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You wanted action Reachwind?

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You know, theres nothing wrong with saying you disagree with a DoW and will provide support after its conclusion...but that message, and the posture-iffic title of the OP, differ severely. Don't call it something it isnt, AK.


You know, theres nothing wrong with saying you disagree with a DoW and will provide support after its conclusion...but that message, and the posture-iffic title of the OP, differ severely. Don't call it something it isnt, AK.

Edited by bigwoody
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When I state that white peace will be granted that is what I mean. There will be no repercussions for funding CDC rebuilding when the war is over.

Perhaps at some point in the future Nod will be able to support itself instead of living in the shadows of their betters and they can form a coalition with CDC to enact revenge upon the Order.

The best enemies are manufactured.

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Even if what they believe in is factually wrong ;)

Even if.

An alliance is a group of like minded people allied for a common purpose. If you're not willing to defend what you believe in whats the point? Sure, sometimes those in the wrong speak out and become more powerful and influential than those in the right, but I think you'll also find that it was often the case that the ones in the right let it happen because they were too afraid to defend their own beliefs.

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Declaration of Support.

I as the current Kane of The Brotherhood of Nod hereby issues a public Declaration of support for the Central Defense Corps in their struggle against the tyranical bullies know as The New Sith Order. When this conflict is concluded it is the intent of Nod to offer aid to the CDC to help them rebuild their alliance's economy.

o/ CDC

o/ Nod

If your gonna openly support them declare war cowards.

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If your gonna openly support them declare war cowards.

Because might makes right? Thats like saying that everyone with a "Free FAN" sig should declare war on NPO because they openly support them. Theres no reason for them to declare war on NSO. If they want to show support by helping them rebuild -whether its right or wrong in your eyes- they have every right to do so.

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Thats nice of you to do, But in turn you should of kept this quiet because all it does is make the NSO hate you.

It takes a bit than this to make us "hate" someone. Except for Tom, but he's just an angry person in general, so that doesn't really count.

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Because might makes right? Thats like saying that everyone with a "Free FAN" sig should declare war on NPO because they openly support them. Theres no reason for them to declare war on NSO. If they want to show support by helping them rebuild -whether its right or wrong in your eyes- they have every right to do so.

Agreed. Picking your battles is key to winning them.

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Because might makes right? Thats like saying that everyone with a "Free FAN" sig should declare war on NPO because they openly support them. Theres no reason for them to declare war on NSO. If they want to show support by helping them rebuild -whether its right or wrong in your eyes- they have every right to do so.

Yeah I sorta realized that it was a pretty stupid comment after I posted it but what's done is done. Lets just hope the next time my mind will come up with something more witty. :(

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I see no actual problem with helping an alliance rebuild after a war, its a some what noble purpose and cause, and will obviosuly build some relations. But this thread, as I beleive has been pointed out, is rather just a pointless cry for attention and utterly unneeded, if you want to help them rebuild then do it. Noble intentions are tarnished by the need for people to see you do those noble deeds.

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