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Number of Alliances in your CN "career"



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I've been in 7 alliances in under 2 years.

The longest, being Valhalla (Currently there for 8.5 months)

Shortest, Invicta (First alliance that recruited me, there for 2 days)

I was in alliances typically for 3 months before I left other then Invicta. :)

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ASC - 4 months, left to form my own alliance, that lasted around a month and a half, remerged into ASC, ASC for another 6 months - We merged into RoK and I was there for about 13 months. Left, currently in application process. So really it's 2 in a little over 2 years, but I guess 4? Seems like a lot either way.

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TTK for a little over a year then i moved to Valhalla been here almost a year.

Alliance hoppers are bad imo how can you trust them to be there when the chips are down. I dont think you can put a number to it but base it on a case by case situation.

A couple of people mentioned this, and since I have been in 8 alliances, I take a little issue with it.

I fought a war in NPO and left only after peace was declared and all aid was paid back

I fought a war in LUE and left only after peace was declared and all aid was paid back

I saw BoSS through it's becoming part of GOLD

I was premiere of GOLD and bled for it

I left CON on good terms and not in the lurch

I left ODN on good terms and not in the lurch

I went to ZI for Vox

I have been nuked numerous times for MK

Still think I will run out on you?

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Think you have the wrong guy. Don't recall committing treason, betraying anyones trust or failing any obligations :3

Unfortunately I had to watch GOONS die from the sideline. Even then I doubt I'd have ever been accepted D:

Oh LJ you silly goose :awesome:
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NADC, Vox, Cult of Justitia.

I choose not to include the few micro-alliances I joined when I began playing in June 2006. Although I remember briefly carrying the 'Cross-X Alliance' AA, most were nothing-alliances I was too noob to know any better.

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My first nation was created in the Aftermath of the /b/ombing. Started in LIH, that became the Intellegentsia, then I gave up and quit.

This time around, I've only been in OMFG. I'm coming up on a year in the alliance, and I couldn't be happier.

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Think you have the wrong guy. Don't recall committing treason, betraying anyones trust or failing any obligations :3

I seem to recall this :

I, LJ Scott, aka Lewis Scott, of the Republic of Jutland, swear that upon returning to the Order of the Paradox I shall not commit the stupid decision of leaving again. I wish to spend the rest of my time in CN here with you, my CN family. Although at some point we may have our differences, I shall always apologise where I have wronged and forgive my brethern and seek forgiveness of those I have harmed. In the event of me trying to leave I will pay TOP 2000 tech and $120m. This number is a number chosen by me, and reflects more than I am worth. Also I will save TOP the trouble of ZI'ing me by selling off all of my infrastructure and destroying all my improvements and wonders. I hope this shows how much I wish to come back to TOP. If accepted I shall include this oath in my sig as a constant reminder of the measures I am willing to take to return to my CN family. I ask for nothing more than a second chance. I will understand if you do not wish to give it to me, but I hope you do.


Lewis Scott

Source? Hell yes I can source this


Not that we ever expected you to follow that oath. This should not be seen as low expectations of LJ, but rather that it was fully unnecessary move to regain membership in TOP.

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I seem to recall this :

Source? Hell yes I can source this


Not that we ever expected you to follow that oath. This should not be seen as low expectations of LJ, but rather that it was fully unnecessary move to regain membership in TOP.

This is PB, this is [ooc] Cybernations [/ooc], do you really think people are going to follow that oath? Do you think a bunch of random words strung together only to appease the alliance you're applying to are going to hold a person there? Please.

And nice reps you accepted from one person. Very, very honourable there, TOP. No problem accepting that, at that time?

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What Cata said. Been in three alliances, but primarily the LSF. Was in OIN for a bit, and went back and joined LSF on the eve of the war against NoV, and then there's the short CPCN stay too.

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I've been in 11 alliances throughout my CN career.

AOD Brigade (1 month)

Valhalla (5 Months)

UPN (4 Months)

DefCon (3 Months)

GR (1 Week)

iFOK (1 Week)

Zenith (1 Week)

Vox (1 Week and 1 Day I flew the AA)

NSO (6 Days)

Vanguard (1 Month)

IAA (1 Month)

I don't feel uncomfortable with people who've had more than 5 alliances, I mean, it's only natural that you look for the right place to stay happy. I've been happy only four times to be honest -- UPN, iFOK and Vanguard... and more recently, IAA. I made the decision I'll stick with IAA. No matter what. :v:

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This is PB, this is [ooc] Cybernations [/ooc], do you really think people are going to follow that oath? Do you think a bunch of random words strung together only to appease the alliance you're applying to are going to hold a person there? Please.

And nice reps you accepted from one person. Very, very honourable there, TOP. No problem accepting that, at that time?

Is that sarcasm?

We have never required an oath, besides following the charter, of course. LJ made it by his own will. We even told him beforehand that putting such tough terms on yourself is unnecessary but he absolutely insisted. When he left again, we never tried to ask for those reps.

Look trough the other application on that old forum or Newer ones and see no one has made any similar oath or an oath at all for that matter.

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I went from Oceanic Entente then took a break (boot camp) and came back and went to MK, which I shortly left for the reformation of Tetris. When Tetris disbanded, I went to RoK and have been there since except for a short stint as a Triumvir in our former protectorate Eclipse (which is also disbanded).

So 5 for me

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/b/, NAAC, Oceana, Mushroom Kingdom, Siberian Tiger Alliance, ShinRa Corporation and /A\nother /A\lliance.

I guess that makes six seven alliances, but I've been playing since the middle of 2006. Now that I'm back where I belong, though, I don't intend to do any more hopping.

EDIT: I almost forgot STA.

Edited by Ebony Wings
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GATO (6-7 Months)

LoSS (1.5 Months)

VE (4 Months)

Obsidian Entente (Less then a week )): GOONS )): )

Oceanic Entente (2 Months)

Mostly Harmless Alliance (7 Months)

Royal Dominion ( Less then a Week )

Viridian Entente ( 3 Months)

Mostly Harmless Alliance ( 12 Months)

New Polar Order ( 6 Months)

8 Alliances, over way too long.

Edited by Remaliat
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