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Current situation of affairs?

The Zigur

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That's not even close to what he said. He said a "lulz alliance" views Planet Bob as secondary to a different plane's shits and giggles. The era pre-Equilibrium of the sort of humorless humor "loloooololol we're ADHD kiddies" "Doomhouse is doomed house" "BIOdad 5ever" and whatever other shit you guys came up with are actually great examples.

I mean just look at the images you guys (used to) wear. You'd never see NpO, Pacifica, or GATO sporting a pill for ADHD as their pip now would you?

The first two of your three examples were responses to hostile propaganda either in part or in whole and are thus inappropriate for your argument. Only the last "fits", and even it was so wildly bizarre and (though few admit it) pervasive that it transends the "lulz" distinction into its own screwed plane of reality I hope we never again visit. Edited by Ardus
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The first two of your three examples were responses to hostile propaganda either in part or in whole and are thus inappropriate for your argument. Only the last "fits", and even it was so wildly bizarre and (though few admit it) pervasive that it transends the "lulz" distinction into its own screwed plane of reality I hope we never again visit.

How does this undo my argument at all? Are you guys missing some chromosomes or something?

I'm glad you have forsaken the BIOdad affair. I hope you guys never do that shit again too. Edited by Omniscient1
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Thank you for restoring your blog.  Your "philosophy" found therein:

"When I defend MK (or any other alliance) in a war I dont do so because of any mysterious agenda.  Or because I 'want mk in power'.  I do so because they are my *friends* and my cn-brothers-in arms.  I dont really care what or why they fight.  I find the IC morality of CN eye-roll worthy.  Always have.  I'm with them because I like them as people.  And if Im going to blow stuff up.. or be blown up by others... I want to do it with them."


Drifting aimlessly across Digiterra purposefully signing treaties as Valentine's Day cards as in the case of NPO when you know they are planning a war against your existing allies because you want to be friends without any consideration of "what or why they fight" has to be the lulziest thing I can think of. 

It's a deliberate disregard for the true nature of what we're all doing here.  It's a joke.

(It's also probably the worst way to be a friend I can think of. I mean really, allying your friends enemies :rolleyes:)


Meanwhile, rather than face reality you attempt to deflect by claiming I'm angry every time.  You're not fooling anyone.


My mistake (I had deleted it).



I did not 'restore' my blog.  I never removed my blog.  I dont know what you are talking about there.  I'm sure any authority (admin) here could confirm this fact.


((OOC: what YOU claimed was that it was based on ooc friendship and blurring ic/ooc lines. This is incorrect.))


If you want to claim my philosiphy is that treaty relationships should be based in large part on friendship you are right on.


Do you know what I personally find silly?  Alliances who will turn themselves inside out, dropping treaties and signing new ones in a pathetic attempt to crawl to the top of the heap.  Where even if they make it everyone will then turn on them and drag them back down.


My philosiphy has ALWAYS been I would rather pick my friends and stick with them and let my enemies come where they will.  As opposed to pick my enemies and try to build a coalition to get them.  And im going to go out on a limb here and bet you that if you ask our allies from before the EQ war they are all going to tell you they are more than satisfied with how we honored our commitment to them.  The idea that you are honestly complaining that ODN was a poor ally to MK or umbrella after we gladly (and would if we had the same choice again) lost what? 2/3 of our ns and tech?  Its just a bit deranged.


Maybe you are here to play a (rather poor version of) Littlefinger.  But that's not the case for all of us.  And that doesn't make our contribution to the community lulzy.  Frankly, I think we are doing more for the integrity of the game than your black and white extremism that results in a predictable and boring endless cycle.

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Frankly, I think we are doing more for the integrity of the game than your black and white extremism that results in a predictable and boring endless cycle.

The most telling sign of your inability to live and work in Digiterra rather than outside it is your continued insistence that Justitian ideology constitutes "business as usual" and is therefore responsible for the global climate when the exact opposite is true: Our ideology has never been the mode.  While you are an extreme case, your "treaties first, questions never" approach is the dominant approach which has been used and is the only approach responsible for the endless cycle. 

But you are right about one thing, Justitian ideology would destroy the world, and birth a new dynamic era.

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How does this undo my argument at all? Are you guys missing some chromosomes or something?

I'm glad you have forsaken the BIOdad affair. I hope you guys never do that shit again too.

I think that your reply to Azaghul had merit, but I'll also go out on a limb and say that all of the three examples you used were rather off.
The connections of "ADHD" and "DoomedHouse" with other realms of existence may have been introduced by those that based their criticism on those lines of attack, but not by those that replied with in-kind jokes. This second group may have indulged in the same mistake, but they can't be considered "lulzyer" for it.
AFAIK the motives of the attacks behind that third issue were mostly rooted in this realm of existence, and what wasn't native of CyberNations wasn't "lulzy" at all.
(Neither is an excuse for what happened, anyway. The lack of the lulzy factor made it even worse, in fact.)

To be fair, finally, Ardus probably can't forsake what he hadn't the air of having approved (or disapproved) in the first place. I wouldn't say that one must necessarily like how he dealt with that situation, but that doesn't mean that he was supporting what was happening. (You might know things that I ignore, though.)
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ODN's guiding "political philosophy" (in quotes because it is neither) is "make OOC friends." 
It's a list of alliances I don't like, because I don't like alliances who are nothing more than platforms for Scrabble and Skype. 
As for the UjP benchmark, it's false, it doesn't exist.  GOONS1 was dead serious in the political game, even /b/ was serious until they weren't.  "lulz" simply means an alliance which doesn't take [OOC] the game [/OOC] seriously, and/or has no IC/OOC line.  You yourself (and potato) sent me a private message about Non Grata's OOC attacks, MK had a brief moment in the sun while Ardus was in charge, but the native culture is lulz, ODN is run by a chummy sycophant who thinks a hard line on politics will "destroy the world."  You can take GATO off the list, I was just hoping for MagicNinja to walk in here and show his butt for giggles.

You flatter me and my butt Schatt. I have no time for this arena any longer and likely have no time to rule my nation or be a player in my alliance. Looks like the end for me which I'm sure pleases you. You'll have to get your giggles elsewhere.
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You flatter me and my butt Schatt. I have no time for this arena any longer and likely have no time to rule my nation or be a player in my alliance. Looks like the end for me which I'm sure pleases you. You'll have to get your giggles elsewhere.

collecting taxes every 25 days isnt hard, do it mang!

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To be fair, finally, Ardus probably can't forsake what he hadn't the air of having approved (or disapproved) in the first place. I wouldn't say that one must necessarily like how he dealt with that situation, but that doesn't mean that he was supporting what was happening. (You might know things that I ignore, though.)

For what it's worth, as someone involved closely in that situation I felt (and still feel) that much of what actually happened was motivated by IC rationale that unfortunately spread into the OOC and was misinterpreted by others as the story spread. The whole escapade was in my opinion an example of this game at its worst, and I'm not exactly proud to admit my involvement in it, no matter how much the history books have misinterpreted that role. I'll be reasonably happy just to never see something like that in this world again.

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