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Spartan Treaty Announcements

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Well, I'll agree with you on one thing, Rush - we shouldn't get any brownie points for simply defending our ally.  That's what alliances are supposed to do.


And yet, so many don't get enough for not doing that very thing. Let alone doing it well.

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like getting terms or something :)


Not getting terms because it would be painful to enforce is very different than out of the kindness of one's heart.

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Instead of taking your beating like men, you cowarded and now you have left your brothers.  Cancelling the treaties you did shows your utter cowardice and you should feel like complete garbage for how desperate you are to pixel hug.  I'll take Fark and NpO and even MI6 over you any day.  You are pathetic and alliances like yours are the reason why our world is going downhill so fast.

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Instead of taking your beating like men, you cowarded and now you have left your brothers.  Cancelling the treaties you did shows your utter cowardice and you should feel like complete garbage for how desperate you are to pixel hug.  I'll take Fark and NpO and even MI6 over you any day.  You are pathetic and alliances like yours are the reason why our world is going downhill so fast.

Translation: Waiting until a war is fought, in which you were a major contributor in both damage dealt and taken, and over before cancelling treaties with alliances you no longer agree with is being a cowardly pixel hugger and pathetic. Good to see your ability to construct a logical thought hasn't changed Steve. 

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Instead of taking your beating like men, you cowarded and now you have left your brothers.  Cancelling the treaties you did shows your utter cowardice and you should feel like complete garbage for how desperate you are to pixel hug.  I'll take Fark and NpO and even MI6 over you any day.  You are pathetic and alliances like yours are the reason why our world is going downhill so fast.

Best statement of the year
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Translation: Waiting until a war is fought, in which you were a major contributor in both damage dealt and taken, and over before cancelling treaties with alliances you no longer agree with is being a cowardly pixel hugger and pathetic. Good to see your ability to construct a logical thought hasn't changed Steve.

Yeah based on the Spartans time at war as well as how much damage they took and dished out I can't see why anyone can claim they didn't do their share of heavy lifting.
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Translation: Waiting until a war is fought, in which you were a major contributor in both damage dealt and taken, and over before cancelling treaties with alliances you no longer agree with is being a cowardly pixel hugger and pathetic. Good to see your ability to construct a logical thought hasn't changed Steve.


Pretty much this. Though, honestly, no one expected it would ever change.  :rolleyes:

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Instead of taking your beating like men, you cowarded and now you have left your brothers.  Cancelling the treaties you did shows your utter cowardice and you should feel like complete garbage for how desperate you are to pixel hug.  I'll take Fark and NpO and even MI6 over you any day.  You are pathetic and alliances like yours are the reason why our world is going downhill so fast.

I can't imagine what it is like to be this wrong all of the time.
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Sparta reminds me of the un-athletic kid playing kick-ball and they finally hit one home-run (one decent war) and now they are going around school ditching their real friends because they are part of the "cool kids club"

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Sparta reminds me of the un-athletic kid playing kick-ball and they finally hit one home-run (one decent war) and now they are going around school ditching their real friends because they are part of the "cool kids club"


And you remind me of a mewling infant. Still butthurt because I wouldn't give you a treaty for trying to sabotage a Micro so you could poach from it. Now all you do is follow us around, trying to think up something awesome to insult me with. But in reality, you just make a bigger ass out of yourself, to everyone around you, each time you click "Post".

Edited by DeathAdder
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And you remind me of a mewling infant. Still butthurt because I wouldn't give you a treaty for trying to sabotage a Micro so you could poach from it. Now all you do is follow us around, trying to think up something awesome to insult me with. But in reality, you just make a bigger ass out of yourself, to everyone around you, each time you click "Post".

Don't flatter yourself, I post in many threads, and I find this fa move hilarious considering your wishey/washey and cowardly ways.

But congrats, you have the support of Rey the Great- a superb expert in alliance managing
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Don't flatter yourself, I post in many threads, and I find this fa move hilarious considering your wishey/washey and cowardly ways.


And make an ass out of yourself in 98% of them. Meanwhile, you keep using the same insults over and over again as if they're going to suddenly be effective against me.


But congrats, you have the support of Rey the Great- a superb expert in alliance managing


Well, I mean, he has held Govt positions for longer than a week.

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The hilarity of -you- calling someone else out on their opinions being a detriment to their alliance/allies is epic.

Responding to a legitimate post with a glorified "no U'. Okay.


Did you think taking this stance would ruffle feathers, or you just thought everyone who went to war for you would be cool with you severing ties right away?

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Responding to a legitimate post with a glorified "no U'. Okay.
Did you think taking this stance would ruffle feathers, or you just thought everyone who went to war for you would be cool with you severing ties right away?

What is the required waiting time for canceling a treaty after a war in your opinion?

Its a serious question since both Sparta and MI6 are allies of ours I was just wondering what you felt the proper timeframe would be?
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What is the required waiting time for canceling a treaty after a war in your opinion?

Its a serious question since both Sparta and MI6 are allies of ours I was just wondering what you felt the proper timeframe would be?

Treaties are eternally binding if the MD clause has ever been activated.
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And I don't have anything against Invicta, and I love to war, but I'd rather pick a target I didn't like rather than to sacrifice my infra to some big-wig over at another AA who I've never even talked to before, so that you feel important in the back channels with other alliances rather than being a leader and actually supporting your own members.

A mindset that many would do well to heed.
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What is the required waiting time for canceling a treaty after a war in your opinion?

Its a serious question since both Sparta and MI6 are allies of ours I was just wondering what you felt the proper timeframe would be?


There is no set timeframe in my opinion. I personally have no issue with Sparta canceling on us right after the war. The issue I take affront to is that there simply was no communication at all about it. Sparta never even informed MI6 that our treaty was under review. Never informed us that they were considering heading in a different FA path. So, for me, it is the manner in which it was done not the timing and I think that most of MI6 has issue with that. Our gov was talking huge about Sparta literally the day before we got notified of the cancellation. That was a system shock.


Even if Sparta had told us previous to the war, MI6 would have done exactly the same thing and burned the way we did to help Sparta out. That is how we roll. This cancellation has left a bitter taste in MI6's mouth simply because Sparta did not communicate anything to us other than "we are cancelling on you" right after the war. There was a much better way to handle it, particularly since from what the Kings of Sparta have said in that they knew the treaty was under review and were considering cancelling on us prior to the war. 


Frankly, they should have cancelled war or no. Instead, it seems as if Sparta wished to use MI6 to defend them and then cancel on us the moment we got peace. That is another issue we have. So timing means nothing to us. Communication was key and there was very little coming from Sparta about any of this. 

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