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A Statement From MI6


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Personally I would have gone with a more egotistical reply, but I know that's not your style it is nice to know you could leave for years and everyone would still remember you, where the person you quoted Tyga, I doubt I'll even remember in the inevitable next thread.

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No, it is quite easy to spend a lot of time on something yet make no effort.

Like all your comments in this thread? :V




Pray tell, if you don't organize wars then why do you continuously complain about the wars others organize? After all, what does the adage about wanting something done properly say?





This entire war was an overreaction to people saying mean things.


Sounds like a solid CB to me.  :awesome:

Not like CB's are a thing nowadays anyway.


Does Pacifica really need to be allies with those people to feel secure, even with the massive statistical advantage over any 3 alliances put together besides IRON or GPA?


Do you need to ask stupid questions? Probably not, but you will anyway. I don't see how needs are involved here.

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Do you need to ask stupid questions? Probably not, but you will anyway. I don't see how needs are involved here.

Personally, I like to have my victories mean more than the equivalent of the Patriots vs the Pee Wee leagues, if you had been around as long as some of us have, you'd know there's been several times in this world where the victory was actually something to feel proud of. Your ally's government can be quoted as saying this was designed to create opposition. This action will not provide the opposition they crave and instead further cement the stagnation of our world, your bloc certainly has "won" something here, the question is whether or not you wish to rule over a soon to be dead world or create a reason for the rest of us to stay around. 

edit: Additionally to actually remark on your whining about me posting. Why are you here then, if not for the forums? is our world really that enjoyable? To sit and save billions that most have saved up for years, and will never use due to the collusion of the upper tiers to prevent such an action from occurring? By RIA's statistics we have about a year and a half left going at the current rate of decay, I at the very least will be here when the lights go out, but at this point I suspect some of your allies wish to push the timetable ahead by quite a significant margin, ask yourself if keeping your statistics is worth everyone's becoming nothing.

Edited by Mogar
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Personally, I like to have my victories mean more than the equivalent of the Patriots vs the Pee Wee leagues, if you had been around as long as some of us have, you'd know there's been several times in this world where the victory was actually something to feel proud of.

Which ones? I feel like GW3 was, but I might be mistaken.
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Personally I would have gone with a more egotistical reply, but I know that's not your style it is nice to know you could leave for years and everyone would still remember you, where the person you quoted Tyga, I doubt I'll even remember in the inevitable next thread.


Hubert has been going on like this at me in-game for the duration of the war. He was of the opinion that because he could nuke me every day whereas my nukes were being blocked that he is a superior warrior and demanded I hand over the leadership of the STA. I, of course, as a man of honour gave him full leadership of the Singaporean Tennis Association. I look forward to the sleeping giant that is Singapore rising through the ranks of world tennis under Hubert's skilled leadership.

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Which ones? I feel like GW3 was, but I might be mistaken.

I'd even throw in Karma or the UjW, wars with meaning, even if the statistics weren't close they were still wars of substance, rather than forcing an alliance to apologize for something and then exhibit the same behavior in the fucking thread that you forced them to apologize in.

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Personally, I like to have my victories mean more than the equivalent of the Patriots vs the Pee Wee leagues, if you had been around as long as some of us have, you'd know there's been several times in this world where the victory was actually something to feel proud of. Your ally's government can be quoted as saying this was designed to create opposition. This action will not provide the opposition they crave and instead further cement the stagnation of our world, your bloc certainly has "won" something here, the question is whether or not you wish to rule over a soon to be dead world or create a reason for the rest of us to stay around. 

edit: Additionally to actually remark on your whining about me posting. Why are you here then, if not for the forums? is our world really that enjoyable? To sit and save billions that most have saved up for years, and will never use due to the collusion of the upper tiers to prevent such an action from occurring? By RIA's statistics we have about a year and a half left going at the current rate of decay, I at the very least will be here when the lights go out, but at this point I suspect some of your allies wish to push the timetable ahead by quite a significant margin, ask yourself if keeping your statistics is worth everyone's becoming nothing.

Well personally, I'm in favor of an Oculus-Doomsphere war for no other reason than to simply spice things up. This doesn't seem to be a popular opinion among my allies as there is really no reason for it, other than to spice things up. So either way, it seems like there is no reason for anything anymore. Like I said, CB's are seemingly becoming an old idea. The fact that we all have one major, completely predictable war once a year every year, should be enough to tell you that wars these days are more like annual celebrations than they are wars.

You can criticize me for the actions of over a thousand other nations if you'd like, but I don't control them. I don't lead an alliance. I'm not a government member of an alliance. I guide newbies and help them fight their wars. That's my role and I'm content with that. I suppose I could have bailed from IRON and applied to MI6 for this whole war in some attempt to be "moral", but what would that do? Nothing, that's what. They'd probably throw my application away anyway. I like my home. I'll support them through it all.

I wasn't whining about your posting. I just thought that was a really dumb question. 

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You as a member of the alliance have the ability to voice your opinion and influence the election of your leaders, be the change you wish to see in others. Run for government next election, maybe you'll even set up your alliance to not intentionally roll RIA's allies more often than not!

Edited by Mogar
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Hubert has been going on like this at me in-game for the duration of the war. He was of the opinion that because he could nuke me every day whereas my nukes were being blocked


Simple avenue to demonstrate his superiority isn't there.  Decom his 25 nukes then declare on 3 STA nations to put himself in an equivalent position to that you were in then "pound them all to hell"  But I susepct everyone arpound here already knows that wont be happening.  We're talking about a non entity who couldn't without nukes take on one alone far less the 3 nations you were engaged with while you had just two nukes a day to their dozens.

I volunteer to be one of the 3 and if this non entity can prove his superiority in the fashion described I will demand you hand over STA leadership to him.  And in fact fact it can be done.  I have recently been handing ass kickings to multiple nations myself while they had dozens of nukes to my two a day.  That's why both you and I are in the top group of damage handed out this war and that non entity loser isn't. 


But again I have given him a way to prove me wrong.  But don't expect the courage to take that opportunity to be forthcoming.

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You as a member of the alliance have the ability to voice your opinion and influence the election of your leaders, be the change you wish to see in others. Run for government next election, maybe you'll even set up your alliance to not intentionally roll RIA's allies more often than not!

I do voice my opinion about alliance affairs. All the time. 

Also, our leaders are not elected and I don't want to be in government. 

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You can put all the titles beneath your name here but it doesn't change the fact that you got pounded to hell this war by me. TWICE!!! LOSER.

There's being a bad winner, and then there's being a bad winner where your own personal contribution didn't really make much of a difference. Your wars were incredibly even considering that your opponents were all being dogpiled while you were left with only offensive wars. Edited by Horo the Wise Wolf
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Went from going through quotes in the liners,
To being known from the shows on the fliers,
Playing packed rooms, heading to the back room,
To cool down my face with some ice from the rider,
Looking out to a crowd full of lighters,
And the day those lights don't inspire us,
You'll see me walking out,
I'm a ghost, I'm gone.

Wish I could have been more active this war, I'd have put up a better fight and some of the people that hit me deserved that. See you some other time, Oculus.

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Do not think I'm ignorant enough to believe you are pointing out facts without motivation. You are complaining our war was not "fair" enough. That my alliance didn't organize a war enough to your liking. That is what you mean by the jab in your last sentence after all. I don't live in a fact free world, I agree. It was very lopsided. It was a bit of a farce, that I concede.


Unlike you however, I have planned wars. Some that we won and one that we lost (though ironically you declined to fight in that one). The reason I planned wars was because I had a particular vision for the game and for my alliance (much like yourself) and so the tools at my disposal (through leadership) I imparted my will on the game. You however, for some reason, decline to do that. You only complain. You heckle from the cheap seats. Despite being in a position of power (which for various reasons I am not anymore, to my dismay) you exert no effort to impart your will onto others. And so I wonder if the quote in your signature applies to yourself? Maybe it needs an update. Maybe the frequency of a player's whining is inversely proportional to the contribution they make to planet bob.

This guy (or girl) really likes parentheses (a lot, and even when commas would suffice).


Glad to see this (war) over.

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Let me begin by saying, anyone in the world with a pulse knows that I have ZERO love lost for Mi6. I would not piss on them if they were on fire.



That being said, there are some real idiots in Oculus. Not for fighting this war, not for blowing Mi6 to smithereens, but for the sheer unbridled arrogance that so many people who never accomplished anything on Planet Bob, have displayed with their words throughout this fouled up abortion of a military action. So so many of you are bending and contorting what is left of your twitching bodies in an effort to either pat one another on the back for a job well done, or to engage in a circle jerk to celebrate your "victory." I know not which it is. Nor do I care. 


Let us be clear on one thing. It is EASY to win a game of chess when nobody is in the other chair. That so many nobodies throughout the annals of Planet Bob History now sit at the big kids table is not , in any way, shape or form, an accomplishment on even the most small level. Long ago the T-Rexes wiped out the Raptors. The falling corpse of the many Brontosaurus smashed the last of the Dilos. What 90% of you clowns in Oculus fail to realize as you all rush to one another to congratulate yourselves, is that you amount to nothing more than  the last of the Dodo's walking along a decaying beach pecking at the last of the trilobites. You are nothing. You have accomplished nothing, you are capable of achieving no more than nothing. Your lone accomplishment is that you managed to care, longer than anyone else. Enjoy your... reign. King of all Dodos.

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