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LoSS restructuring

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The best part of this thread is how openly hostile certain factions are being towards other certain factions. As my esteemed colleague in MK has mentioned, this only makes it easier.

Good luck with your new path LoSS. I don't know you that well, so I won't speculate on your motives. But if I were one of the alliances with a treaty being canceled/suspended, I would be most unhappy and unwilling to forge future relationships.

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This explains why bigwoody got upset with me shoving bread into his mouth, how was I supposed to know that he wasn't a toaster? He needs to wear a sign.

I was hungry.

Also, God how I missed the TRASH CAN filter on my forums.

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While I cannot speak to the intentions of this action, I believe it to be an interesting diplomatic course. I also welcome LoSS to the Black Sphere and wish them the best with their restructuring activities.

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Been gone couple of days and this medium explodes in pre (excepted and speculated) war posturing and bravado lawl. Shame I can not partake more (OOC: RL etcetera) though after a couple of times, it does become somewhat overly scripted sing and dance routine. The first times are always the best.

Anyway, of course if you see this move of LoSS as brave or not, smart or not, depends on perspective. So many things do. Only time will actually help to determine how good of a move is this. You have good restructuring now LoSS.

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Been gone couple of days and this medium explodes in pre (excepted and speculated) war posturing and bravado lawl. Shame I can not partake more (OOC: RL etcetera) though after a couple of times, it does become somewhat overly scripted sing and dance routine. The first times are always the best.

Anyway, of course if you see this move of LoSS as brave or not, smart or not, depends on perspective. So many things do. Only time will actually help to determine how good of a move is this. You have good restructuring now LoSS.

Indeed, as I stated. Surprising to see this agreement. Got anything to celebrate the occasion? Midgets gone wild? Etc?

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It is already slightly suspect that you would suddenly have a change of heart and want to cancel all of your treaties. Perhaps it is truly as you have said, an attempt to join the "side" which you say better matches your personality while you still have the chance; if it is, I can't really fault that. It is quite a bit worse, however, if you tried to sneak military intel with you on your way out of a treaty relationship. Everyone tends to get excited about defections in the confusion leading up to a battle, but these are the kind of things that will stick with you for a long time afterward. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and hope that you have a decent explanation as to why mhawk's post doesn't show a large breech of trust that ought to shake the confidence of your present and future allies. What exactly happened in that conversation?

I am not sure if LoSS passed on info or not I do know that I heard from like 10 different people about TPF's issues and plans against PC way before 5 minutes prior to this announcement though.

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The best part of this thread is how openly hostile certain factions are being towards other certain factions. As my esteemed colleague in MK has mentioned, this only makes it easier.

Hah, since when was it so hard :o

I've been wearing my tin foil hat ever since the War of the Coalition; the factions have been identified ages ago.

Also welcome to black powah LoSS.

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They bravely ran away. Bravely ran away, away. Brave, brave sir LoSS!

I guess we're King Arthur then

I wonder if they took the information from mhawk to Nemesis.

To be honest, I haven't seen any information from LoSS. I can't speak on behalf of others, but I guess I should have seen that info if it was about a war :)

Edited by SpiderJerusalem
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What do those alliances that LoSS suspended the treaties with think of this "suspension"? Do they acknowledge the treaties are suspended or consider them cancelled outright?

The reason I ask is that suspending the treaties is trying to have the best of both worlds. Technically the treaty still exists and therefore attacking someone you hold a treaty with, albeit suspended, is poor form. Yet, LoSS is under no obligation to defend any of those alliances while under suspension.

In today's climate is that entirely courageous of LoSS or is it them hedging their bets in case the rumoured conflict becomes a reality?

Tyga you continue to impress me with seeing straight through all the smoke and mirrors and getting to the heart of the matter.

My favorite part of this thread is where everyone blatantly establishes their side in this upcoming calamity with abandon. It makes it easier for me to figure it out.

But But Archon I thought we were friends :wub: you man

I'm a bit taken aback here. First you guys come querying me demanding to know as our MDP partner any situations going on. So I tell you we are in talks with PC about a protectorate issue. You ask for a dow time, I tell you the answer. You guys ask for more ally information, I tell you. Minutes later you tell me you're canceling, 5 mins later I see the owf post.

[20:44]<jawayku> and that you're asking on behalf of LOSS

<jawayku> in accordance with our current MDP

are you DOWing PC tonight or tommorow

You suspend all your treaties, due to restructuring.... then minutes later sign a treaty with nemesis?

Honorable indeed.

I too am interested in an answer to this as that is very very low. I have wished you well loss as suposedly you were RESTRUCTURING but betraying a trust to a MDP partner is poor form.

A sudden change of heart so close to a war, i won't buy this theory. It would have been better if LoSS would have just come out and said "we think our allies have a lesser chance of winning this war and so we can't be allied to them anymore as we love our infra so much"

If they are doing it because thats where they feel they should be I can respect that but waiting till the final countdown is a bit suspect.

LOSS will as always honour the treaties in which it holds. So - yes, if TPF are attacked in the next 5 days and requests assistance we are honour bound to help in whatever way is necessary. This of course goes for all our allies for the different cancellation periods.

I thought the treaties were suspended for the moment not cancelled. Im pretty sure Jaaku said that in a seperate post so which is it Suspended or Cancelled.

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I am not sure if LoSS passed on info or not I do know that I heard from like 10 different people about TPF's issues and plans against PC way before 5 minutes prior to this announcement though.

You're right, the info would probably have leaked out anyway. It was still a mistake even to ask. Lesson learned, hopefully, and they can go on to a new life where they like their allies and don't feel the need to cancel on them at all.

Edited by Penguin
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You guys are reading way too much into this.

It's not about the war, it's about the renovation of the entire LoSS heirarchy and the changes that brings.

No lines are being drawn here.

Your alliance suspended or cancelled 2/3 of all of it's treaties and we're reading too much into this?

I'm sure your cancellation to NPO after five others in the past two weeks was surely just a coincidence.

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Note from the Princeps:

Let it be known, that we still consider these fine alliances friends. Our internal restructuring was needing a clear vision. As long as I remain Princeps, LOSS will do no harm to any of these alliances" - Jaaku

LoSS isn't choosing sides. It's just nessasary to suspend these treaties whilst we reform the government.

Everything will be re-assesed when the new government structure is in place.

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You guys are reading way too much into this.

It's not about the war, it's about the renovation of the entire LoSS heirarchy and the changes that brings.

No lines are being drawn here.

Oh, please. You've never fooled the Cyberverse before about your intentions, and you're not fooling anyone now. Some people have seen logs of your intentions. While we welcome you to the "other side", please don't lie to us about how or why you ended up here.

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You guys are reading way too much into this.

It's not about the war, it's about the renovation of the entire LoSS heirarchy and the changes that brings.

No lines are being drawn here.

Then you would have suspended all treaties. Call it what you want, there's no question what you've done here.

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LoSS isn't choosing sides. It's just nessasary to suspend these treaties whilst we reform the government.

Everything will be re-assesed when the new government structure is in place.

LoSS could not have done more to choose sides with this. Oh wait they did when they signed a treaty with Nemesis. Side chosen

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