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If you could bring back one person to CN...

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Constantly attacked? This is the first thread the guy has ever been even mentioned by me since Vox has existed. Yet again, exaggerating to make it seem worse. You guys have a real knack for that. (Take note how annoying this is) I don't really care if everyone else wants him back, I'm not going to just say "Oh hey, people like him, I do too!", just in case you forgot that I don't march in line.

Mpol had some great announcements and aside from that was pretty quiet. If he had not gone off his rocker and made an incredibly stupid post, I believe he'd still be a contributing member.

It is my opinion that Josef was a coward, who hid behind others, and every single post of his was just a one liner threatening someone. That is why I said that, in case it wasn't obvious why I was attacking him. I'm sorry I hurt your national hero but I like to express my opinion and I really don't care if others do.

In your first paragraph you say I am exaggerating and then in your last you call him our "national hero". Perhaps you should go back through the pages as it wasnt just NPO people saying they missed him. Now I know it is hard for you to not jump in a thread and post negatively but there are times when a thread is going pretty well that it would be polite of you to just let it continue.

If your opinion about Thorne is so strong then go make a thread about him or something. This thread WAS about bringing back someone you miss. You have moved on to insulting those that others wish would come back. "Every single post of his was just a one liner threatening someone"? Yet another insulting exaggeration that serves what purpose?

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In your first paragraph you say I am exaggerating and then in your last you call him our "national hero". Perhaps you should go back through the pages as it wasnt just NPO people saying they missed him. Now I know it is hard for you to not jump in a thread and post negatively but there are times when a thread is going pretty well that it would be polite of you to just let it continue.

If your opinion about Thorne is so strong then go make a thread about him or something. This thread WAS about bringing back someone you miss. You have moved on to insulting those that others wish would come back. "Every single post of his was just a one liner threatening someone"? Yet another insulting exaggeration that serves what purpose?

I said you exaggerated how often and how much we attacked him. One time, in this thread. Nowhere else. I called him your national hero. Not anyone else, yours. Ironic of you to say that though, as you hound every thread we make, and every post we make, as well. I'll let a GPA member say that, not you.

That's also a terrible suggestion, by the way. I don't think the mods would like it too much, either.

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I said you exaggerated how often and how much we attacked him. One time, in this thread. Nowhere else. I called him your national hero. Not anyone else, yours. Ironic of you to say that though, as you hound every thread we make, and every post we make, as well. I'll let a GPA member say that, not you.

That's also a terrible suggestion, by the way. I don't think the mods would like it too much, either.

Actually I posted where another Vox member started the whole Thorne roast. Since you blatently wish to ignore that, it is obvious you do not wish any level of discourse but instead wish to just use each post of mine to continue to toss insults and attitude.

I see why plenty of folks have told me to not attempt to have a discussion with you. Have fun.

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Actually I posted where another Vox member started the whole Thorne roast. Since you blatently wish to ignore that, it is obvious you do not wish any level of discourse but instead wish to just use each post of mine to continue to toss insults and attitude.

I see why plenty of folks have told me to not attempt to have a discussion with you. Have fun.

And his post was one time, in this thread, and nowhere else. Like I said.

That's a funny barb though, considering you were just complaining about me taking personal shots at you. Guess you just can't resist being a hypocrite.

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Also, Fraternite. God I miss the old days :(

Me too. GWIII up to the UJW were when the game was really fun for me. I thought Fraternite remained around for a while after. Wasn't he ex GPA? Or am I confusing him with helbecter. I know one of the two were.

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And his post was one time, in this thread, and nowhere else. Like I said.

That's a funny barb though, considering you were just complaining about me taking personal shots at you. Guess you just can't resist being a hypocrite.

How is he taking personal shots at you? All I saw him doing was critiquing your debate style.

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Me too. GWIII up to the UJW were when the game was really fun for me. I thought Fraternite remained around for a while after. Wasn't he ex GPA? Or am I confusing him with helbecter. I know one of the two were.

The Fark war through to the UjW pretty much encapsulated my time with CN GOONS, bloody great times, let me tell ya. Frat was ex-GPA and I think he was on holidays at the time of the UjW. I don't think he had a sitter or was around much for the war or even bothered to come back to his nation, which deleted at some point in September or October 2007 from memory. As for Hels, I don't think he was ever in GPA, I'm pretty sure he's an SA goon. In case you missed it, in the last week or two of September '07, he opened up the previously hidden FA threads on the GOONS forums to us plebs, which made for a bit of interesting reading at the time.

[Edit]: Grammar.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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No, I found him irritating – abrasive and aggressive even when he didn't need to be, and usually using snide putdowns instead of defeating you with good arguments and well placed facts. If you lose an argument to Dilber or Bakunin, at least you feel defeated by a worthy opponent, instead of verbally beaten up like you do with Thorne.

Ah, but that's what he added to the boards, which still is something. (I didn't like his methods either, but occasionally read them. Never the third, fourth... seventh, eighth... Only the first post was worth it. Usually some cleverness instituted. Beyond that was verbal sparring of which both parties inevitably resorted to hollow arguments and tiresome vitriol.)

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Ill go with Sister Midnight too :)

Though Ill put this one out there even though he probably is still around in one form or another; Zafeer Blacksaber, certainly one of the best people Ive been fortunate enough to work with though I doubt many will remember him :(

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Me too. GWIII up to the UJW were when the game was really fun for me. I thought Fraternite remained around for a while after. Wasn't he ex GPA? Or am I confusing him with helbecter. I know one of the two were.

Frat :( He was first ODN, then GPA, then GOONS. I think he quit during the UJW. I know he was around right before it happened and for the first week, after that I'm not sure. He taught me a lot about CN, and a lot of things in general. He was a good friend.

Helsbecter was never in GPA, but I miss him too.

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I mean, we had our differences and she scared the bejezus out of me as a Minister of a young and small alliance, but she was still pretty cool and even as she did the scaring she made the political enjeu fun.

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Me too. GWIII up to the UJW were when the game was really fun for me. I thought Fraternite remained around for a while after. Wasn't he ex GPA? Or am I confusing him with helbecter. I know one of the two were.

Fraternite was ODN and GPA before GOONS (although he was from SA)

Edited by Penlugue Solaris
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