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Current situation of affairs?

The Zigur

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What is a "lulz" alliance?

Welcome back, anyway.


RAD was probably the last lulz alliance. 


If you want a good view of current politics, you'll want to speak with several alliances. Currently I'd suggest Polar, Non Grata or NSO, one of the C&G alliances, NPO, MI6 and go see Schatt for an outsiders view.

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RAD was probably the last lulz alliance. 


If you want a good view of current politics, you'll want to speak with several alliances. Currently I'd suggest Polar, Non Grata or NSO, one of the C&G alliances, NPO, MI6 and go see Schatt for an outsiders view.


Hmmm, I think I will talk to a few of those Roadie!  God knows I could use a refresher on current political happenings and what they may mean :P

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Hmmm, I think I will talk to a few of those Roadie!  God knows I could use a refresher on current political happenings and what they may mean :P



It is strange seeing a large group of alliances whom you aren't allied to more than half  :P

Edited by IYIyTh
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The politics of the day are simple. NPO didnt get their 6 monthly beatdown in the last war. Scared people got scared. They are huddling together, suddenly befriending alliances they have despised for years and are going to beat on NPO again at their normal brave 6 to 1 to 10 to 1 odds because they are scared of NPO. People like TPF and others who are really really scared are flip flopping and switching sides like they did to GOONS in the unjust war, like they did to NPO in the Karma war and like they are doing once again. They have mastered running in fear.


If you are in a coward alliance and want to prove you have big man balls join Bear Force One.




NPO scares the coward majority




On a lighter note Ive 69'd NpO (SEE SIG)

Edited by Alterego
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Right right.  NG is dead serious during OOC attacks, we get it, but in the limited parlance that makes you "lulz." 

I know you want to see NG dead and will do whatever you can to slam us by whatever means to whoever will listen, but throwing out "OOC attacks" like candy only makes you look like a liar and hellbent on seeing NG removed from this world. 


I realize you are trying to convince everyone to be scared of "lulz" alliances and pinning that on any alliance you hate, but the age of lulz alliances is basically gone, maybe GOONS mercy board being on the last remnants of that.  Few charge reps anymore or force disbandments and wars end with virtual white peace.  NG certainly will never charge reps again or stuff like that.  I certainly don't want to organize it, lol.


Try harder.

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GOONS, The Last Remnants, NG, ODN, GATO, MK.




"What's been happening" threads are against the rules.

You'd have more credibility if this wasn't clearly just a list of alliances you don't like.

ODN doesn't even allow cursing on their boards.  "lulz alliances" like those of the Unjust war era don't exist anymore.

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It's not ODN, TLR, or any of the others mentioned.
What it boils down to is an alliance that does it for lulz. You don't see any of those alliances - or any alliance really these days for that matter - operating with a main motivation being the lulz.

Thank you.
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