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And behold, a pale horse, and he who sat on it, his name was Death. Hades followed with him. Authority over one fourth of the earth, to kill with the sword, with famine, with death, and by the wild animals of the earth was given to him.

We are coming to a crossroads. To many, this has never been more apparent than it is now. We see it in those resisting by violence; we see it in those resisting with their words. Every day these halls are more and more filled with endless speculation about the coming conflict. We have heard these concerns ringing ad infinitum. War is unavoidable.

You may or may not know me. Over a week ago I was exposed for being at the center of a spy ring. Since then I have been attacked by those who I have wronged. At first, I did not know how to respond. Then I realized that I would have to bargain with those I intended to destroy in order to be free. I planned to sell my comrades, and information I had for amnesty. The desire for survival had overcome my dignity. However, a few days ago, I was speaking with an old friend of mine. We had planned the ring together, and I told him that I would have to sell those involved in order to gain my freedom. He displayed no anger, despite years of his hard work that were bound to go to waste. He only said one thing to me: "Ave Legio".

It was at that moment that I remembered why it was that I had undergone so much effort, why I had placed myself and others in peril. So I began to gather all the incriminating logs and conversations I could find from various sources. I attempted to piece together a picture of the rampant deception and disrespect of the current hegemon, their lack of any morality or decency. The picture I assembled was frightening, but not the fully damning one that I desired. However, my recent negotiations with TrotskysRevenge proved more telling than anything I could have found otherwise. I have included the relevant parts herein.

Session Start: Fri Feb 13 17:07:32 2009

Session Ident: Moo-Cows

<Madmonkey24> I'd like to think that you were simply too afraid to speak to me

<Madmonkey24> But I know that's not true

<Moo-Cows> LOL

<Madmonkey24> I'm glad that I provide somebody entertainment

<Moo-Cows> yeah, well

<Madmonkey24> I assume something comes after the well

<Moo-Cows> your whole thread was just funny

<Madmonkey24> That's how I like to keep it

<Madmonkey24> Hilarious

<Madmonkey24> I assume this is the part where you tell me that you'll accept my offer

<Moo-Cows> what offer?

<Madmonkey24> Oh Dilber...

<Madmonkey24> I made tC an offer

<Madmonkey24> I'd give you four grunts and logs

<Madmonkey24> For amnesty

<Madmonkey24> Now one of those grunts is gone

<Madmonkey24> So I have to give you someone actually worth it

<Madmonkey24> We can do this later

<Moo-Cows> ok

<Madmonkey24> I'm thinking Sunday or Monday

<Madmonkey24> *Not for these negotiations

<Madmonkey24> Think Revelations, my friend

Session Close: Fri Feb 13 17:22:17 2009

Session Start: Mon Feb 16 19:24:40 2009

Session Ident: Moo-Cows

<Madmonkey24[away]> So

<Madmonkey24> Do we talk

<Madmonkey24> ?

<Madmonkey24> Or not

<Madmonkey24> I'll be back in a few

<Madmonkey24> Hopefully it will be more convenient then

<Madmonkey24> In case you were interested

<Madmonkey24> A few is now

<Madmonkey24> It's kind of tough for me to tell if you're inactive, and presenting activity due to being on channels

<Madmonkey24> Or if you're just ignoring me

<Madmonkey24> If you're not willing to talk

<Madmonkey24> Tell me to shut up and go away

<Madmonkey24> And I won't bother you

<Moo-Cows> I'll be around in a couple hours

<Madmonkey24> I probably won't

<Moo-Cows> what do you want?

<Madmonkey24> Trying to trade some logs and grunts

<Madmonkey24> For amnesty

<Madmonkey24> Basically

<Moo-Cows> hmmm

<Madmonkey24> Yeah

<Madmonkey24> It might take a little time to negotiate

<Madmonkey24> Good thing is, I have some other things you might be interested in

<Madmonkey24> Well, it's good for me at least

<Moo-Cows> like what?

<Madmonkey24> Most of the Vox spies

<Madmonkey24> Everyone in Northrend's new network

<Madmonkey24> Some of your ministers

<Madmonkey24> But I think I'll keep those

<Madmonkey24> (Sorry about the "your", it's a general term for Q)

<Moo-Cows> I'm not going to consider this unless it is worth my while

<Madmonkey24> Okay

<Madmonkey24> And what is worth your while?

<Madmonkey24> I mean, do you really care if MCXA stays in 1V?

<Moo-Cows> why wouldn't I?

<Madmonkey24> [/sarcasm]

<Madmonkey24> Sorry, doesn't translate well over the internet

<Moo-Cows> I wasn't being sarcastic

<Madmonkey24> I meant me

<Moo-Cows> of course I care if they are in MCXA

<Madmonkey24> I'm not trading spies in unrelated alliances

<Madmonkey24> Why would you care about that?

<Moo-Cows> all right

<Madmonkey24> I have an issue

<Madmonkey24> I have to talk to someone real quick

<Madmonkey24> I have 3/4

<Moo-Cows> ok

<Madmonkey24> However, one of the grunts went off like an !@#$%^&

<Madmonkey24> So now I have to trade a minister

<Madmonkey24> And I think it's going to be the guy who started this whole thing

<Madmonkey24> Let me talk to the rest of the guys

<Madmonkey24> Alright, two down

<Madmonkey24> So

<Madmonkey24> I think we're going to be all right in that regard

<Madmonkey24> What do I need to give you on top of that?

<Moo-Cows> so what are you giving?

<Madmonkey24> I won't release any logs

<Moo-Cows> brb

<Madmonkey24> 'kay

<Moo-Cows> actualy after I eat

<Moo-Cows> 20 minutes

<Madmonkey24> No problems there

<Madmonkey24> Are we ready?

<Moo-Cows> yeah

<Madmonkey24> Alright, we left off with logs

<Moo-Cows> you need to have proof of whatever you say

<Madmonkey24> Okay

<Madmonkey24> Where do you need them sent?

<Madmonkey24> Hold on, hold on

<Madmonkey24> These are negotiations

<Madmonkey24> Here's a basic overview

<Madmonkey24> We've got mostly bland to semi-interesting gov. chatter

<Madmonkey24> That's crap

<Madmonkey24> And then we've got a couple of Triumvirs

<Madmonkey24> Mouthing off

<Madmonkey24> I don't even see the whole !@#$@#$ GGA-MCXA thing

<Madmonkey24> Whatever

<Madmonkey24> Anyway, it's pretty vile stuff

<Madmonkey24> Seriously, tell ******* to shut the $%&@ up if he's not using query

<Madmonkey24> That's yours

<Madmonkey24> And that's what we have as a base

<Madmonkey24> If I can trade that for amnesty, it's cool

<Madmonkey24> If you want anything else, we negotiate

<Moo-Cows> brb

<Madmonkey24> Okay

<Madmonkey24> Time frame?

<Madmonkey24> Actually, I'll be back in like 10 minutes

<Madmonkey24> That wasn't ten minutes

<Madmonkey24> But I'm still back

<Madmonkey24> "Reason: MCRABT wants this guy ZI'd"

<Madmonkey24> Excuse that...

<Madmonkey24> Alright, I gotta go

<Madmonkey24> We'll continue this tomorrow

<Madmonkey24> If you could drop me a PM or something

<Madmonkey24> To tell me when I should get on, that'd be cool

Session Close: Mon Feb 16 21:33:22 2009

<Madmonkey24> Yes, query spamming is bad form

<Madmonkey24> But what can you do?

<Moo-Cows> you want amnesty you're going to have to give something worthwhile for it

<Madmonkey24> Okay

<Madmonkey24> Where did we leave off?

<Madmonkey24> I mean, what do you want?

<Madmonkey24> What are we talking about here

<Madmonkey24> Other spies

<Madmonkey24> Other organizations

<Madmonkey24> Casus Bellis

<Madmonkey24> You name it

<Madmonkey24> Please don't vanish on me again

<Madmonkey24> Man is it hard to negotiate with you

<Madmonkey24> And so again I wait

<Moo-Cows> you were talking about grunts vs Ministers and no logs

<Moo-Cows> whatever you give, you have to corroborate it

<Madmonkey24> As stated, there are no problems with corroboration

<Madmonkey24> If I can give you just what I said

<Madmonkey24> Can I get off?

<Madmonkey24> Or do you need more?

<Madmonkey24> That was the question

<Madmonkey24> The list of things I've got is above

<Moo-Cows> I am unclear as to exactly what you are offering at this point

<Madmonkey24> I've got most of the low level Vox sleepers

<Madmonkey24> Northrend has a new network, as you may or may not know

<Madmonkey24> And I've got all of them

<Madmonkey24> I've got CB's against most of the big alliances that would actually be worth the effort

<Madmonkey24> I'm just trying to give you as little as possible

<Madmonkey24> So I can get out of this with some cards still left

<Moo-Cows> well, that isn't going to happen

<Madmonkey24> I kind of figured

<Madmonkey24> So let's start with the basics

<Moo-Cows> you want off, give me what you have

<Madmonkey24> If I give you everything I have

<Madmonkey24> Every single thing

<Madmonkey24> There's no reason for you not to get rid of me

<Madmonkey24> I need your guarantee that I get off

<Moo-Cows> why would I get rid of you?

<Madmonkey24> For kicks?

<Moo-Cows> we don't roll that way

<Madmonkey24> It would probably be a good idea

<Madmonkey24> I'd do it

<Madmonkey24> Regardless, this is my train of thought

<Madmonkey24> Negotiations -> Agreement -> Logs and Persons Given -> Amnesty

<Madmonkey24> I also need to know what to get from the network

<Madmonkey24> For example, I don't have any of the Citadel logs on me

<Madmonkey24> That'd take about half a day, some of these people live in wierd time zones

<Madmonkey24> You probably don't even have use for some of this stuff

<Madmonkey24> Citadel doesn't need bothering

<Madmonkey24> Neither does RoK

<Moo-Cows> maybe, maybe not....but are allies might

<Moo-Cows> get what you have all together and then contact me again

<Madmonkey24> 'Kay then

<Madmonkey24> Any idea when you'll be on tomorrow?

<Madmonkey24> I'll take that as a "sometime"

Session Close: Tue Feb 17 20:32:14 2009

<Madmonkey24> Are you available?

<Madmonkey24> Everything is prepped and ready for sending

<Madmonkey24> I just need a location

<Madmonkey24> Oh yeah, also, I'm at 29 infra

<Madmonkey24> So I may just miss ZI

<Moo-Cows> ************

<Madmonkey24> Thanks, mate

<Madmonkey24> I think I'm going to make a separate CN email account

<Madmonkey24> Gimme a couple of minutes

<Madmonkey24> One thing you have to indulge me

<Madmonkey24> Before I shuffle into one of CN's many retirement homes

<Madmonkey24> We could never figure this out

<Madmonkey24> How were you going to manage hitting Citadel without drawing RoK in also?

<Madmonkey24> Also, sent

<Madmonkey24> Fine, I didn't even want to know anyway

<Madmonkey24> Ignoring me: The height of class

<Madmonkey24> Alright, I'm gonna go get food

<Madmonkey24> I get two questions

<Madmonkey24> 1. The above

<Madmonkey24> 2. Am I free?

<Moo-Cows> :P

<Moo-Cows> Citadel was never a problem

<Moo-Cows> rok would roll over, if they didn't we would hit them too

<Moo-Cows> they'll die one way or another

<Madmonkey24> By your hand I assume?

<Moo-Cows> directly or indirectly

<Moo-Cows> let me look at the info you sent

<Moo-Cows> I haven't gotten anything yet

<Madmonkey24> Did you check your spam folder?

<Moo-Cows> I have nothing

<Madmonkey24> Alright, let me send it again

<Madmonkey24> And what about the IRON question?

<Madmonkey24> The way I see it, you've got two options

<Madmonkey24> Reel them in as puppets

<Madmonkey24> Or hit them also

<Moo-Cows> I expect we'll get them soon after Citadel

<Madmonkey24> You know, I was talking to an old friend a little while ago

<Madmonkey24> You know what he said?

<Madmonkey24> "Ave Legio"

<Madmonkey24> Then I remembered why I do all this

<Madmonkey24> So let's consider this a no go

<Madmonkey24> Besides, if I sold one of the ring

<Madmonkey24> I doubt the rest would stay anyway

<Moo-Cows> thanks for wasting my time

<Madmonkey24> Goodbye

The progression to war is usually a mutual endeavor. Escalations occur on both sides, war mongers drive their pawns into the maelstrom. But this is not the case. I have never heard of or seen any belligerent actions on the part of Citadel in regards to their relations with the NPO. But they are still a target. They find themselves on the hit-list of the Emperor for no other reason than their existence.

We have seen this before. More alliances have been destroyed or leashed by the NPO and her allies than I can list on my fingers. I have seen my home destroyed and my comrades driven from the game. The list runs long of those wronged by our current hegemony. It has been this way for three years.

I recall a previous thread, my expulsion from the STA. Those begging for incriminating and war starting accounts far outnumbered their even headed compatriots. My experiences over the past week lead me to believe that the coming conflict will be worse than anything we have ever seen. Those who counseled the preservation of privacy, and the preservation of peace, will undoubtedly be proven right.

I can not stand for this any longer. I have seen too many fall. I will not let, when I had the power to do something about it, another group of innocents be persecuted for their honor. We find ourselves at a crossroads. Do we stand against this encroaching threat? Do we re-evaluate our relationships, do we prepare for war? Or will we wait, and watch, as the predictable occurs? History shows us that the many can not be ruled by so few for so long. We must all stand together, lest decency should perish from this Earth.

Edited by Madmonkey24
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Nothing like faking the last part; nothing was said about Citadel other than we never intended to hit them and nothing was said about IRON. You are a piece of work. You need to try harder than t hat.

Madmonkey24: How were you going to manage hitting Citadel without drawing RoK in also?

[4:10pm] Madmonkey24: Also, sent

[4:12pm] Madmonkey24: Fine, I didn't even want to know anyway

[4:14pm] Madmonkey24: Ignoring me: The height of class

[4:15pm] Madmonkey24: Alright, I'm gonna go get food

[4:15pm] Madmonkey24: I get two questions

[4:15pm] Madmonkey24: 1. The above

[4:15pm] Madmonkey24: 2. Am I free?

[4:16pm] Moo-Cows:

[4:16pm] Moo-Cows: we never intended to hit Citadel

[4:16pm] Moo-Cows: let me look at the info

then he disconnected

Madmonkey24: Alright, I didn't get any of that

[4:30pm] Madmonkey24: past "let me look at the info"

[4:35pm] Moo-Cows: I didn't say anything

[4:36pm] Moo-Cows: I haven't gotten anything yet

[4:37pm] Madmonkey24: Alright then...

[4:37pm] Madmonkey24: Check your spam folder?

[4:39pm] Madmonkey24: How much longer are you going to be on for? I have no idea why you haven't gotten anything yet

[4:39pm] Madmonkey24: I sent a second time, see anything?

[4:41pm] Madmonkey24: Hello?

[4:45pm] Madmonkey24: Do you have my email yet?

[4:52pm] Moo-Cows: let me check

[4:52pm] Moo-Cows: nope.....XXXXXXX (my e-mail again)

[4:53pm] Madmonkey24: I know

[4:53pm] Madmonkey24: For God's sake

[4:53pm] Madmonkey24: There's got to be something wrong on my end

[4:53pm] Madmonkey24: Hold on

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Okay now, who exactly are you now? Someone who is selling out his co-conspirators in exchange for peace. Clearly not a trustworthy fellow. Now, Moo, like him or hate him, he isn't stupid. Who are you again, Madmonkey? No one Moo would be telling his evil plan to. Especially if you're offering to hand him logs. He'd know that you'd be more likely to give away your logs with him than someone who doesn't share logs. Really now, think about this for a moment people. So my guess is that these logs are fake.

Another theory could be that Moo was simply pulling this fellow's leg here. I mean, what could he have that the NPO would want? Obviously he's not a great spy master or he wouldn't have gotten caught. Whatever gold Madmonkey thinks he has, well, it's probably not that good. Despite what he thinks, because he obviously thinks he has the biggest secret of all time, which is probably the NPO's war guide, because nobody has ever seen the NPO's war guide before. Really, think about this for a moment.....

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Okay now, who exactly are you now? Someone who is selling out his co-conspirators in exchange for peace. Clearly not a trustworthy fellow. Now, Moo, like him or hate him, he isn't stupid. Who are you again, Madmonkey? No one Moo would be telling his evil plan to. Especially if you're offering to hand him logs. He'd know that you'd be more likely to give away your logs with him than someone who doesn't share logs. Really now, think about this for a moment people. So my guess is that these logs are fake.

Another theory could be that Moo was simply pulling this fellow's leg here. I mean, what could he have that the NPO would want? Obviously he's not a great spy master or he wouldn't have gotten caught. Whatever gold Madmonkey thinks he has, well, it's probably not that good. Despite what he thinks, because he obviously thinks he has the biggest secret of all time, which is probably the NPO's war guide, because nobody has ever seen the NPO's war guide before. Really, think about this for a moment.....

These were the exact thoughts I had.

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Nothing like faking the last part; nothing was said about Citadel other than we never intended to hit them and nothing was said about IRON. You are a piece of work. You need to try harder than t hat.

You did edit you logs to include comments. Therefore you have edited your logs for your own purposes, in this case clarification, but what is there to say you wouldn't change them to meet other needs of yours?

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Oh this guy again. The master of a great spy network that has provided him with a vast wealth of information that he just can not figure out what to do with. You make great claims but, when you speak it is clear you have no idea what is really going on anywhere on Planet Bob, you would make a fine addition to Black Rock or whatever.

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banned member^ Ok

banned member^ Moo did edit his logs

RandomDudefrom[RoK] Though I just happened to be the leader when the alliance was hit.

banned member^ Madmonkey24: Alright, I didn't get any of that

banned member^ [4:30pm] Madmonkey24: past "let me look at the info"

banned member^ [4:35pm] Moo-Cows: I didn't say anything

banned member^ the first line is missing timestamp

banned member^ :v

NOTE: I use the Opera IRC client.

Edited by Gatherum
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There's no reason for Moo to plot against Citadel. It will crumble from within once TOP gets done betraying Gramlins.

Also, interesting that you admit that sarcasm doesn't come across the internet well, and then assume that Moo's comments about attacking his most powerful allies to an exposed crack-pate spy is serious? Holy irony Batman!

Edited by WalkerNinja
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There's no reason for Moo to plot against Citadel. It will crumble from within once TOP gets done betraying Gramlins.

Also, interesting that you admit that sarcasm doesn't come across the internet well, and then assume that Moo's comments about attacking his most powerful allies to an exposed crack-pate spy is serious? Holy irony Batman!

He identifies his sarcasm. Moo denies that statement existed.

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Okay now, who exactly are you now? Someone who is selling out his co-conspirators in exchange for peace. Clearly not a trustworthy fellow. Now, Moo, like him or hate him, he isn't stupid. Who are you again, Madmonkey? No one Moo would be telling his evil plan to. Especially if you're offering to hand him logs. He'd know that you'd be more likely to give away your logs with him than someone who doesn't share logs. Really now, think about this for a moment people. So my guess is that these logs are fake.

Another theory could be that Moo was simply pulling this fellow's leg here. I mean, what could he have that the NPO would want? Obviously he's not a great spy master or he wouldn't have gotten caught. Whatever gold Madmonkey thinks he has, well, it's probably not that good. Despite what he thinks, because he obviously thinks he has the biggest secret of all time, which is probably the NPO's war guide, because nobody has ever seen the NPO's war guide before. Really, think about this for a moment.....

I've got to go with this man here. I may not be his biggest fan, but I realize he's not stupid. Moo isn't going to tell anyone outside of the NPO government he trusts what his full plans are. He's especially not going to trust someone he caught spying on him.

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