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The funniest people in CN


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Hizzy is probably the best drive-by comedian. For sheer incredulity and 'what the hell are you on about laughs', anyone in the Pacifican propaganda department, but Vladimir and Vengashii can fight it out between them for that medal.

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Joey Thorne was really funny. His finesse was trolling meltdown threads or parting threads from people who were not leaving. "That's a shame" or "Don't go away mad, just go away" are classic Thorne one-liners. Sir Paul, can't believe he's not been mentioned more. Doitzel, Lord Valentine and Schattenmann from Vox.

Stumpy and Hizzy from the "new" ones. Heft has a good grasp of irony. That's enough for now.

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Even though I havent been here as long as a lot of you, electron sponge has some pretty good one liners in the near year i've been playing the game. Actually, just about all the Vox posters have made me lol at one time or another, more then most others.

I guess given thier situation (until recently) a good sense of humor was required.

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As far as alliance leadership, I have to say Mpol ES and Ivan all strike me as funny in their own right. Mpols announcements are the best, Ivan and ES when they step down from their pedastals can make me laugh a lot. For example Ivan's return topic I was very amused by. ES has his moments as well, though his moments tend to be more in the "evil dictator" fashion, and not really comedic fashion.

Schatterman gets points for TWIP as an entertaining writer and propaganda writer all around.

Most others tend to be more funny on IRC, or alliance forums, than on the public forums, which I don't think should qualify anybody. Anyone who wins should win based on what they have done in front of the mass public eye, not in private.

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more love for new mods please

Not a problem, Even Star gets my vote..

In regards to this post my colleagues and I do apologize for any offense we may have caused the community, however only in the most sheltered minds is the word "penis" considered offensive. It's human anatomy with the most correct term used, for the record I do consider the publicity we attracted as good publicity only the group of degenerates I hang with could have gotten there own sticky, were quite proud :P
Sexual references have no justified place in this game. Your attitude towards my warning concerns me. Be advised that if you continue to ignore the rules you will find yourself banned.
Edited by Freelancer
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Sweetmofugginjay (his "anarchied" photoshops are the best)

Good Master Hakai (Oh boy, he's funny)

Schattenman (twip, enough said)

mpol777 (the usual reasons)

Those are my nominations.

Oh wow, I had almost forgotten Sweet. That dude was hilarious. Too bad he was a Florida fan.

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