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Friendship - Killing Politics on Bob?


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If you think the grudge that exists between C&G and SF-XX is a matter of painting the target on someone else, then you are a fool. The justification for that rivalry is quite simple... you exist.

Are you suggesting you want XX/SF sphere to stop existing?


That's some '08 NPO shit right there.

Edited by Enamel32
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If you think the grudge that exists between C&G and SF-XX is a matter of painting the target on someone else, then you are a fool. The justification for that rivalry is quite simple... you exist.


Oh I like it, you're in it too deep to backtrack, so you charge headfirst into idiocy. Keep on keepin on Rush.

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Are you suggesting you want XX/SF sphere to stop existing?


That's some '08 NPO shit right there.


Yes, a bloc that has done nothing since 2010  but plot on CnG or otherwise fuck up CnG-led efforts was the main concentration of CnG hatred, and now the world wishes you would stop taking up empty NS. Shocker.

Oh I like it, you're in it too deep to backtrack, so you charge headfirst into idiocy. Keep on keepin on Rush.

There are several very real reasons for the rivalry being heated before and if you don't know the incredibly valid reasons behind CnG/DH hating you at one point, you're blind.

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Ah. Thanks for the clarification. And no, the rivalry isn't going anywhere so long as SF sees nothing wrong with their past actions that led to them getting rolled. It seemed like Xiphosis and Delta were the only people even willing to accept the position they had put themselves in directly after DH-NPO, with only 2 elements of PB trying to win support for them.  SF lacks the vision to see what they do that is wrong, and the occasional right seems to be good enough for them.



There are several very real reasons for the rivalry being heated before and if you don't know the incredibly valid reasons behind CnG/DH hating you at one point, you're blind.


You should follow Rush's lead, trying to backtrack with subtle tense changes to make yourself seem more moderate doesn't work, I have eyes.


Edit: Or better yet, please stop trying to twist words through posts altogether. I'm doing this because it's a dirty job and someone's gotta do it, not because I enjoy OWF babysitting.

Edited by Alex987
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Yes, a bloc that has done nothing since 2010  but plot on CnG or otherwise fuck up CnG-led efforts was the main concentration of CnG hatred, and now the world wishes you would stop taking up empty NS. Shocker.



This is comedic gold. You must have logs to make a statement like this. Do tell. All I know is that CnG was allied to both XX and SF until fairly recently. By yevgeni's own admission, (see sig) he and allies, including CnG, are the one that's been plotting on XX/SF, so you might want to come up with a different argument for hating XX/SF. 


Here's a few suggestions for alternate reasons to hate:

-You want us to stop existing (courtesy rush sykes)

-Path of least resistance (courtesy CN lolatics)


Take your pick. Let me know which one you choose.


(EDIT: And btw, did you really say XX/SF does nothing AND plots on CnG at the same time? Come on brah, those two things are mutually exclusive. Don't be obtuse)

Edited by Enamel32
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You should follow Rush's lead, trying to backtrack with subtle tense changes to make yourself seem more moderate doesn't work, I have eyes.


Edit: Or better yet, please stop trying to twist words through posts altogether. I'm doing this because it's a dirty job and someone's gotta do it, not because I enjoy OWF babysitting.

The rivalry isn't moving from beyond "cooled but SF still hates CnG because SF is infallible to them" status. In 2011, it was the main topic. If you can't understand that, you can't be helped and need to remove yourself from any political positions in your alliance.




This is comedic gold. You must have logs to make a statement like this. Do tell. All I know is that CnG was allied to both XX and SF until fairly recently. By yevgeni's own admission, (see sig) he and allies, including CnG, are the one that's been plotting on XX/SF, so you might want to come up with a different argument for hating XX/SF. 


Here's a few suggestions for alternate reasons to hate:

-You want us to stop existing (courtesy rush sykes)

-Path of least resistance (courtesy CN lolatics)


Take your pick. Let me know which one you choose.


(EDIT: And btw, did you really say XX/SF does nothing AND plots on CnG at the same time? Come on brah, those two things are mutually exclusive. Don't be obtuse)

SF/XX were making moves against CnG, whether intentionally or not, in 2011. If you're going to deny this, ask DH why FAN was even included in DH/NPO.

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SF/XX were making moves against CnG, whether intentionally or not, in 2011. If you're going to deny this, ask DH why FAN was even included in DH/NPO.

I always thought it was just to pile more nations on and FAN revenge for VietFAN, but there could be more to the story.

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To be quite frank, if I was in SF/XX's shoes I would truly be looking at disbanding the blocs(doesnt mean you would have to disband the friendships) but to foolishly think that you arent a target because of said bloc treaties is ludicrous. once one makes a 'bloc' it gets itself on the radar, whether it wants to or not and sf/xx have been on some peoples radar for quite sometime and imo the only way to possibly alleviate some of that target paint is to at least make an attempt at disbanding the blocs and thusly maybe deflect some of the fingers pointed at you just for being you. Blocs are an easy thing to point at and drum up support for being a 'threat', where as single entities/alliances are much more able to slip away from the spotlight and maneuver, even holding many of the same treaties as before disbanding said blocs. Its politics and here on Planet bob thats how things work, for good or ill, its all in perception regardless of what the actual 'truth' of things maybe. Disbanding said blocs would at least give the component parts of said blocs less of a perception as being one solid grouping and thus harder to directly point to and say 'THREAT!'


Realpolitiks 101, take from it what you will, but imo you guys should give serious thought to the idea's mentioned above and start being proactive rather then reactive. certainly couldnt hurt and it may even help you all avoid a war targeted at you should one be being contemplated. Sometimes the sum of the parts can be greater then the sum of the whole if played right.


Im sure this post will be ignored and or ridiculed but Ive had plenty of time on this planet creating blocs, disbanding blocs and generally forging strategy that has paid off more times then it hasnt.


I wish you guys the best of luck in your future, but imo without a radical strategy change and becoming much more proactive about your approach to politics, I dont see lots of good roads for you to take that dont end in a war that you may or may not be able to win.


My .o2 from the peanut gallery, take it how ya will.



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To be quite frank, if I was in SF/XX's shoes I would truly be looking at disbanding the blocs(doesnt mean you would have to disband the friendships) but to foolishly think that you arent a target because of said bloc treaties is ludicrous. once one makes a 'bloc' it gets itself on the radar, whether it wants to or not and sf/xx have been on some peoples radar for quite sometime and imo the only way to possibly alleviate some of that target paint is to at least make an attempt at disbanding the blocs and thusly maybe deflect some of the fingers pointed at you just for being you. Blocs are an easy thing to point at and drum up support for being a 'threat', where as single entities/alliances are much more able to slip away from the spotlight and maneuver, even holding many of the same treaties as before disbanding said blocs. Its politics and here on Planet bob thats how things work, for good or ill, its all in perception regardless of what the actual 'truth' of things maybe. Disbanding said blocs would at least give the component parts of said blocs less of a perception as being one solid grouping and thus harder to directly point to and say 'THREAT!'


Realpolitiks 101, take from it what you will, but imo you guys should give serious thought to the idea's mentioned above and start being proactive rather then reactive. certainly couldnt hurt and it may even help you all avoid a war targeted at you should one be being contemplated. Sometimes the sum of the parts can be greater then the sum of the whole if played right.


Im sure this post will be ignored and or ridiculed but Ive had plenty of time on this planet creating blocs, disbanding blocs and generally forging strategy that has paid off more times then it hasnt.


I wish you guys the best of luck in your future, but imo without a radical strategy change and becoming much more proactive about your approach to politics, I dont see lots of good roads for you to take that dont end in a war that you may or may not be able to win.


My .o2 from the peanut gallery, take it how ya will.



This strategy definitely worked out for the Mjolnir alliances, whether it was intentional or not. They had a goal, accomplished it, and were done. The individual alliances then went on their separate paths and are, for the most part, doing well. SF needs to change things up over there if they want to avoid another war.

Edited by Baltus
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I'm not reading this thread, but quite frankly I fail to see how politics are being "killed" or "dying" and certainly not for a lack or abundance of friendship.  Large political changes are still possible, though they require larger still effort.  Wars are still possible, though they carry with them the political costs they always have.


If there is a cancer upon contemporary politics, it's the same cancer on everything else; inactivity.

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I don't particularly think friendship "kills" politics, rather than brings a different dynamic to be considered. We might be able to look at the playing field and attempt to anticipate what moves might be rationally made in order to accomplish an objective, but then, if we add such strong friendships as suggested, then the new dynamic is that moves might not be rational in the strictest sense. There are now moves made to preserve those friendships, based on those friendships, or even to break those friendships. If this can lead to stagnation, then strict politics without friendships can, as well, if a balance is struck between the major involved parties.

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Are you suggesting you want XX/SF sphere to stop existing?


That's some '08 NPO shit right there.

When an entity consume resources and provides nothing, it is useless and should go away. This fits XX far more than it fits SF, because at least SF , as an entity has a history that includes some sort of accomplishment. XX was formed (this tag line was brilliant too), as a warning to the rest of CN to "leave us alone." How did that work out for them? Their inception was based on failure, and it has been perpetuating failure ever since.  Literally the ONLY people who do not view XX as an abject failure, is XX itself. That alone is telling.


Oh I like it, you're in it too deep to backtrack, so you charge headfirst into idiocy. Keep on keepin on Rush.


Of course, it is idiocy to oppose and not love such a fine conglomeration of dung as SF-XX is. Good comeback.

hahahaha - no one has any reason to hate SF/XX other than to deflect hate from themselves?????

That arrogance is EXACTLY one of the reasons to hate the lot as a group.

Thanks. Needed that.


This man gets it. The puzzling thing about their arrogance, is they have done nothing to earn the arrogance, they just have it. 0 Accomplishments , yet they carry themselves as if they belong in the same breath, historically, as ~, 1V, PB, C&G, DH, even DR. The bigger the problem their egos become, is only answered with the one thing that they know... add more ego.

Yet again Rush, you make a complete moron of yourself. Bravo.


Yes, clearly I am moronic. After all, you said it. And, as we all know, you are a very well respected member of this community, and in prime position to judge.

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...Rush shitting on SF/XX is the new Crymson shitting on Polar. You'd think the fact that he already warred us twice would calm his rage boner, but apparently he's taken too much viagra for that. That said, TLR, you guys should remind Rush that if he maintains a rage boner for over three years he should see a doctor. It's a bit concerning :/

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Friendship is an indication of players caring about the game. Insofar as caring is concerned, that's a sure-fire sign of individuals that are active in the game. And as Sardonic pretty much stated, inactivity is a far bigger threat than anything else.


Is it healthy if considered the sole motivator for Foreign Affairs? No, but there is nothing to be afraid of, as long as your relationships account for the necessities of politics and the realist ambitions of some individuals that manipulate friendships for their own ends.

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...Rush shitting on SF/XX is the new Crymson shitting on Polar. You'd think the fact that he already warred us twice would calm his rage boner, but apparently he's taken too much viagra for that. That said, TLR, you guys should remind Rush that if he maintains a rage boner for over three years he should see a doctor. It's a bit concerning :/

You should remind yourself that if your position of political power is a constant "0" for two years, you should probably just disband.

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Well, Deinos got the hint. When will GOONS?

Yes, GOONS is the answer. Either GOONS is militarily or politically ineffective, fucking choose one. You lot always claim they have no fighting skill, so how are they around if they also have no political capital?

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Yes, GOONS is the answer. Either GOONS is militarily or politically ineffective, fucking choose one. You lot always claim they have no fighting skill, so how are they around if they also have no political capital?

Because even Umbrella needs tech sellers. GOONS isn't around because they're sound political players who've made plenty of moves alongside MK and Umb. MK and Umb have made the moves while GOONS funnelled tech into their upper tier almost as fast as Umbrella can funnel cash into them.

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Because even Umbrella needs tech sellers. GOONS isn't around because they're sound political players who've made plenty of moves alongside MK and Umb. MK and Umb have made the moves while GOONS funnelled tech into their upper tier almost as fast as Umbrella can funnel cash into them.

Which is why GOONS has had treaties that MK/Umbrella didn't/don't...right.

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...Rush shitting on SF/XX is the new Crymson shitting on Polar. You'd think the fact that he already warred us twice would calm his rage boner, but apparently he's taken too much viagra for that. That said, TLR, you guys should remind Rush that if he maintains a rage boner for over three years he should see a doctor. It's a bit concerning :/


Maybe he wants to keep warring you until you stop crying and whining like a fucking baby.

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Which is why GOONS has had treaties that MK/Umbrella didn't/don't...right.


You and I both know full well that GOONS doesn't do anything that would upset Umbrella and MK. They don't need GOONS - there are other seller alliances out there. Additionally, don't act like GOONS holds its own politically. They're not allied to a single alliance that isn't already allied to Umbrella and/or MK.


Maybe he wants to keep warring you until you stop crying and whining like a fucking baby.


Bitter, bitter.


I would hardly call that whining. But if you'd like to continue an argument where you defend the rationality of continuing to attack a sphere that has taken significant damage over the last two years, be my guest. If the entire OP was about friendship killing politics, then attacking SF/XX etc. is doing exactly what the OP is preaching against.

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