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Dark Angelus

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Everything posted by Dark Angelus

  1. The Order of the Crown and Dagger is the ultimate starting alliance. With a sure fire deal to help young nations grow, including 3 Million in Starter Aid, come check us out!!
  2. Offering up to 3 Million in starting aid... come check us out!
  3. The Order of the Crown and Dagger is currently putting in place a wonderful Academy to get new nations familiarized with the Cyberverse. Applicants are more than welcome.
  4. Starting out on the ground floor of an alliance can be a rewarding experience! Put your own ideas into this young alliance and watch it prosper.
  5. Thank you. This alliance is a good place for larger nations to come and put their own spin on a new alliance.
  6. We are also offering AID packages to new members: From anywhere from $5,000 to $3,000,000 depending on experience and nations strength.
  7. Hello to the Cybernations community. The Order of the Crown and Dagger (OCD) is a new and coming alliance. Created before the Great War IV, the alliance fought and died out due to war constraints. Now, OCD is being born again! We are looking for people to fill the following positions: -Triumvirate (Minister of Military Affairs) -Triumvirate (Minister of Interior Affairs) -Secretary of Defense -Secretary of State -Secretary of Interior We also have positions open in multimedia, finance, recruiting, tech, and of course the military. Please feel free to visit our forums http://z3.invisionfree.com/OrderCrownDagge...dex.php?act=idx or on IRC #OCD -Dark Angelus Triumvirate of OCD
  8. Let's say 700 members.... to give the 29,000 other members of CN a shot.
  9. Well if you were smart you would realized I actually said to keep your sanction. Enough to KEEP their sanction... please read before criticizing.
  10. Karma SHOULD take the high road, but Pacific DESERVES to reap what they have sown, and they deserve extremely strict terms.
  11. TBH Lord of Destruction, NPO's opinion does not matter to me anymore.... any shred of respect the alliances had for NPO BEFORE this stunt.... that shred is gone. NPO has shown it's true colors and the will pay for their crimes... present... and past... and we will not allow these crimes to continue into the future.
  12. o/Bleh... at least someone agrees with me lol
  13. This will never happen, but if I were to be the one setting terms I would set the following terms: 1. The NPO would not have to disband, but would have to shrink to 300 members... enough to keep their sanction. 1.1 All NPO members leaving, would have to meld into other current alliances, as to be sure they dont just create another NPO. 2. The NPO would have to pay reps to OV for their dishonesty. 3. Moo would be removed as Emperor. 4. Release of the Red Sphere. And of course if this were a perfect world... ZI to all Imperial Officers of the NPO, as they throw around ZIs like they ruled Planet Bob.
  14. I respect you standing up for the NPO since they helped you out, but NPO is like when the Titanic hit that big @$$ iceberg... the only place to go from here is down!
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