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Declaration of War from The New Sith Order

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  Alliances change, looks like you are the one who cannot move on. GOONS may have once been the vanguard of Lulzism, but everyone knows they have reformed and behave in a far more civilized manner than half the alliances on your side, regardless of internal culture.

It seems the defining point of most on the other side is one of hatred and vengeance. So, you all have sold yourselves to a God King to satisfy your thirst for revenge (whether 4 years ago in Gramlins case or more recently in Loki's. But when you see comrades, true comrades, marching onwards to the drumbeat of revolution, caring nothing for the petty grudges of the past, perhaps some of you will begin to grasp just what you are missing out on.

The upper crust has led the world to ruin and decay with its stability and treaty webs. When DBDC wins this war, Bob will experience a golden age of chaos and upheaval not seen since the days of the Hegemony. Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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The upper crust has led the world to ruin and decay with its stability and treaty webs. When DBDC wins this war, Bob will experience a golden age of chaos and upheaval not seen since the days of the Hegemony.

I legitimately want to see you take an IQ test.
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I can legitimately say the same about you, oddly enough. emot-psyduck.PNG

I mean can I take one of the fake ones or what I'm too stupid to find a real one

I'd legitimately love to see your nation.

Ooh! #shotsfired

It can't be that hard to find.

things our thread is not about:

fox fire's avatar

things our thread is about:


I'd rather this be about me than you, and I feel like at least one person in NSO would love for it to be about me too. So shut up and let us rag on Loki. Edited by Neo Uruk
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So Kashmir got the crap kicked out of it too hard and needs help. I guess that's what terrible mini alliances do these days. Even though I like NSO a lot I can't wish you good luck. I wanted Kashmir to burn more.


Your estrogen level must be through the roof right now. For your own sake, and the safety of those in your alliance, please take some Midol. Your petty grudge is tiresome. Your alliance was defeated by Limitless Nexus, of all alliances, and two Kashmiri volunteers. Just accept it and move on. Whining incessantly about it will not change the outcome. This thread is about NSO and their declaration on SUN. If you're going to menstruate on this thread, either grab a cork or take it somewhere else, Ken. Nobody is interested in hearing whining and empty threats.

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Your alliance was defeated by Limitless Nexus, of all alliances, and two Kashmiri volunteers. Just accept it and move on. Whining incessantly about it will not change the outcome.

You're adorable.


Ken, there are legitimate criticism to be made of Kashmir, as there are legitimate criticisms for every alliance.  That they requested more firepower in this conflict is not one of them.

Edited by Sardonic
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