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War is in the air


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There's been six world wars.

Plus 10 other wars involving a major alliance or coalition:

The Citrus War

Polar Wars I and II

The Maroon War

The Viridicide


FAN-Initiative War

The NADC War

Woodstock Massacre

One Vision-GATO War

3 out of 16. Not bad. :huh:

Unless other seasons seem to consistently have more major wars than one per year, I'd still say that 3 major wars in 3 summers is good enough.

But I don't actually care, and I don't know why I'm discussing this, so I'll stop.

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There's been six world wars.

Plus 10 other wars involving a major alliance or coalition:

The Citrus War

Polar Wars I and II

The Maroon War

The Viridicide


FAN-Initiative War

The NADC War

Woodstock Massacre

One Vision-GATO War

3 out of 16. Not bad. :huh:

Only 5 Great Wars. Not 6.

1.)Great War 1

2.)Great War 2

3.)Great War 3

4.)Great War 4/Unjust War

5.)Great War 5/ War of the Coalition

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we need a spark, and I dont see one coming quite just yet, I also predict we'll see a bit more political dancing, and a bloc or two more before the fireworks begin.

This is what I'm guessing as well. Something is in the air though, and don't be too shocked if things happen all of a sudden, though it may be a while.

All you need is an open mind when reading the OWF and AP.

Edited by Mamaev II
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There isn't a timeline for great wars. They tend to happen during the summer, though, because that's when everyone is online. However, the event that triggers a great war happens quite sudden, but you'll know when the spark occurs.

this "they tend to happen during the summer" theory is pretty lame seeing as GW2 (in winter) and GW3 (in spring), UJW (september) and the recent war (happening at the tail end of summer via august) with many more large beatdowns and little skirmishes happening WAY more frequently during the spring fall and winter months than during summer

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The lack of general bitterness leads be to believe a major war is still sometime off. Look for a serious insult or some OOC attack to pop up, then we will have that war.

I have created a template interested parties are free to borrow when the time comes:

You are a <insert serious insult here>. Someone ought to <insert OOC attack here>.
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Only 5 Great Wars. Not 6.

1.)Great War 1

2.)Great War 2

3.)Great War 3

4.)Great War 4/Unjust War

5.)Great War 5/ War of the Coalition

Some people consider the war between the Imperial Nations Coalition and Cross Alliance and Treaty Organization to be a world war, mainly because they were the only two major alliances around when it happened, plus they called it "World War 1" at the time.

There was no Great War 5. Yet. I know I'm sounding like HeroofTime by saying this, but the only people who call it that are the ones that want to claim their alliance was part of a "Great War". Yes it was the biggest war in the history of Planet Bob, but this time, the majority of people seem to agree it's not the Fifth Great War.

The timing of all 16 major wars I cited appears to be coincidence more than anything else. There's no evidence to back up the claim that major wars tend to happen during the period from 1 June through 30 August, and in fact it appears from that wars are actually less likely to happen then.

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Some people consider the war between the Imperial Nations Coalition and Cross Alliance and Treaty Organization to be a world war, mainly because they were the only two major alliances around when it happened, plus they called it "World War 1" at the time.

There was no Great War 5. Yet. I know I'm sounding like HeroofTime by saying this, but the only people who call it that are the ones that want to claim their alliance was part of a "Great War". Yes it was the biggest war in the history of Planet Bob, but this time, the majority of people seem to agree it's not the Fifth Great War.

The timing of all 16 major wars I cited appears to be coincidence more than anything else. There's no evidence to back up the claim that major wars tend to happen during the period from 1 June through 30 August, and in fact it appears from that wars are actually less likely to happen then.

If there wasn't a GW5 yet why do you say there are 6 world wars? :huh:

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War is only in the air because of dumb threads like this one. There is a little tension in the air, but that does not mean that a war is immediately in the offing. (For example, think of the Ivan/Moo issues in July 2007. There was no war anywhere for another 2 months, and no war between the Orders at all.)

Certainly, there will be another war someplace, sometime. But that will not be here or now, I don't think.

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You can't really predict dates. GW2 started on just another dreary January day, GW3 in March. Both of them also started over some very concrete events. Some kind of direct cause, a defence of some proxy, or some spying incident, stuff like that. Even when there are already deeper-lying reasons for war. But it doesn't happen that there are "tensions" for a long time, and then suddenly everyone declares war.

There also needs to be some sort of pay-off before a major war starts. An alliance won't start a war for the hell of it. But they might do it if they are confident that they can decisively beat the enemy, when they have sufficient allies, etc. I.e. when the potential benefits are greater than the costs.

Edited by Matthijs
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The only people who keep saying that are fringe players who have screwed themselves onto ZI lists and need a war to get off it. I might be cynical but its also the truth. :popcorn:

I think you might be right about this.

As for war, meh... in the words of my former emperor:

"Bring it"


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Feel free to start one whenever you like.

(OOC: I get annoyed by people complaining about the lack of wars/drama, who sit there in alliances well connected with the web and do nothing to create fun in the game, instead waiting for other players to do it for them. If you're not having fun, you can stir things up yourself.)

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