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Poaching from our ranks- NSO

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That was the old CN, this is the new "fun" CN.

Has anything really changed?

Those that wish to escalate this into something more and have decided to come here crying can get a tissue from me if they want but that is about it.

Do you sign them or not? If yes, can I get one :P

The only people attempting to start a war in this thread are those that are pushing to manufacture a recruitment message into a casus belli. If I wanted to start a war I would pick a target and declare such.

Wouldn't it be more of a Sith way to manipulate people into a war...

A large fraction of CN haven't actually thought critically on the issue and are just going by what a few others say. Given enough time to debate the issue, peoples' minds can and will change. If you don't believe me, I'll refer you to the case of Vox Populi v. Hegemony. :P

How would you respond if they'd do it to your alliance?

It does matter because the OP claimed that NSO said as much, when they never have. It's a lie.

Not really the thing I was pointing out. I was pointing out that it doesn't really matter if NSO considers their actions an act of war or not. It's up to TDO to decide.

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The timing of the post is immaterial - the content of the post is what really matters. Again, what TDO said in the original post was at best a confused misrepresentation of what is going on and at worst a blatant lie meant to decieve the rest of you as a group.

I used to find your posts intelligent and respectful. This one however is not either. You should probably stop trying to perpetuate your own lies that you think is the truth.

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Like I said, if both parties think its cool, then its cool. If you feel you have been treated with respect, then I guess neutral drama dies in a day and we're back to NPO Terms drama.

Don't let it die. NPO Terms drama is so last season. I hate the reruns. :D

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Without having read this thread in its entirety (I just woke up and don't feel like wading through 29 pages) but having the relevant background knowledge I can only say that I condemn something as reckless and imprudent as attempting to recruit from other alliances' ranks, even if said alliances are neutral. Poor showing, NSO.

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Actually, from what I have been told an apology has already been issued to certain parties that recognized this for what it was, a stunt that was admittedly in poor taste for the current political climate, but a stunt just the same.

Those that wish to escalate this into something more and have decided to come here crying can get a tissue from me if they want but that is about it.

This is a common debate tactic... stir up trouble as the aggressor, and then play the white knight card to spin the entire situation making yourself look like the good guy. That way, if trouble comes your way you can tell everyone you weren't at fault, when in fact the situation started from actions of your taking.

Just wanted to point that out for people who didn't notice.

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EDIT: Apology (sort of, kind of) happened while I drafted a masterwork wall of text. Sigh. It would have cured cancer, and I even complimented ES's valiant use of his renowned spin skills for an ally, but it is now deleted as OBE. All except for this:

As an aside, I wonder how eager NSO would be to work on this diplomatically if they weren't facing CN-wide outrage, some fairly threatening statements by Grämlins, MHA support and all manner of bad PR. I suspect they would instead continue to go with the whole "strong dominate the weak" and "peace is a lie" thing.

Edited by gfloyd2002
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I wonder how many NSO recruitment messages reached TOP, Umbrella, Gramlins et al?

Or does NSO only poach from alliances that will think twice about kicking them into the dust or those that lack the ability to do so?

Im really feeling the passion that NSO so often refers to in this thread; pity logic and common sense are riding shotgun to it :rolleyes:

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I wonder how many NSO recruitment messages reached TOP, Umbrella, Gramlins et al?

Or does NSO only poach from alliances that will think twice about kicking them into the dust or those that lack the ability to do so?

Im really feeling the passion that NSO so often refers to in this thread; pity logic and common sense are riding shotgun to it :rolleyes:

I'm going to go ahead and say that NPO...I mean NSO...only sent messages to those alliances they could toy with. After all, trying to recruit non-neutral alliances may result in more than a stern talking to.

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I'm going to go ahead and say that NPO...I mean NSO...only sent messages to those alliances they could toy with. After all, trying to recruit non-neutral alliances may result in more than a stern talking to.

oh damnz, did you just said it!? Another one of 'Koz NPO did it!'

"strong dominate the weak"

Yes, seems thats what just happened, but to NSO.

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I wonder how many NSO recruitment messages reached TOP, Umbrella, Gramlins et al?

Or does NSO only poach from alliances that will think twice about kicking them into the dust or those that lack the ability to do so?

Im really feeling the passion that NSO so often refers to in this thread; pity logic and common sense are riding shotgun to it :rolleyes:

Hehe good point, seems like the "dark side" is afraid of glowing.

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I'm going to go ahead and say that NPO...I mean NSO...only sent messages to those alliances they could toy with. After all, trying to recruit non-neutral alliances may result in more than a stern talking to.

This is more or less what I've been saying since the fifth page or so. It is not impressive to toy with alliances that you already know won't do anything about it. I'm not saying that NSO is attempting to impress anybody, but rather that the, "OMG ballsy move" crowd should find something better to do with their time. Fortunately, most of that talk has subsided.

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Ah, the fickle outrage of the OWF. It strikes so much fear into me, it does! As much as I didn't take their praise to heart when they saw us on their side in the last war, I do not care much for the sentiment of the Peanut Gallery.

And in comes Bill n ted, the utmost example of "empowerment by Hegemony", with absurd criticism. Of all people... He has never dared to do anything of this sort, you know. He has been fairly quiet now that his big brothers are gone. I await his exploits with great anticipation, even when I have this feeling I will be - as usual - sorely disappointed.

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By the way, is this the Grämlins DoS for TDO?

Lets just say TDO has been good friends with us for a long time so to answer your question just let NSO try something and you will find out ^_^

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So I haven't read the entire thread...has the apology demand accepted? If it hasn't till now, I'd be bit surprised if it came at all then.

What cards does neutral menace has to play?

I'm enjoying the change from the peanut gallery :lol1:

The Aqua one

By the way, is this the Grämlins DoS for TDO?

It was my personal DoS.

I will restrain further comments on this issue. Just let me say, i don´t know what NSO or more specific Ivan thought, for now i see it as testing the water, maybe there is more behind it, maybe not. Time will tell.


Fixed NOS in NSO

Edited by Steelrat
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Ah, the fickle outrage of the OWF. It strikes so much fear into me, it does! As much as I didn't take their praise to heart when they saw us on their side in the last war, I do not care much for the sentiment of the Peanut Gallery.

And in comes Bill n ted, the utmost example of "empowerment by Hegemony", with absurd criticism. Of all people... He has never dared to do anything of this sort, you know. He has been fairly quiet now that his big brothers are gone. I await his exploits with great anticipation, even when I have this feeling I will be - as usual - sorely disappointed.

His criticism is still valid, you wouldn't dare doing what you did to a well connected alliance.

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oh damnz, did you just said it!? Another one of 'Koz NPO did it!'

No, I think he was pretty much implying that NSO was acting in a manner similar to the way NPO did before they got blown up, and that continuing on this path was likely to lead to a similar ending.

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Just for everyone's information, Ramneta and JesterXO do not speak for the entire TDO senate, and therefore whether or not we view what was said to be an acceptable apology has not been decided yet.

MY opinion- I think it is the same old "we did it, get over it, we won't continue the campaign, now shut up" that we got the first time, and considering the immense disrespect that we have received throughout the entire process, I'm looking for something with much more respect and sincerity. You tell another alliance that what you did was wrong and kiss their butts because they have allies. Then, you tell us you were not wrong and that if we don't like it, we can kiss your rears- because you stopped recruiting from us for now. That doesn't seem like an apology at all to me.

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Lets just say TDO has been good friends with us for a long time so to answer your question just let NSO try something and you will find out ^_^

I am a big fan of this post.

Also, it seems to resonate with how NSO's been playing the game lately "Do something about it".

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