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The Day Today - InternatiNEWs

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The Day Today - Seizing the memes of production!

A Special Bulletin (because someone has to)


NEW kids on the block banned from Pacifican Radio Broadcasts


If there is anyone out there actually reading this; I would like to at least assume that you dear readers rock up to the your throne rooms regularly enough to avoid your kingdom vanishing into the æther and check global events like "Exposed Spy Operations" and maybe even "Wars Across the Globe" - If you do check on the latter then the contents of the following article are already a dead giveaway from the oh-so-clever headline bashed into keyboards by the droogs we keep in TDT Headquarters' basement for that specific purpose.


If however you don't check whether or not the world is on fire somewhere? Let me save you some time:




Sorry about the capital letters; the producers asked me to do that for those of you at the back, and apparently the front. As it would seem that for some reason this is not a matter that either party feel like bringing to the world stage. Things like making a fancy declaration of war or a firmhanded recognition of hostilities, for example. So as a consequence of this news vacuum, The Day Today team, who are guided by the equation "Fact x Importance = News" are powerless and compelled to fill it and seize a narrative.


Those of you (which lets be honest is most of you) who remember NEW from back in t'day are likely familiar with the fact that they do not all speak the primary language which Bob utilizes on the world stage to communicate, they also have a history of not really making announcements generally speaking. So the silence from NEW is ultimately unsurprising to this journalist but the radio silence from Pacifica? A bit more baffling, and frankly quite frustrating.


Because you see, this world thrives on dialogue- open world dialogue; leaders shouting in each others faces and starting beefs with each other, or even making amends on a bitter long-standing grudge (in rare instances); masterfully crafted propaganda imagery (I heard they even made their own gifs at one point...); watching the fall of a once mighty leader and laughing at it. These are but some of the things we take back to our little private burrows, chuckle with our comrades about and actually be an alliance.




So Pacifica: Why have you opt-ed out of this world? You are the largest alliance on the planet and one of the oldest alliances on the planet has just attacked you, yet you remain silent. However when it comes to Non Grata waging their own war against an alliance -which you are not even directly tied to- for their own reasons, you decide to get all of your buddies together and stick your beak in.


I know that many of you are sick of this Open World and do not wish to participate unless you have to, but this right here is most of our world and if the largest alliance won't even post a mere "recognition of hostilities" anymore then what is the point of you exactly? If you want to opt-out then declare neutrality already, if you want to keep sticking your beak into other people's business at least make a bit of an effort [OOC] TO ROLEPLAY [/OOC]


And that goes for the rest of you (he shouts to an empty theatre) if you're a top ranked alliance who wants to keep meddling in the affairs of others: Start Talking Openly. Climb out of your burrows and tell the Leader of the Viridian Entente they've got a ridiculous nose, or poke fun at GATO's red tape fetish. Anything will do, as loathed as I am to say it; at least the leader of FTW makes public statements and does his best to catch up in the field of memetic warfare.


In summary: Without dialogue this world will die, with dialogue we thrive.


Alternatively here's some pictures for those of you who can't quite read:







And someone sent in this:




That's it, there is no more news. Go away.





Edited by Johnny Apocalypse
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Dear OWF




It was very kind of NPO to send poor Jonesing reps.

Those of us who were watching feel compelled to stress the importance of discipline:






Highlights of this season:


-Canik loses the meme war:



-NG forces entrenched but not defeated 


-Furry promises to storm NpO but they don't:



-RFI is losing a grip on its members due to boredom (more about that later)


-Oculus still won't admit they are in it for Furry and they refuse to address peace talks


-And FtW has yet to lift its ongoing sanctions on a COBRA nation



This broadcast has been brought to you in part by contributions from the Nusantara Elite Warriors.

Bless them.



o/ War




Edited by General Kanabis
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Hi Johnny,


NEW never declared peace from their last war. This is just them picking things back up. And I would imagine it will run about the same.


As for the Polar2020, you'll have to a little more specific. If you're referring to HoT, he was attacked until he admitted defeat and surrendered.


GK, I think Cobra has had enough. Reviewing the footage from the last war:















Joseph M. Black



Edited by Joseph Black
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10 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:

Anything will do, as loathed as I am to say it; at least the leader of FTW makes public statements and does his best to catch up in the field of memetic warfare.



10 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:

 However when it comes to Non Grata waging their own war against an alliance -which you are not even directly tied to- for their own reasons, you decide to get all of your buddies together and stick your beak in.

"Non Grata waging their own war" is not really accurate. A significant portion of those fighting or who have fought for NG were not NG natives. It is more than a little ironic to hear complaints about interference in the war between NG and FTW when GK, Thrash, Ericsw, Rab and more were not originally in NG to begin with. NG actively sought outside interference rather than to accept the white peace we offered them.



Edited by Canik
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59 minutes ago, Canik said:

"Non Grata waging their own war" is not really accurate. A significant portion of those fighting or who have fought for NG were not NG natives. It is more than a little ironic to hear complaints about interference in the war between NG and FTW when GK, Thrash, Ericsw, Rab and more were not originally in NG to begin with. NG actively sought outside interference rather than to accept the white peace we offered them.


NG were considerably smaller than you so seeking outside assistance is pragmatic and understandable. Am I right to infer from this that the reason NPO/Oc are involved is due to you asking for outside interference against 40 men? Surely the mIgHtY FReeHoLd should have been more than capable of dealing with Non Grata alone, no?


Also please provide dated evidence of a white peace offering to NG.


Also no I'm not centering the header, our own editors are very particular as it is ;)


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Just stopping by to say hi to everyone.



Your nuclear attack against Republic of Eurasia was a success. Republic of Eurasia lost 2507 defending soldiers, 18 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 277.621 miles of land, 16.32 technology, 235.98 infrastructure, 75% of their aircraft, and 25% of their nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses Republic of Eurasia will experience many days of economic devastation in their nation.

Edited by sigelopisan
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1 hour ago, sigelopisan said:

Just stopping by to say hi to everyone.



Your nuclear attack against Republic of Eurasia was a success. Republic of Eurasia lost 2507 defending soldiers, 18 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 277.621 miles of land, 16.32 technology, 235.98 infrastructure, 75% of their aircraft, and 25% of their nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses Republic of Eurasia will experience many days of economic devastation in their nation.

Hello Sigel


Kudos posting here before NPO reps 

Edited by Lucius Optimus
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2 hours ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


NG were considerably smaller than you so seeking outside assistance is pragmatic and understandable. Am I right to infer from this that the reason NPO/Oc are involved is due to you asking for outside interference against 40 men? Surely the mIgHtY FReeHoLd should have been more than capable of dealing with Non Grata alone, no?


Also please provide dated evidence of a white peace offering to NG.


Also no I'm not centering the header, our own editors are very particular as it is ;)


No you would be wrong to infer that. I just find it funny NG wanted outside interference and it backfired on them so horribly. 🤣

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6 hours ago, Canik said:

NG actively sought outside interference



Those of us who joined up did so as volunteers.


This is not the case with your side-




Planet Bob must rid itself of your negativity. Your PoV is what ruins the game



We are surrounded by Furries pretending to care.


Time to clean up house.


Edited by General Kanabis
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5 hours ago, sigelopisan said:

Just stopping by to say hi to everyone.



Your nuclear attack against Republic of Eurasia was a success. Republic of Eurasia lost 2507 defending soldiers, 18 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 277.621 miles of land, 16.32 technology, 235.98 infrastructure, 75% of their aircraft, and 25% of their nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses Republic of Eurasia will experience many days of economic devastation in their nation.


Represent,  brother. Lemme hear dem pixels shatter! o7



Edited by General Kanabis
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3 hours ago, Canik said:

No you would be wrong to infer that. I just find it funny NG wanted outside interference and it backfired on them so horribly. 🤣


Yes you are right, I suppose it would be wrong to infer that the Freehold could hold their own against a band of 40~ men- speaking from experience and everything.

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1 hour ago, Tiberius said:

Pacifica recognises that NEW wants to leave this world. We fully support them and will provide them assistance with their aspirations.


That is quite the assumption to make of their intentions don't you think? As I understand it, there is a much faster and direct way to leave this world which doesn't require your assistance.

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31 minutes ago, Johnny Apocalypse said:


That is quite the assumption to make of their intentions don't you think? 


Very true, especially since the last war NEW was involved in never saw a resolution on their end of the spectrum.

They were included in peace talks by NPO without having an official say in the matter, being mostly disbanded at the time.


All of this is easily verifiable here:


Though the original document linked is no more.

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9 hours ago, Canik said:

"Non Grata waging their own war" is not really accurate. A significant portion of those fighting or who have fought for NG were not NG natives. It is more than a little ironic to hear complaints about interference in the war between NG and FTW when GK, Thrash, Ericsw, Rab and more were not originally in NG to begin with. NG actively sought outside interference rather than to accept the white peace we offered them.




Show me some source for your claim of offering a white peace to Non Grata.  I don't remember EVER seeing such an offer.  Make that offer again.  I suspect that it would get the proper consideration that it is due.



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17 minutes ago, SemperFidelis said:




Show me some source for your claim of offering a white peace to Non Grata.  I don't remember EVER seeing such an offer.  Make that offer again.  I suspect that it would get the proper consideration that it is due.






It was offered when Cobra got peace. Y'all then decided to really mess up and now you're fighting two different wars. 


The one you jumped in with Cobra, and the one you caused as you recruited people to be slaughtered under your banner.



Joseph M. Black

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31 minutes ago, Joseph Black said:




It was offered when Cobra got peace. Y'all then decided to really mess up and now you're fighting two different wars. 


The one you jumped in with Cobra, and the one you caused as you recruited people to be slaughtered under your banner.



Joseph M. Black


At least people are willing to join and fight under there banner.  You know there used to be this really annoying alliance that used to be around and it reminds me of FTW.  Talked  so much and was so useless that its own allies wanted to roll it.  It was Super Nova X, I wondered what happened to that trash heap of an alliance so I looked it up and what did I find?  It merged with FTW, that explains so much.  

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