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Imperial Decree

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I personally think all Pacifican and TORN nations currently in peace mode, should be put on PZI.

Are you trying to be funny or is this really a statement of hypocrisy? I am only asking as I hope you are kidding. If not, then I see there wouldn't be any "different" for the "other side" to offer if they prevail. I believe I have read enough on these boards to say that several if not many "anti-hemogeny" opponents feel that an inactment of revenge is a just and equitable solution should they win this pending Global meltdown. The anger, the ferver and the venoment responses, proclamations and overall attitudes are very much becoming a mob-like mentality.

I personally have been against PZI/EZI from the beginning of my time on Bob. I held some sembelance of sympathy for nations in this plight. But if the "other side" feels that this is a chance to not only enact revenge and lash out, but also to become the oppressors.. then I feel that there is little being offered here but an even less tolerant World.

I have never been one to attack others on the forums, nor will I start now. I pray that for each of you, that you find the courage to fight honorably, without malice and maybe even take this chance to get to know the other side. I will enjoy my inevitable battles and show the person on the other side the respect I want and deserve. May you all hold to your convictions but find the compassion to not hold grudges going forward. I only hope the other side finds the strength to pursue their dream of a freer Bob without driving down our population further by becoming the "monsters" that you seem to see on our side.

I will wish your side the best of luck and may you have an equally fun time. As for me.. I will be waiting on the battlefield.. swords drawn.. ready to battle you honorably (and with humor).



PS.. I have BBQ for anyone I end up battling... and Spiced Rum for leaders old enough to drink ;)

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Ask anyone who read the logs posted in VE's public chan last night if TPF had anything to do with "spying". OV wanting Mhawk's head was actually pretty baseless.

What I'm referring to has nothing to do with TPF and everything to do with NPO/TORN vs. OV. You're welcome to scan back a page or two for my earlier posts. There's a pretty broad hint contained therein.

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Give whatever reason you want, reasons to break NPO's hegemony and reasons for NPO to destroy those against her have been railed for quite some time. Personally, its good to see that the cyberverse may be shaken up a bit :).

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It's also remarkable timing that exactly 4 days ago all these big bully alliances went in peacemode and that today Ordo Verde is attacked. Exactly the right timing because tomorrow all these peacemode nations can come out raging and can deploy on those who will be defending Ordo Verde. This war was planned and a peaceful solution was never the intention of NPO, TPF, TORN and others.

Exactly this. And as Bob Sanders already so eloquently explained for the viewing public, the peace talks were only intended to stall Ordo Verde's friends and allies long enough to pull off the above successfully. Make no mistake, this was entirely intentional.

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It's also remarkable timing that exactly 4 days ago all these big bully alliances went in peacemode and that today Ordo Verde is attacked. Exactly the right timing because tomorrow all these peacemode nations can come out raging and can deploy on those who will be defending Ordo Verde. This war was planned and a peaceful solution was never the intention of NPO, TPF, TORN and others.

I'm sure a deadline was set and that prepes were made incase war happened. If Moo really pinged out then that is the most horrible luck ever, for all sides concerned. What I think happened was that Pacifican forces knew the time to go unless they heard otherwise. Of course if Moo pinged they didn't hear otherwise. (If that's the case then it was bad planning as they should have been waiting to be told to go instead of being told not to go) NPO got in quite a few declarations before TORN got one. Bigwoody seeing that Pacifica had attacked not knowing that Moo couldn't confirm or deny an attack released his hounds as soon as it became apparent that there was no going back. Bigwoody probably delayed in his posted DoW so he could see wtf happened to Moo at the end there.

At least that's how I imagine it went down. I could be really wrong.

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Right, Like your alliance (TPF) had a clear CB against TGE last time?

The Ordo Verde and the TGE situation are shockingly similar in approach. First you bully alliances try to get people (OV and TGE) on their side by telling bad rumors about their allies. When mentioned alliances don't believe it and chose for their longtime allies (VE and FOK) you get desperate and want to punish them for not aligning with them. You cancel treaties with the alliances just like you did with TGE and try to built a casus belly against those alliances (TGE and OV). TPF backed out on TGE because the casus belly was a huge fraud, the logs were fake, FOK showed support, and was apparently too well connected to continue the attack. We never saw an apology for that aggressive behavior and those accusations by TPF. You guys just seemed moved on are trying to pick on another small and badly connected alliance again. TGE luckily had the backing from FOK, Ordo Verde isn't that well connected but still has allies. I think the time is here to step up, before another small alliance bites the dust because of this aggressive bullying. I know that I am certainly not letting this happen.

Where is the denial that the spying didn't happen? There isn't one, because IT DID. AS to "attacked during peace negotiations" - they weren't negotiations when OV turned down a SINGLE ROUND OF WAR with the accused (a negotiation involves bopth sides, and the nPO side were very generous with their offers) - hell as far as i can see expulsion wasn't even part of the last deal offered (remember, he was offered up before the offer was removed, so to say they are just protecting their members is nonsense). OV has and does condone spying against NPO.

There isn't even any discussion on whether it actually happened as far as i can see.

What probably happened is that OV offered him up, those that hate NPO went to OV and said "no don't, this is our chance to "crush NPO"", so OV retracted the offer.

Edited by auto98
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Wars dont just happen instantaneously. When one decides they must go to war there is a period of planning that must happen. I would assume that begun after the first day of talks when Moo's ultimatum was laid down and denied. At that point the attack time was set, should NPO's terms be agreed upon before then, then maybe the attack would have been put off. Pretty obvious though that the aggressors did not believe such would happen as the troops had to have been told when to attack well before the actual attack. That means that during most if not all of those final negotiations, NPO and TORN nations were prepped to strike.

With such belief, the last negotiation meeting seems to have been done to give the false impression that the time of war had not yet arrived in order to get that extra benefit of surprise.

So you see, your alliance never wasted days of negotiations, it purposefully used them.

Of course Moo planned that we could end up at war with OV. That was set towards the start of the negotiations when things were stalled. There are certain things kept private due to the abundance of spies among the NPO forums, but we were alerted that there was a possibility we could go to war. Likewise our allies were informed.

So were we prepped for war? Yes, sir. Does that mean we were set on going to war? No. To be extremely vague not to point on to anything, within the last 6 months, we were 'prepped' for war and it was not put into action. Being prepped for war does not equate to going to war. War is not a first option, but the NPO War Machine is always ready to be put in gear.

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"It's OK for us to spy on you, but by Franco, if in doing so, we see that you have come by something of ours, then lube up and bend over."

This is an entirely reasonable double standard, and those of us !@#$%*ing are really out of line on this. You'll have to excuse us, though, we just believe in Reason.

Where's that quote about the NAAC spying that Pacificans parroted for years in their sigs? The one about spying on NPO to see if NPO was spying on them?

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Are you trying to be funny or is this really a statement of hypocrisy? I am only asking as I hope you are kidding. If not, then I see there wouldn't be any "different" for the "other side" to offer if they prevail. I believe I have read enough on these boards to say that several if not many "anti-hemogeny" opponents feel that an inactment of revenge is a just and equitable solution should they win this pending Global meltdown. The anger, the ferver and the venoment responses, proclamations and overall attitudes are very much becoming a mob-like mentality.

I personally have been against PZI/EZI from the beginning of my time on Bob. I held some sembelance of sympathy for nations in this plight. But if the "other side" feels that this is a chance to not only enact revenge and lash out, but also to become the oppressors.. then I feel that there is little being offered here but an even less tolerant World.

I have never been one to attack others on the forums, nor will I start now. I pray that for each of you, that you find the courage to fight honorably, without malice and maybe even take this chance to get to know the other side. I will enjoy my inevitable battles and show the person on the other side the respect I want and deserve. May you all hold to your convictions but find the compassion to not hold grudges going forward. I only hope the other side finds the strength to pursue their dream of a freer Bob without driving down our population further by becoming the "monsters" that you seem to see on our side.

I will wish your side the best of luck and may you have an equally fun time. As for me.. I will be waiting on the battlefield.. swords drawn.. ready to battle you honorably (and with humor).



PS.. I have BBQ for anyone I end up battling... and Spiced Rum for leaders old enough to drink ;)

It's a joke. During the 1V-GATO war, Moo made it impossible for GATO to use the peace mode tactics your side is using now, by telling GATO that any of their nations in peace mode would be on PZI. He now uses this tactic for his own Order.

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Where's that quote about the NAAC spying that Pacificans parroted for years in their sigs? The one about spying on NPO to see if NPO was spying on them?
Wasn't it from Vincent_Xander?

"I wasn't spying on you! I was infiltrating your membership to see if you were spying on us!"

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Wasn't it from Vincent_Xander?

"I wasn't spying on you! I was infiltrating your membership to see if you were spying on us!"

There was one from the original Polar war too I believe. Either way the point still stands.

Edited by Uhtred
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Right, Like your alliance (TPF) had a clear CB against TGE last time?

The Ordo Verde and the TGE situation are shockingly similar in approach. First you bully alliances try to get people (OV and TGE) on their side by telling bad rumors about their allies. When mentioned alliances don't believe it and chose for their longtime allies (VE and FOK) you get desperate and want to punish them for not aligning with them. You cancel treaties with the alliances just like you did with TGE and try to built a casus belly against those alliances (TGE and OV). TPF backed out on TGE because the casus belly was a huge fraud, the logs were fake, FOK showed support, and was apparently too well connected to continue the attack. We never saw an apology for that aggressive behavior and those accusations by TPF. You guys just seemed moved on are trying to pick on another small and badly connected alliance again. TGE luckily had the backing from FOK, Ordo Verde isn't that well connected but still has allies. I think the time is here to step up, before another small alliance bites the dust because of this aggressive bullying. I know that I am certainly not letting this happen.

Well, seeing that you wrote this, it must be true. I see that the épongist mantra of the moral imperative will scream of fighting tyranny and bullying. If you need that special feeling of righteousness in your cause, and it is provided by the very person who wanted to gave his greatest enemies terms that included eternal tech farming and disbandment, well, that is your cross to bear.

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I'm sorry, I didn't read the 52 pages but at what point is one round of wars against a nation that was involved in spying unacceptable? Not EZI, not PZI, not even ZI, not expulsion from his alliance, not barring him from gov, just one round of wars, for a 7k nation. How much money would that cost to rebuild? Didn't NSO do about the same thing a week ago with no disapproval? What a petty reason to bring the world to war.

There is such a thing as principle, and refusing to allow the NPO to make a public spectacle out of what should be a non-issue.

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What probably happened is that OV offered him up, those that hate NPO went to OV and said "no don't, this is our chance to "crush NPO"", so OV retracted the offer.

You are accusing the side against NPO of something the NPO has done in one form or another for years. One such form is the foreign arena blacklisting of the Mushroom Kingdom, something I remember all too well.

Unlike several of your allies, OV has control over its own decisions. Your pals in the Jackboot Squad have repeatedly forced them and others into a corner and left them without the ability to defend themselves. Powerless and alone, the scared give in to the oppressors, truth or no, and war happens.

As has always been the case. Don't believe me? There are plenty with the logs of the past three years who can confirm most of this.

However, we find a unique situation here. As it turns out, OV are not powerless and alone. What shall you do now, when the world turns against your and your allies' dominion over the world politics? Things cannot go back to the way they were.

Chaos reigns. The world is over. Usher in a new dominion.

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Never have, never will.

I believe you have surrendered actually. I would suggest listening to bum, considering he knows a bit about this.

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