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Unpacking the baggage: Power and privilege on Planet Bob


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This thread is monotonous and stupid. I refuse to read it all.


That said I will indulge my usual devils advocate role and suggest that there is, underneath a pile of nonsense and possibly even self-parody, just enough of a hint of a skeleton of truth for someone to hang a respectable thesis on.


That is however the furthest thing from what the OP has done...


Not a Sea Lion More along the lines of..... most of this world tries to be the shark on the left.. and Pacifica IS the shark on the right:

This is a very effective piece of agitprop for which I must render props.



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Someone gave me props for something? *Raises eyeridge.. Then slaps the red alert button and heads to his bunker while shouting to his defense adviser to call the particle accelerator offices to see if they have been running any strange experiments on the nature of the bobverse and waits for oncoming apocalypse.*

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Someone gave me props for something? *Raises eyeridge.. Then slaps the red alert button and heads to his bunker while shouting to his defense adviser to call the particle accelerator offices to see if they have been running any strange experiments on the nature of the bobverse and waits for oncoming apocalypse.*

You should feel bad about this.
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*Hears Tywin criticizing him and sounds the all clear.*
What can I say.. we Pacificans are accustomed to a certain kind of "reverse-racist nonsense". When we actually hear someone say something nice about the order that doesn't come from our lips we start looking for daggers or lube. Because one of two things will happen and there's not much in between :P

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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This thread is monotonous and stupid. I refuse to read it all.


That said I will indulge my usual devils advocate role and suggest that there is, underneath a pile of nonsense and possibly even self-parody, just enough of a hint of a skeleton of truth for someone to hang a respectable thesis on.


That is however the furthest thing from what the OP has done...


The truth shouldn't have to package itself to entertain you. If you're seriously unwilling to do the right thing because of that, then you're kind of a !@#$ lord. Then again, maybe this is all just an excuse for you to avoid inconveniencing yourself. In either case, congratulations on setting back Planet Bob several years.


We will bury you.

An honest tyrant is a tyrant nonetheless. Sorry, but no brownie points for you.

Edited by Shokkou
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It isn't tyranny at all. It is the Red man's burden to guide and civilize the lesser spheres. That you do not see that your freedom is only truly attained once you've accepted the rightful and enlightened rule of the Red man does not mean we are the ones who are currently depriving you of it. If a child hurts itself to spite its parents, is it the parents' fault or the child's? If you were only to accept that your freedom is best achieved by getting an NPO viceroy, things would be a lot easier for all of us.


(OOC: I'm starting to regret my choice to RP an unrepentant sphere-racist in this thread, because it makes for some truly awful posts. Sorry.)

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It isn't tyranny at all. It is the Red man's burden to guide and civilize the lesser spheres. That you do not see that your freedom is only truly attained once you've accepted the rightful and enlightened rule of the Red man does not mean we are the ones who are currently depriving you of it. If a child hurts itself to spite its parents, is it the parents' fault or the child's? If you were only to accept that your freedom is best achieved by getting an NPO viceroy, things would be a lot easier for all of us.
(OOC: I'm starting to regret my choice to RP an unrepentant sphere-racist in this thread, because it makes for some truly awful posts. Sorry.)

I got the blue man's burden, I got to save the red man and restore his civilized spirit and former purpose.
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So....I haven't read all of this because the first couple of pages are like one big ol' flashback. Eyes narrow, mouth opens, a vague stupefied sensation, a look at the calendar to see what year it is....




To my knowledge I have never uttered the following phrase publicly until now.




"What is this I don't even."




Oh trust me, there are a lot of teeth in there.. just not where you're expecting.




Seriously, don't wanna know.

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So....I haven't read all of this because the first couple of pages are like one big ol' flashback. Eyes narrow, mouth opens, a vague stupefied sensation, a look at the calendar to see what year it is....




To my knowledge I have never uttered the following phrase publicly until now.




"What is this I don't even."




Seriously, don't wanna know.


Well.. Letum does keep a fairly well stocked dungeon. So yes.. even more teeth than what you're expecting.

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It isn't tyranny at all. It is the Red man's burden to guide and civilize the lesser spheres. That you do not see that your freedom is only truly attained once you've accepted the rightful and enlightened rule of the Red man does not mean we are the ones who are currently depriving you of it. If a child hurts itself to spite its parents, is it the parents' fault or the child's? If you were only to accept that your freedom is best achieved by getting an NPO viceroy, things would be a lot easier for all of us.


(OOC: I'm starting to regret my choice to RP an unrepentant sphere-racist in this thread, because it makes for some truly awful posts. Sorry.)

This is exactly the kind of ethnocentric drivel I'd expect from a cultural imperialist. The process of Pacificanization is nothing more than arrogant buffoons thinking their culture superior to all others and muscling in to impose it on everyone with no understanding of the locals. If we are to have true equality we must look at each group through the lens of cultural relativism.


Pretty sure that everyone enjoys oppression now. It's just where we have moved as a culture. Try to keep up.

Fetishizing oppression is just another form of internalized racism endemic to the culture of institutional Pacifican Privilege. We must fight harder on behalf of these people, for their enslavement is not only of their physical existence but also of their minds.


So....I haven't read all of this because the first couple of pages are like one big ol' flashback. Eyes narrow, mouth opens, a vague stupefied sensation, a look at the calendar to see what year it is....




To my knowledge I have never uttered the following phrase publicly until now.




"What is this I don't even."




Seriously, don't wanna know.

We must secure the existence of all peoples and a future for their children.

Edited by Shokkou
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Ask yourself this: Is there one alliance affiliation which enjoys the benefits of global influence and prosperity beyond others? Now ask yourself: How did this come to be? Did they reach this lofty position through honest sweat and toil, or did they reach this privileged position atop a mountain of the dead? Throughout the history of Planet Bob, violence has always been a means of seizing power at the expense of the disadvantaged and the disenfranchised. But while many alliances have been content to war only for survival, one has conspicuously used war as a means of subjugation. Whether it was for hearsay or for falsified charges or simply for having the misfortune of holding something they coveted, this alliance has consistently sought to consolidate power for its own sake. It is a fact known beyond dispute on Planet Bob that this power has been universally abused at the hands of the Order to every conceivable extent it could manage. What, then, is Pacifican Privilege?
Pacifican Privilege is being able to exile citizens from Bob permanently and visit genocide upon any people group who violates that exile.

Pacifican Privilege is not having to worry about having your culture and way of life stripped away at the whim of a bigoted and power hungry foreign official.

Pacifican Privilege is not having to worry that your nationality will be "revoked" over the neurotic fears of a group of jackbooted warmongers.
We live in a world where the entire population can rise up and denounce the tyranny of the New Pacific Order only for them to turn around and smugly try to play the victim, crying crocodile tears into the ocean of blood at their feet. Blood of citizens of Planet Bob spilled only due to their misfortune of not being Pacifican.


It is time the New Pacific Order recognized and acknowledged their institutionally racist position of power and privilege within Planet Bob, educated their members on the crimes committed in the name of Pacifican "patriotism" - itself a thinly veiled moniker of Pacifican supremacism - and sought to further equality for all citizens of Planet Bob regardless of their alliance affiliation.


Finally, somebody notices! It's nice to be appreciated!

Edited by GodKing I
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Shokkou, does my privilege allow me to eat you?

Perhaps not me, but it certainly enables you to devour the downtrodden and defenseless with little ceremony or outcry. I have a position of some privilege, though not one so egregious as you. That is why it's important that I recognize my privilege and use it to speak on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves for fear that to do so would only bring the attention and wrath of those who wish to cling to their privilege.

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Because your point was fundamentally flawed, which is what I addressed. If you really wanted to prove me wrong, you could have simply not responded to me in the first place. As it stands however, your desperate grasping at straws is greater evidence of your status as a Pacifican sockpuppet - and by extension the modern relevance of my words - than any historical data I could have provided.

Oh hey look. It can copy my vocabulary terms.

Your new name is ALICE.


Now if you don't mind, I have a bunch of small nations to suck blood from, and I have to get back to NPO forums for the daily sacrificial ceremony to the Emperor.

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Oh hey look. It can copy my vocabulary terms.

Your new name is ALICE.


Now if you don't mind, I have a bunch of small nations to suck blood from, and I have to get back to NPO forums for the daily sacrificial ceremony to the Emperor.

Please show me anywhere in this thread where you have debated my points rather than attacking me. Then tell me why anything you say should be given any credence at all. You get nothing. You lose. Good day sir.

Edited by Shokkou
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Please show me anywhere in this thread where you have debated my points rather than attacking me. Then tell me why anything you say should be given any credence at all. You get nothing. You lose. Good day sir.

Ciao, ALICE.


Also, blocked.

Perhaps you might be interested in trying todays special: the "ignore" feature? It's only $7.99 and comes with a side of STFU. :)

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Please show me anywhere in this thread where you have debated my points rather than attacking me. Then tell me why anything you say should be given any credence at all. You get nothing. You lose. Good day sir.



Ciao, ALICE.


Perhaps you might be interested in trying todays special: the "ignore" feature? It's only $7.99 and comes with a side of STFU. :)

That's what I thought.

Edited by Shokkou
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