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Imperial Decree from the New Pacific Order

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Hey Moo, remember when you asked TDSM8 to pay more reps than we had? Remember when you changing the terms and holding us demilitarized for 6 months killed our alliance? Remember when you asked Athens for 6/7 of their tech? Remember when you held GATO in a viceroy for a year? Remember when you perma warred FAN? Remember all the people you forced out of this game? Remember all the homes you destroyed? Shut the $%&@ up. You are playing a pity boat when you deserve none. Im so sick of you guys trying to act like you deserve any better than this.

Did anyone ever answer this?


Don't expect me to support your cause anymore, Karma. Loading pile of BS you are.

When did you ever support it?

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Yeah well I like the old Nordreich.

Yeah, well, I don't care what you think. Grab your Kleenex and continue sniffling. You have a lot of people enjoying this right now.

As a PR maneuver, this thread has a GGA-like quality to it. And, like the GGA, you guys just don't get it.

So please....continue.

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I do not have time to read through 72 pages.

Moo, Mary, Cortath, Vektor, noob, etc:

1) I like how you guys removed the Moldavi doctrine at the beginning of this post. It was a good attempt to get people to feel some pity for Pacifica. I'll give it to you, you guys are masters at propaganda and spin.

2) As my comrades have stated earlier in this thread, we hold that you can definitely pay these reps within 6 months, as they have been presented to you. I think one count was 54 nations, and Cortath, you presented us your numbers assuming that our wars would be 100% efficient, claiming only 40 afterwords would be able to pay. Even with your calculations, and noting the definite mistakes that would be made, 54 and the 6 months is not unreasonable at all.

3) OOC: My apologies for last night, my stomach was sick something awful. Damn food poisoning.

EDIT: 4) This is the one I forgot. Thanks for giving Londo here all the damn credit. :(

Edited by Smooth
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Right but to try and take the moral high ground in doing so? That's irresponsible.

I, unlike the members of the Karma Coalition who you accuse of hypocrisy, have never participated in a roll, never chased players through EZI, and have never enjoyed the benefits of being allied to your greedy and destructive alliance. So yes, I'll take the goddamn moral high ground.

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Yeah, well, I don't care what you think. Grab your Kleenex and continue sniffling. You have a lot of people enjoying this right now.

As a PR maneuver, this thread has a GGA-like quality to it. And, like the GGA, you guys just don't get it.

So please....continue.

I personally don't see any whining on the NPO's part. We are merely stating the terms are unfair and we would rather remain in the current state of war over accepting the terms.

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All im saying is I have never seen an alliance cry so hard about being "wronged" ever. I'v been in an alliance that had to take some really really harsh terms from you guys. We really didnt cry that much.

Not as harsh as these. Try again.

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I, unlike the members of the Karma Coalition who you accuse of hypocrisy, have never participated in a roll, never chased players through EZI, and have never enjoyed the benefits of being allied to your greedy and destructive alliance. So yes, I'll take the goddamn moral high ground.

also you're from the Moralist Front :o

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Were you not once part of the NPO? Isn't it hypocritical to throw stones at what you once were a part of?

That is correct, I was a member in July 06 during the First Great War for a week before I went to help form GOONS. So I wasn't really involved in any of NPO's crimes, and I've been on the losing side for far longer than I was ever winning. I also applied in July 08 in an attempt to help with the destruction of the NpO. I withdrew my application at the request of a powerful member of NPO with whom I had had some issues in the past. I won't go into specifics.

Edited by Sandwich Controversy
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I, unlike the members of the Karma Coalition who you accuse of hypocrisy, have never participated in a roll, never chased players through EZI, and have never enjoyed the benefits of being allied to your greedy and destructive alliance. So yes, I'll take the goddamn moral high ground.

Profanity is not necessary.

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Yeah, well, I don't care what you think. Grab your Kleenex and continue sniffling. You have a lot of people enjoying this right now.

As a PR maneuver, this thread has a GGA-like quality to it. And, like the GGA, you guys just don't get it.

So please....continue.

I'll stop crying when you do.

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I personally don't see any whining on the NPO's part. We are merely stating the terms are unfair and we would rather remain in the current state of war over accepting the terms.

Really? The whole "OMG we cant possibly pay that many reps if you destroy us!!" or the "WTF you attacked us during peace talks!!!!" thread

I see lots of whining.

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I would like to publicly express my full support to our leadership for their decision here. I am sure it is hard to negotiate with this level of blind bitter hate, as well as fear, materializing in impossible surrender terms, but stay strong.

You know there is couple of hundred nations that have your back and we know you will not let us down by accepting impossible clauses.

Stand tall and brave.

Its the only way we know how to stand. You know that,...

Yet again, I believe you miss the main point I was bringing up. All our records are tarnished in some way or another, but you are being held accountable for everyone's.

Black and white world. Makes things easier for many people.

Haters keep on hating. Also fear, cancer of the soul.


Edited by Branimir
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It's called the NoV-Continuum War. NPO was part of the Continuum.

Nope....they had no part in it at all....

Hey, they were just giving moral support to their good friends FOK, Grämlins and Sparta who actually fought in it. :awesome:

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Lets review..

Pre war NS of NPO: 24K estimated

Current NS of NPO: 6k - 7k estimated

Total lost strength: 75%+

Anyone who is saying we have not this war, is an outright liar because I'm sure that NS just magically vanished because admin came in and took it away. Saying we haven't fought or tried is pure propaganda and false.

Wanting to destroy the reamining 6k is simply wanting to make it impossible for us to recover.

Yeah, that would be like....I dont know...prosecuting a 2 year war against a beaten and demilitarized alliance. What kind of monster would do that? Surely not the benevolent NPO.

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I'll stop crying when you do.

Who's crying? I'm laughing like hell and spitting in your face while you lie broken and beaten.

My alliance is not at war with yours. However, your alliance has stated that it is at war with me.

And look at me, so terrified of mighty Pacifica that I've (justifiably) called your precious Emperor a bald-faced liar and have twice called for your alliance to 'put up or shut up' with regard to my EZI status.

Crying, indeed.

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