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I probably should be amazed that an MDP partner of GGA has allowed a thread that they created to get to a 67 page GGA lampooning thread without someone thinking "hmmmm maybe we should try and spare our ally GGA more embarrassment and request a lock seens as the thread has made its point and our ally is getting dragged over the coals".

For some reason though there is a distinct lack of amazement from where Im sat.

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I probably should be amazed that an MDP partner of GGA has allowed a thread that they created to get to a 67 page GGA lampooning thread without someone thinking "hmmmm maybe we should try and spare our ally GGA more embarrassment and request a lock seens as the thread has made its point and our ally is getting dragged over the coals".

For some reason though there is a distinct lack of amazement from where Im sat.

Locks can't be requested anymore.

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I probably should be amazed that an MDP partner of GGA has allowed a thread that they created to get to a 67 page GGA lampooning thread without someone thinking "hmmmm maybe we should try and spare our ally GGA more embarrassment and request a lock seens as the thread has made its point and our ally is getting dragged over the coals".

For some reason though there is a distinct lack of amazement from where Im sat.

There's a distinct lack of amazement on my behalf that you're not familiar with the forum rules.

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I probably should be amazed that an MDP partner of GGA has allowed a thread that they created to get to a 67 page GGA lampooning thread without someone thinking "hmmmm maybe we should try and spare our ally GGA more embarrassment and request a lock seens as the thread has made its point and our ally is getting dragged over the coals".

For some reason though there is a distinct lack of amazement from where Im sat.

How very unfortunate that people are able to speak their mind about this. I am in complete agreement with you. :rolleyes:

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Thing is people blew this whole thing way way out of proportion to serve their own egos and nothing more. It's quite disgusting. Mob mentality is truly an awesome sight to behold.

Heh, I bet if there was a war going on, you'd be the first one to grab your gun.

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I probably should be amazed that an MDP partner of GGA has allowed a thread that they created to get to a 67 page GGA lampooning thread without someone thinking "hmmmm maybe we should try and spare our ally GGA more embarrassment and request a lock seens as the thread has made its point and our ally is getting dragged over the coals".

For some reason though there is a distinct lack of amazement from where Im sat.

Gotta admit, i find it odd how several people are trying (too hard and mostly failing) to divert the negative attention onto VE. Very odd, heh.

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I probably should be amazed that an MDP partner of GGA has allowed a thread that they created to get to a 67 page GGA lampooning thread without someone thinking "hmmmm maybe we should try and spare our ally GGA more embarrassment and request a lock seens as the thread has made its point and our ally is getting dragged over the coals".

For some reason though there is a distinct lack of amazement from where Im sat.

1: lock requests are impossible

2: Cornelius himself posted saying he would lock if he could and its a shame this has resulted in such a spam fest.

The only reason this thread was made is because shane was unaligned at the time this thread was posted and he needed protection from raiders.

(as an ex alliance leader he would have been raided for sure)

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I agree with my fellow friends who have just posted. While I thank you all for your support in his matter and for all the kindness you have shown me, it is time to let this discussion die. The Grand Global Alliance has suffered terribly and it is unlikely that continuing to be a dead horse will make it any worse. So my suggestion is to move on to the next interesting topic. Again. I am forever grateful, especially to the Viridian Entente.

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If someone hasn't said so already, maybe AvT...I'd like to nominate this thread for "Thread of the Year".

Also, yay Lep! I'm so glad everyone continues to prove BnT wrong every time he posts. Good sir, please continue to make a fool of yourself.

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I agree with my fellow friends who have just posted. While I thank you all for your support in his matter and for all the kindness you have shown me, it is time to let this discussion die. The Grand Global Alliance has suffered terribly and it is unlikely that continuing to be a dead horse will make it any worse. So my suggestion is to move on to the next interesting topic. Again. I am forever grateful, especially to the Viridian Entente.

Nice to see some sense

Tho if GGA and allies had any sense the'd have stopped posting at around page 7.

Everything since has just stoked the fires further,

This thread really should be kept as an example of how not to do PR.

Now it is obvious that GGA as an alliance has several important questions it needs to ask itself

My 2 cents

Personally if it were me I'd politely remove Moo and any other non GGA'rs from the private channels, setting up a separate channel for communicating with close allies is fine, but for an alliance to remain sovereign some things need to be private. Make moving forums a matter of urgency and make sure that on the new forums only alliance members have admin access.

I'd also encourage debate amongst the membership wrt the current position of the alliance and the treaties it holds, Being so close to NPO and IRON is not necessarily a bad thing but not allowing debate on the issue is, after all if it is right for the alliance then debate can only demonstrate this.

Finally I'd look at any constitution that allows an ex member to return and instantly hold as much power as Ironchief apparently does, is this really healthy ?

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My 2 cents

Yeah but if it was you then the alliance wouldn't be in this position in the first place. You only get to be a colony by weak leadership and weak membership, which makes it unlikely that they will actually take those steps. I agree with you though that those steps are vital if GGA wants to be taken seriously again, though.

BnT, why are you trying so hard to spin this against Viridia? I realise that this thread is a huge embarrassment for GGA's treaty partners (after all, signing a treaty with such an incompetent alliance doesn't reflect well on your judgement, unless you are using them as pawns yourself in which case it doesn't reflect well on your character) and you have an interest in trying to put the blame onto someone other than GGA – but take an objective look at what's going on here and you'll see that the best defence is silence (as One Vision have done).

OOC: also you should read the rules before posting about them

Edit: Also, Magicninja, you really should read a whole thread before commenting. You are reverting to a party-line mouthpiece which is sad as I saw occasional flashes of thought from you at TPF.

Edited by Bob Janova
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This is almost a text-book example of how not to spin.

This is an example of why an alliance needs to produce good propaganda, rather than coming in one after another and turning what started as a rather innocuous announcement into the biggest train wreck in a very long time.

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I don't see how anyone who fought on *that* side of the last war can say anything like that and be taken seriously....although I might change my mind if you can somehow get those reps shipped back :ehm:

Not everyone demanded outrageous reps last summer.

I'm sure MHA could send theirs back without much trouble, for example. Heh. (Probably so could we.)

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I probably should be amazed that an MDP partner of GGA has allowed a thread that they created to get to a 67 page GGA lampooning thread without someone thinking "hmmmm maybe we should try and spare our ally GGA more embarrassment and request a lock seens as the thread has made its point and our ally is getting dragged over the coals".

For some reason though there is a distinct lack of amazement from where Im sat.

Come on BnT you are really slacking in this thread so far your "pin it on VE" strategy has consisted of a 2 year old rogue senator who places sanctions on GGA after VE disbanded 2 years ago and blaming them for not requesting a lock when the rules no longer allow them to. You can do better than this I know you can.

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Come on BnT you are really slacking in this thread so far your "pin it on VE" strategy has consisted of a 2 year old rogue senator who places sanctions on GGA after VE disbanded 2 years ago and blaming them for not requesting a lock when the rules no longer allow them to. You can do better than this I know you can.

the sad thing is, the parrots like this are more plentiful on CN then the logical rational freethinkers...

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