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Looks Like We all Know Who's Losing


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From Alliance stats:


Umbrella has 83 nations overall and 74 active nations. 72 of them are in Anarchy. They went from 9,954,399 NS at the beginning of the war to 6,697,590 as of the time I'm posting this topic. They aren't even in the Top 10 anymore.


MK: Went from 8,011,792 at the time they declared, to 7,589,454 at the time I am posting this topic.


GOONS: Surprisingly, they haven't taken much damage but that should change as the war progresses.


Karma is coming to collect, big time.  :popcorn: 


Edited by LexLuthor18
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Why is that?

Might be the millions of Umbrella NS camping off-listing.

Might be the transfer of their ludicrous damage potential right into the range of nations comprising the meat of the opposing coalition, I.E. the damage Umb takes will slow while the damage they put out will remain very high.

Might be their, on average, vastly superior warchests.

Might be the laughable inability of the Opportunist Coalition to coordinate in any meaningful way, on either a micro or macro level, relying on "an attack on one is an attack on all" to take care of any thinking for them to the extent that it actually brings great comfort to Umbrella and her allies.

Might be that the upper tiers of MK, TOP, and Umb in its entirety have wanted a good, knock-down drag-out war for so long that their nether regions were blue and swollen with anticipation and that, with this war, they're roaring in an orgy of glorious tech annihilation. To the windows. To the walls.

Might just be that you're none too bright.
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