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Re: Valhalla

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Mark my words cloud, WE WOULD HAVE PAID to have you as a target so don't think you scared us. Our resources were needed elsewhere as you guys were covered.

And you wonder why I say the s**t I say.

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Did you seriously just say MK can't fight? Are you seriously that ignorant?

How long have you been playing this game, WC?

The staggering levels of individual ignorance displayed one these forums over the years should make you de-sensitized to the absurdity of it by now.

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Goodness, then that means Polar will be ready to put CN under it's jackboot shortly. THE PENGUINS ARE COMING! THE PENGUINS ARE COMING!


What does the New Polar Order have to do with any of my points...?
To AirMe and the harsh terms coalition:

There is nothing stopping you from declaring war and imposing your will. Simply hack through the 8 alliances protecting Valhalla and let your will be done. Let nothing stand in the way of your revenge!


Sir Paul

Oh look everyone! A return of the "If you don't like it, then do something about it" talking point!
Maybe I am just masochistic, but I would relish a chance to fight Valhalla once more. They were good fighters and good sports and I thoroughly enjoyed losing all my infra, land, tech and everything else to them. Sorry, maybe we will cripple them next time to please the other half of the game, ok?
You say that now.
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Mark my words cloud, WE WOULD HAVE PAID to have you as a target so don't think you scared us. Our resources were needed elsewhere as you guys were covered.

Well hopefully airme, one day in the future you will get your shot..

and well hopefully i will get to laugh at your failure.

and honestly maybe you should have paid to come get us.. you coulda kicked us while we were down.. thats the only thing your good for anyways..

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While I agree it's fun to have an enemy around, I still can't believe you slapped in the face everyone else who's been punished by valhalla in the past. Why in the world name this coalition karma then?

Because Valhalla got stomped?

Seriously, it's literally hilarious to see all of you cry over Valhalla not getting reps. We exacted punishment on them. We decided their fate.

We decided not to become them, to show who we are. Apparently, though, a lot of you envied Valhalla and wished you could emulate them.

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Im so cool I'm replying to you twice. I am in no way advocated asking them for 84,000 tech like you guys asked of MK. Those were fair terms? Right SirPaul? Im not asking for overly harsh terms but seriously....too light in regards to this alliance.

Airme, this isn't about Valhalla; this is about OV spying on the Order and the Order defending its sovereignty. Valhalla, as a treaty partner of the Order, defended that sovereignty to the best of their ability and has now exited that conflict. If you want to take revenge on Valhalla for doing something bad to you, then the Mushroom Kingdom needs to either send a diplomatic team to Valhalla and get resolve or declare war upon Valhalla if you demand satisfaction.

As your PIAT partner, I must inform you that Valhalla is being defended for the next 90 days by a strong coalition and I would hold of on any military action until 90 days have expired.

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If you're referring to the BAPS/TDSM8 thing, you are aware this is one of the primary driving forces that got noWedge removed from power, right?

Oh I'm sure. I'm also aware that it was outside forces, not Valhalla itself, that stopped him there. And that even then we were forced to deal with terms of escaping that insanity (a forum inspection and after that my perma-ZI topping the list).

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Did you seriously just say MK can't fight? Are you seriously that ignorant?

I like to look at it this way: we're kicking TPF's behind. Obviously such a militarily inept alliance taking TPF down must speak volumes about the ability of Valhalla's "BFF" :lol1:

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You've made it quite clear you don't want Valhalla to recover, I suggest you re-read your posts. Your entire argument centers around the fact that Valhalla CAN recover from these terms, as "STA grew under harsher terms then these"...so where is this middle ground you speak of but don't display a desire to find? Slap them with some mild reps?

Some form of reparations would have been sufficient to slow down their growth and some sort of acknowledgement of past wrongs and an intent to change that attitude in future. If rebuilding is not an issue why ban outside aid? Why not aid them yourselves?

I really do love how you lot treat the people screwed over by these alliances over the past 18-24 months as the bad guys now. Enjoy your big old pile of smug.

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Airme, this isn't about Valhalla; this is about OV spying on the Order and the Order defending its sovereignty. Valhalla, as a treaty partner of the Order, defended that sovereignty to the best of their ability and has now exited that conflict. If you want to take revenge on Valhalla for doing something bad to you, then the Mushroom Kingdom needs to either send a diplomatic team to Valhalla and get resolve or declare war upon Valhalla if you demand satisfaction.

As your PIAT partner, I must inform you that Valhalla is being defended for the next 90 days by a strong coalition and I would hold of on any military action until 90 days have expired.

His points still linger.

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In the days and weeks and months that will follow there will be many comments made about this war. Many stories told, some true, some fisherman's tales. Others attempts to spin history and some tell it in the most unvarnished way possible.

Unfortunately a great many people will make (and are making) very immature comments in this thread that will come back to haunt them some day. Such is the way of the braggard and they will meet a braggard's fate.

Let no one say however that Valhalla didn't give everything it had until it hurt, then gave more...a lot more. There was indeed nothing left to give--not without putting the long term viability of the alliance in very serious jeopardy.

Valhalla has much to be proud of tonight. It can walk from the battlefield head held high. Speaking with the individual members, there is a sense of accomplishment as they look forward to the new era. An era that will see Valhalla become stronger and better than ever before.

Some shout outs:

Umbrella - I fought several very worthy opponents from your alliance during this conflict. They were never disrespectful, did not trash talk, nor did they engage in stupid table talk that insulted my intelligence. Perhaps next time we will be on the same side.

Poison Clan - I fought one of your nations and he was simply overwhelmed. He kept fighting. I expected no less.

Karma - Please try to keep it classy. I know there are a great number of you...Ragnarok, GOD, Fark, among others who are doing just that. The world is still watching and taking notes.

My fight now is over. Rebuilding awaits and helping my Valhallan comrades as we recover together. I could not have asked for a better bunch to go the last mile with on Planet Bob. You may see less of me on these forums for a while. It has been...fun.

So where's the part where you disband Valhalla?

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TPF has not done many of the things Valhalla has. TPF even protected my alliance from Valhalla when they were at war with us. I honestly don't know what Valhalla's quarrel was with us other than that we were allied to BAPS and friends of MK. Guess that's enough to earn perma-ZI though.

That was noWedge being noWedge. IIRC, no one agreed with that call, even within Valhalla. And as you might recall, yes, they then did something about it.

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Because Valhalla got stomped?

Seriously, it's literally hilarious to see all of you cry over Valhalla not getting reps. We exacted punishment on them. We decided their fate.

We decided not to become them, to show who we are. Apparently, though, a lot of you envied Valhalla and wished you could emulate them.

That doesn't justify the name karma, and if you honestly think most of these guys would give terms like those valhalla would you need to re-read your history.

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Well hopefully airme, one day in the future you will get your shot..

and well hopefully i will get to laugh at your failure.

and honestly maybe you should have paid to come get us.. you coulda kicked us while we were down.. thats the only thing your good for anyways..

Don't try and troll AirMe, kid.

He's put up with ones far more competent than you, and kept his cool. If he had had the opportunity, the MK military would have rolled over you brats like a bulldozer on a crippled puppy.

Thank your lucky stars they didnt get revenge, or else you would never have gotten off so easily.

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Well hopefully airme, one day in the future you will get your shot..

and well hopefully i will get to laugh at your failure.

and honestly maybe you should have paid to come get us.. you coulda kicked us while we were down.. thats the only thing your good for anyways..

Man, I would have loved to see you take on MK one on one with both of you at pre-war strength. It would have been hilarious. You remember what GGA's strength graph did? That'd be yours.

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Well hopefully airme, one day in the future you will get your shot..

and well hopefully i will get to laugh at your failure.

and honestly maybe you should have paid to come get us.. you coulda kicked us while we were down.. thats the only thing your good for anyways..

I hope one day we can set up some kind of 1v1 between our two alliances. I would love to see who comes on top.

For clarification I hold no position of power and I am only expressing my own thoughts not those of my alliance. ( )): AirMe )): )

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Airme, this isn't about Valhalla; this is about OV spying on the Order and the Order defending its sovereignty. Valhalla, as a treaty partner of the Order, defended that sovereignty to the best of their ability and has now exited that conflict.

I know this is not what you think this is about for either side, because I didn't take you for a fool.

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Well hopefully airme, one day in the future you will get your shot..

and well hopefully i will get to laugh at your failure.

and honestly maybe you should have paid to come get us.. you coulda kicked us while we were down.. thats the only thing your good for anyways..

I could respond to this in 2 ways. I hope you are wrong actually. I hope Valhalla and MK can use the post war period to attempt to lick wounds and make some sort of amends because your allies in TORN, ML and BAPS are some of the finest alliances in the game and I want to be allied to people like them.

So hopefully we can get past idiots like you and have some sort of relationship when this is over.

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That was noWedge being noWedge. IIRC, no one agreed with that call, even within Valhalla. And as you might recall, yes, they then did something about it.

I remember nothing of your members helping us. I remember much of outside forces assisting us. He certainly seemed to be pretty well in control.

Maybe it was your wake up call, but you certainly did little at the time to help us.

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