub. Feel free to visit.

2. If you have a need, my cultists (i.e. clique) have procured too many bound and gagged virgins for me this week. I could have one sent over.

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Hopefully this will be a wakeup call to ODN membership that their leaders are throwing away the friendships built over time and through blood on the battlefield for their own personal ideologies and irrational conspiracy theories. IRON and Legion were not “pawns” of the NPO. Complicit in their so called atrocities? Sure. But never pawns. And the ODN was never subservient to Legion nor IRON. These have been lies sold to you as propaganda by your leadership to make you complicit in the new dark path they want to lead you down.

Four months ago there were no stronger treaties in the cyberverse then Orrple and the Blood Brothers pact. Legion and IRON would have come to the ODNs defense regardless of who the attacker was, even the NPO. This relationship was years in the making and was so ingrained in our membership that it would be political suicide for a leader in IRON to even suggest taking a different tact. Little did we know that ODNs new leadership was trying to do just that. ?

I am saddened this has worked out the way it has. I wish ODN the best in the future, but I doubt they will ever find the kind of friendship they threw away with IRON and Legion.

Speaking of dark paths, how long till the announcement of ODN joining Frostbite?

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Speaking of dark paths, how long till the announcement of ODN joining Frostbite?

Don't even joke about that. We (NSO, at least) Frostbite members take our commitments very seriously. The likes of the ODN have no place among us.

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Its very sad to see this day come about, though I must say I give it a expected/10. For being here since before GWIII, I couldn't imagine what the Legion would be like without our orrple brothers, and I hope that like the brothers we are, we can reconcile our ways and meet up down the road. I feel this is a needed catharsis, needed in that without it, forming a stronger bond in the future would be futile.

Also, Hai Swampy :D

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Don't even joke about that. We (NSO, at least) Frostbite members take our commitments very seriously. The likes of the ODN have no place among us.

I'm all sad now. This news throws our foreign affairs strategy into total disarray.

OverCaffeinated, the argument you make about leadership going where the GA did not wish to or should not have gone applies very aptly to the ending of the treaty with NpO, as has been rehashed many times over here and elsewhere. It does not apply in the case of IRON or Legion - in both cases there was a very fierce, heartfelt debate among the GA and government. Neither decision was taken lightly, and neither was taken without full respect to the (sometimes tortuous) democratic process.

skrewer - I very much hope you are right, that this sad moment may prove to be a cathartic rather than final break, and allow something new and healthy to grow in future.

Walker - could you please instruct your cultists to behave themselves?

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