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Poaching from our ranks- NSO

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We don't do it. That should give you a clue about where my alliance stands on the issue. I personally don't see it as a reason to go to war.

Not doing it doesn't mean you do or do not condone it. And if it's not an aggressive attack against the sovereignty of an alliance then what do you consider it to be? And if you do it consider it to be an aggressive attack against the sovereignty of an alliance, how do you not see it as a reason to go to war?

I may have missed your response as I went to lunch, but I scanned the pages since this and haven't seen on ES. Would you mind addressing it for me? Thanks

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I think many people here are assuming that if an alliance does not get involved in world politics or isolates itself from all conflicts, then it has no use. I see some people arguing that neutral alliances won't lose much from being poached since they are not involved in world events. That's not true. As strange is it might sound, some people actually enjoy building up their nations. For the first 3 or 4 months of my participation in CN, all I cared about was the growth of my nation. CN politics meant nothing for me. So if the members of TDO do not care about politics, then they have a right to pursue whatever else makes them happy. Just because they care about the growth of their alliance does not mean they serve no function. Just because they don't derive their happiness from the destruction of other nations does not mean they are wimps who deserve to have their members stolen. Ultimately, this game is supposed to be fun. If alliance scores are fun for some people, then everybody should respect that.

Disclaimer: I may have made some errors or mistakes due to my newbiness to CN politics. All efforts to correct those mistakes shall be appreciated!

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Then how do you explain the insults against my alliance? Was this a simple recruitment PM?

The respect you show others is the respect you show yourself. At least in my mind. And you show none.

Edit: for the record: your assumptions are correct. No one left our alliance, and if they will they will certainly not go to NSO. What are you trying to accomplish here?

You further insult yourself by bawwwing here rather than actually standing up for yourself.

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I think the definition of neutrality has become seriously twisted in the last few years

Neutrality =/= Please don't hurt me

TDO deliberately doesn't choose sides in the major game politics, however I expect they would defend themselves if attacked head on and am not surprised that they have taken the stance they have.

NSO has twisted the tigers tail and may find it has bitten off more than it can chew

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I think many people here are assuming that if an alliance does not get involved in world politics or isolates itself from all conflicts, then it has no use. I see some people arguing that neutral alliances won't lose much from being poached since they are not involved in world events. That's not true. As strange is it might sound, some people actually enjoy building up their nations. For the first 3 or 4 months of my participation in CN, all I cared about was the growth of my nation. CN politics meant nothing for me. So if the members of TDO do not care about politics, then they have a right to pursue whatever else makes them happy. Just because they care about the growth of their alliance does not mean they serve no function. Just because they don't derive their happiness from the destruction of other nations does not mean they are wimps who deserve to have their members stolen. Ultimately, this game is supposed to be fun. If alliance scores are fun for some people, then everybody should respect that.

Disclaimer: I may have made some errors or mistakes due to my newbiness to CN politics. All efforts to correct those mistakes shall be appreciated!

Don't forget they are a valuable source of tech.

Then again, getting their ANS decreased more would result in more tech deals.

Then again again, probably only NSO and their allies would see any of that tech.

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I think the definition of neutrality has become seriously twisted in the last few years

Neutrality =/= Please don't hurt me

TDO deliberately doesn't choose sides in the major game politics, however I expect they would defend themselves if attacked head on and am not surprised that they have taken the stance they have.

NSO has twisted the tigers tail and may find it has bitten off more than it can chew

i would give it another week max to happen mainly because i can assume GPA & TDO dont have there nukes maxed out and probably dont have very large war chests but we will see how this unravels im rooting for Neutrals though and if they dont stand up for themselves here they might as well draw a target on there back for the next hegemony.

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It is somewhat funny that several alliances have come out of the woodwork after I have posted that this was done in poor taste to lament the horrible actions of the NSO and basically threaten my alliance with war over something that has absolutely nothing to do with them.


It is also funny that some would claim that we "backed down" once certain parties started weighing in against our position, when that is absolutely false and in error. I don't give a damn about your opinions.

If you are so adamant that our actions constitute an act of war then you know what you can do about it. Otherwise mind your own business.

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You further insult yourself by bawwwing here rather than actually standing up for yourself.

In fairness Ive seen more NSO members upset that their blunder has been so openly criticized than what you say is TDO and others complaining. Neutrals dont tend to stand up for themselves, thats why they get targeted. Im surprised that NSO actually did this, its pretty funny to see that this bumble$%&@ was authorized by what many consider to be a legend followed up by NSO membership going through all the effort of justifying itself to OWF which "doesnt matter".

People went to the darkside because you offered them cookies; no one said they were stolen off hippies. Hippy cookies are no good at all...

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When you do your chest thumping do you start with the left hand or the right? We get it, you guys want to roll NSO. Spare us the badly worded veiled threats.

I have no interest in war with NSO

However I find the recruiting that started this classless thing to do

I wouldn't expect any alliance, yet alone one of TDO's size to put up with it

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I still dont get what you were trying to achieve. You certainly didnt help the position of your alliance. Did you try to break a general CN convention? If yes, then you failed and got yourself some bad PR on the way.

You certainly didnt actually want to get new members, so i assume it was just done out of boredom. Then thanks for passing our time, it was delightful.

Or maybe this just didnt turn out as expected and now you are trying to backpedal while making it look like you're not trying to backpedal.

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It is somewhat funny that several alliances have come out of the woodwork after I have posted that this was done in poor taste to lament the horrible actions of the NSO and basically threaten my alliance with war over something that has absolutely nothing to do with them.


It is also funny that some would claim that we "backed down" once certain parties started weighing in against our position, when that is absolutely false and in error. I don't give a damn about your opinions.

If you are so adamant that our actions constitute an act of war then you know what you can do about it. Otherwise mind your own business.

Or maybe they feel that your post was more of a hidden insult to TDO and continue to post said threats?

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When you do your chest thumping do you start with the left hand or the right? We get it, you guys want to roll NSO. Spare us the badly worded veiled threats.

Isn't it great how people react? Automatically get mad rather than see an opportunity.

If only war would break out. That would complete this.

If I cut my hair, hawaii will sink.

So I'll go nuke rogue if war breaks out because of this.

For realz.

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I still dont get what you were trying to achieve. You certainly didnt help the position of your alliance. Did you try to break a general CN convention? If yes, then you failed and got yourself some bad PR on the way.

You certainly didnt actually want to get new members, so i assume it was just done out of boredom. Then thanks for passing our time, it was delightful.

Or maybe this just didnt turn out as expected and now you are trying to backpedal while making it look like you're not trying to backpedal.

I believe it is obvious they were attempting to change a CN convention and that they have failed - where it goes from here is up to TDO

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Ive fought and nuked some neutrals in my time, blasted them openly for their incompetence here on OWF and had a ball in doing so. Ive never though sent recruitment messages to members of other alliances though, that really takes some gall or incompetence.

LMAO, blowing the hell out of a neutrals nation is A-OK with you, sending a neutral a inflammatory recruitment message isn't?

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Heft...you used to run IRON. Corinan, you were in NPO Gov. I assume you guys didn't have the same attitude towards poaching from neutrals back then did you?

And Doppelganger and Viktor both spent time in various government positions as well. For shame.

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I wasnt directly talking to you, actually.

But since you were kind enough to read quite a lot onto what I had said, I feel the moral obligation to further explain it to you.

Mr. de Snouza, I didn't read in anything other than the literal meaning of the words you wrote. I suggest you take this approach in future with my posts and others, and apparently even your own. This will prevent you from embarrassing yourself further as you did so the first time you attempted to apply your keen intellect to my analogy, and as you have done so below.

Here's your analogy:

Notice that you imply that beating a weaker guy would have no consequences, or less consequences than beating a stronger guy.

I never implied anything of the sort.

Here's what I said:

I never said "by the same person" and I thought it was pretty clear that I reffered to that person's friends, given that I went out of my way to say that no one is neutral in prison.

One more reason why your analogy does not apply.

Next time you feel like going out of your way, try not to go so far. I think you got lost.

Edited by Sal Paradise
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