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MA Treaty Cancellation

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We at Apocalypse support our long time allies at Monos Archein. It is hard to cancel any treaty, particularly with an alliance as well-placed as Pacifica, but knowing Kait as well as I do, I know she did it for all the right reasons for her alliance.

It is sad to see two (three, if you count the PIAT) quality alliances go their separate ways.

If you need anything, Kait, you know who to query.

Edited by Ghostlin
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I must say that I am impressed that a relatively unknown, arguably insignificant alliance as is Monos Archein would have the resolve to cancel on the primary contenders for the position of the "best fighting force" on Bob.

Usually it's the NPO that has the sheer strength and importance to cancel treaties; not "allies" who seek their protection.

Is it then possible that the rumors are true and "lines" are, as is said, being "drawn"?

Edited by Tom Litler
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Not everyone is all about strategic planning, or if so, you're completely over analyzing the situation. Sometimes friends lose contact with another and thus, friendship deteriorates. I wouldn't say they hate each other, look at Moo's response within the theread, in fact, he understands the situation and pretty much said it himself; sometimes when you lose contact with one another, it is best to move forward. MDPs are about friendship in my opinion, becoming allies merely for strength will eventually lead you to your demise, such as The League.

Right, like you're going to take moo's response as the gospel truth. He's been a bald faced liar before, what makes you think things are different now? :rolleyes:

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I must say that I am impressed that a relatively unknown, arguably insignificant alliance as is Monos Archein would have the resolve to cancel on the primary contenders for the position of the "best fighting force" on Bob.

Usually it's the NPO that has the sheer strength and importance to cancel treaties; not "allies" who seek their protection.

Is it then possible that the rumors are true and "lines" are, as is said, being "drawn"?

If you actually knew Monos Archein like most of her allies do, I'd think you'd take back the 'insignificant alliance' remark. But then again, I'm insignificant too, not managing to make 2 million in 3 days, like NSO, or have the political draw of Pacifica.

My understanding of the situation is Kait didn't undertake this cancellation lightly and it was a removal of relations between the two parties. Whether lines were drawn, calligraphed or needed to be prompted is up to CN's abundant imagination. (As if anyone could stop you!)

I think it shows definite courage to say when something's not worked and it's time for a change versus hiding behind platitudes of treaties that have lost their meaning. We see enough of that, these days.

Edited by Ghostlin
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Right, like you're going to take moo's response as the gospel truth. He's been a bald faced liar before, what makes you think things are different now? :rolleyes:

NPO has made it known when they were particularly unhappy about a treaty cancellation in the past. They did just do it in the VE thread. Unless they suddenly have some reason to pretend they're fine when they aren't, I'm sure they aren't gnashing at the bit over this if they say they aren't.

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If you actually knew Monos Archein like most of her allies do, I'd think you'd take back the 'insignificant alliance' remark. But then again, I'm insignificant too, not managing to make 2 million in 3 days, like NSO, or have the political draw of Pacifica.

My understanding of the situation is Kait didn't undertake this cancellation lightly and it was a removal of relations between the two parties. Whether lines were drawn, calligraphed or needed to be prompted is up to CN's abundant imagination. (As if anyone could stop you!)

I think it shows definite courage to say when something's not worked and it's time for a change versus hiding behind platitudes of treaties that have lost their meaning. We see enough of that, these days.

Please don't mistake my comments on MA's "insignificance" or obscurity to be insults.

One thing you're right about is that, indeed, I don't know MA like their allies do. For that reason, I can only go by what I see of them in public and publicity is the area in which they are lacking as they have yet to establish a notable public presence.

Enough of this, however. Focusing on the subject at hand: no matter what anyone says, it's obvious why these treaties were canceled but I won't blame anyone for denying the true causes for the cancellations because it is only necessary to cover up such things for those complacent in their plotting.

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I must say that I am impressed that a relatively unknown, arguably insignificant alliance as is Monos Archein would have the resolve to cancel on the primary contenders for the position of the "best fighting force" on Bob.

Usually it's the NPO that has the sheer strength and importance to cancel treaties; not "allies" who seek their protection.

Is it then possible that the rumors are true and "lines" are, as is said, being "drawn"?

I'm sad that you think our bloc is insignificant. You have broken my heart.

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I'm sad that you think our bloc is insignificant. You have broken my heart.

Please turn your attention to the statement I have made directly above yours.

This was not a shot at MA or their allies. I like to think myself above that.

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Not everyone is all about strategic planning, or if so, you're completely over analyzing the situation. Sometimes friends lose contact with another and thus, friendship deteriorates. I wouldn't say they hate each other, look at Moo's response within the theread, in fact, he understands the situation and pretty much said it himself; sometimes when you lose contact with one another, it is best to move forward. MDPs are about friendship in my opinion, becoming allies merely for strength will eventually lead you to your demise, such as The League.

I agree that this may not be a strategic planning move but as wars near people re-evaluate their relationships with people and if they want to stay friends with someone. I expect to see many more cancelations from all sides of the web in the coming months as people find who their true friends are and find out who is just staying friends for that NS booster. I also agree that these two alliances do not hate each other. Friendships change and the political landscape does as well.

I believe most MDPs signed these days, not saying that was the case when this was first signed, are just simply to add some NS and strength to the mix. As things get closer to a very likely war many of these MDPs will probably be dropped because they realize that the person they have a treaty with isn’t exactly going to give them the best support when the time comes, again maybe not the case here but in general.

Strength=good. Strength that won’t help you when you need it=bad

MA had their reasons for canceling this treaty and anything past what they have said and what people may know is just speculation and analyzing the current CN political landscape.

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Yes, our government has changed since we signed with the NPO, moreso due to the coup four-months later and Kait definately has the right to cancel (though, I would like to point out that our upper-echelon is about the same as it was seven months ago opinion-wise minus the subtraction of mila and the addition of Mamaduck). However, you don't pick who your friends are; just how long the friendship lasts and how long you still respect them. I don't believe any treaty partner deserves to hear "Oh, by the way; we changed government. We aren't your friends anymore because it's too inconvenient to honor inherited agreements. Go find another sandbox to play in."

That being said, that's just me. Lack of activity is a miserable citation. New opinions may have played a role to a point, but it hasn't been evident to me even in the most secret confines of our government.

OOC: So, in real life, when you make friends in high school but then you go off to college and lose contact with them, in fifty years you see them on the street and you divulge all your life's secrets to them because they are still your best friend?

IC: When people stop talking to each other, the relationship between them disappears. The same goes for alliances. Without communication, there is no trust. Without trust, there is no relationship.

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Yes, our government has changed since we signed with the NPO, moreso due to the coup four-months later and Kait definately has the right to cancel (though, I would like to point out that our upper-echelon is about the same as it was seven months ago opinion-wise minus the subtraction of mila and the addition of Mamaduck). However, you don't pick who your friends are; just how long the friendship lasts and how long you still respect them. I don't believe any treaty partner deserves to hear "Oh, by the way; we changed government. We aren't your friends anymore because it's too inconvenient to honor inherited agreements. Go find another sandbox to play in."

That being said, that's just me. Lack of activity is a miserable citation. New opinions may have played a role to a point, but it hasn't been evident to me even in the most secret confines of our government.

I'm wondering why you feel the need to bring up your alliance's internal workings on the CN forums to voice your frustations. Shouldn't this be addressed to KaitlinK via a private message, since calling out the leader of your alliance that you just so happen to be government in is poor form?

Food for thought.

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Right, like you're going to take moo's response as the gospel truth. He's been a bald faced liar before, what makes you think things are different now? :rolleyes:

See what we have here is a lack of class, but I will give you your moment of fame by addressing it.

We have nothing but respect for Moo and we believe wholeheartedly his response in this thread. Both parties have have left the door open for a continued relationship. Sorry to disappoint those searching for drama there is none to be found here as the opening post in this thread was honest and sincere as were the responses by members of Pacifica.

Edit: spelling grrrrr

Edited by KaitlinK
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Unofficially since day one for TTK but it was made official shortly there after. Kait had always been a good friend to TTK going back to her days as a diplomat to TTK from USN.

Yeah, same thing for us. CptGodzilla spoke fairly high of them to me and asked the gov to keep an eye out for them, so I was lurking around since right around when they formed. The MA/TTK/GOD treaty fest just came a little later, haha.

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TTK has had MA's back since day one, and will we continue to do so with pleasure to stand alongside such good allies and friends to TTK as MA. That is why we signed the MDAP with them not two weeks back.

/o MA


MoFA for TTK

Edited by Cyphon88
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I must say that I am impressed that a relatively unknown, arguably insignificant alliance as is Monos Archein would have the resolve to cancel on the primary contenders for the position of the "best fighting force" on Bob.

Usually it's the NPO that has the sheer strength and importance to cancel treaties; not "allies" who seek their protection.

Is it then possible that the rumors are true and "lines" are, as is said, being "drawn"?

In response to this and your backpedaling replies.

It really wouldn't kill you to admit you were a bit ignorant of things when you made your initial statement in the first place.

Other than that your post shows you're having trouble paying attention to the reasons both MA and NPO have given in this thread.

Enough of this, however. Focusing on the subject at hand: no matter what anyone says, it's obvious why these treaties were canceled but I won't blame anyone for denying the true causes for the cancellations because it is only necessary to cover up such things for those complacent in their plotting.

All I can say is that you should maybe go back and pay attention to who is saying what in this thread. I'm referring to the fact that pretty much all of the posts by Superfriends members are not pushing your little conspiracy theories. But then again I suppose you could just conclude it's our secret plan to smooth things over with nutella and flowers while we plan our war.

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All I can say is that you should maybe go back and pay attention to who is saying what in this thread. I'm referring to the fact that pretty much all of the posts by Superfriends members are not pushing your little conspiracy theories. But then again I suppose you could just conclude it's our secret plan to smooth things over with nutella and flowers while we plan our war.

Firstly, Mongrel, I'd like to thank you for the faint taste of hostility I got from your replies. It's well appreciated in Fuhrerstaat Kanadia.

All I can say on the subject is that it doesn't matter who gave what reasons because, yes; they are probably lying. Your "Superfriends" won't be declaring war on anybody, that much is true. They are certainly not a formidable enough force to wage war on the New Pacific Order, Q or One Vision. The Citadel, to which they are increasing their proximity, can, however. It is no secret either, that the same bloc has proven time and time again to be a growing contender with 1V and the Continuum.

And suppose that, like many before them, my silly "little conspiracy theories" came true. What then? The same thing as has happened every time before with these same sort of "conspiracy theories" and "tinfoil hat rumors". After the next war is over, a year later when another one is about to break out you and your kind will be prancing around in public singing an identical tune to the one I hear from you now. :rolleyes:

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Your "Superfriends" won't be declaring war on anybody, that much is true. They are certainly not a formidable enough force to wage war on the New Pacific Order, Q or One Vision. The Citadel, to which they are increasing their proximity, can, however. It is no secret either, that the same bloc has proven time and time again to be a growing contender with 1V and the Continuum.

I really didn't notice those proofs. Where are they?

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Firstly, Mongrel, I'd like to thank you for the faint taste of hostility I got from your replies. It's well appreciated in Fuhrerstaat Kanadia.

All I can say on the subject is that it doesn't matter who gave what reasons because, yes; they are probably lying. Your "Superfriends" won't be declaring war on anybody, that much is true. They are certainly not a formidable enough force to wage war on the New Pacific Order, Q or One Vision. The Citadel, to which they are increasing their proximity, can, however. It is no secret either, that the same bloc has proven time and time again to be a growing contender with 1V and the Continuum.

And suppose that, like many before them, my silly "little conspiracy theories" came true. What then? The same thing as has happened every time before with these same sort of "conspiracy theories" and "tinfoil hat rumors". After the next war is over, a year later when another one is about to break out you and your kind will be prancing around in public singing an identical tune to the one I hear from you now. :rolleyes:

Oh almighty prophet, I finally see your wisdom. As one of your loyal followers, I do believe that a war involving alliances may or may not break out any time in the next 30 years! People of Bob, open your eyes and see the light! A war, a war!


Now back onto topic, MA, you've always been a honorable alliance, keep up the good work. Hopefully relations with both NPO and UPN can be rebuilt over time.

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