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[quote name='BloodFury' timestamp='1357959713' post='3075179']
The tired and reused "NOU" ploy. When you lack any tact to use back at someone, you resort to it. It furthers my point that you really shouldn't even talk.

I am sure you are this "tactful" and condescending in [[OOC:RL]] and it doesn't only transfer when you are behind a computer screen.

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[quote name='Stealthkill' timestamp='1357958263' post='3075155']
But hey, welcome to the club NEW. Us and LSF are glad to have you.

I'd stick to speaking for yourselves, I don't think LSF needs anyone else speaking for it here.

Ya'll are letting Pwnage out of his cage now? That's horrifying.

In all seriousness, I know this wasn't an easy decision, fellas, but it was the right one.

Edited by Ayatollah Bromeini
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[quote name='Emphix' timestamp='1357964712' post='3075251']
It's standard procedure here, when on losing side, cancel, when on winning side, "honor".

It isn't exactly surprising or unexpected =/

How are we losing if there isn't a war going on? I'm confused. I thought it was about them not telling us what the hell they were doing before we went to war. That was kinda how it was presented in the vote we put to the membership. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Whether or not I disagreed with the result doesn't change what actually caused the issue.

Edited by Crownguard
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[quote name='Crownguard' timestamp='1357953125' post='3075113']

Because we actually *vote* and voting has a time span of at a minimum of 12 hours, usually 24-48 hours. See, our entire membership is messaged as part of Congress to vote on things like this. This "second" aid drop came out after that vote was posted up.

So unlike some people who talk about things without knowing them, we generally like to make the time to present the case and let our members vote on what is to be done.

So in summary.....


unpronounced: That's for the pro-tip. I'll make sure to consider how we will emulate you and not be a part of the CN-verse in all future dealings.

I don't get it you have to vote to talk to your ally or there was a vote to cancel the treaty after the first aid drop by NEW, because I'm pretty sure their first aid drop happened more than 48 hours ago meaning you all are either really late posting this cancellation, you never talked to your ally after the first aid drop or you yourself have zero idea what you are talking about

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NEW didn't create the threat, for the record. The threat isn't going to go away. In fact, NEW recognizes the geopolitical situation and decided they'd just get it out of the way.

But by all means, keep throwing your allies under the bus one by one. You're an easier target when you're alone.

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Sure thing, I'll explain it real easy-like.

NEW aided Kaskus. We're all like "WTF mate?" We look to get answers from NEW and get not much in the way that was solid. We say "Why the hell would they do that?" We talk it over and vote "Well, they're doing some stuff we dont understand that could screw a lot of people so we'll decide what the membership wants to do". We message the members, take a vote tally, let 12 hours pass for people to get votes in and then PRESTO! A resolution!


Democracy is a strange process to those used to a dictatorship of the demagogues, I'm sure.

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[quote name='Crownguard' timestamp='1357964995' post='3075254']
How are we losing if there isn't a war going on? I'm confused. I thought it was about them not telling us what the hell they were doing before we went to war. That was kinda how it was presented in the vote we put to the membership. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Whether or not I disagreed with the result doesn't change what actually caused the issue.

The cold war. You are losing the cold war. GET IT TOGETHER MAN!

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<A message of affirmation that expresses unquestioning support for OP.>
<A double pronged Insult directed at both NEW's competence and BFF's character.>

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[quote name='Emphix' timestamp='1357964712' post='3075251']
It's standard procedure here, when on losing side, cancel, when on winning side, "honor".

It isn't exactly surprising or unexpected =/
[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1357963951' post='3075239']
Keeping meeting my expectations INT. :awesome:

So when can we expect to see TORN's notice of cancellation, or will they not be gracing the OWF with a public notice?

Edited by Reyas
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Neither of these announcements should come as a surprise to anyone, those who signed with NEW did so because they wanted a fearless "ally" it is a shame that those that needed them when they were in trouble are not as fearless as those they signed with.

This should be a warning to all of those who are singing the praises of such an act of shear cowardliness.

As for my friend Brehon (as usual we disagree but friends can do that) had he really wanted to just even the table, an aid drop would of been more than sufficient to do just that.

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[quote name='Thom98' timestamp='1357967210' post='3075271']
Neither of these announcements should come as a surprise to anyone, those who signed with NEW did so because they wanted a fearless "ally" it is a shame that those that needed them when they were in trouble are not as fearless as those they signed with.[/quote]

Meh, redacted. Too much adrenaline.

Edited by Comrade Craig
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[quote name='Crownguard' timestamp='1357959183' post='3075173']
EDIT: So evidently we have gone from "INT has abandoned NEW despite NEW not being at war, breaking a part of the treaty and not talking to us about anything they are doing" as a viable strategy of attack to "Why were you allied in the first place?" The two positions seem somewhat inconsistent, not that I was expecting much on the OWF.
People will say anything, no matter how loosely based in truth in an attempt to discredit people they dislike. People who do not change their positions as a snake sheds its skins are a valuable commodity indeed.

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[quote name='ckmanero' timestamp='1357967570' post='3075272']
INT doesn't stand by its allies? Nobody in R&R could have seen [i][b]THAT[/b][/i] one coming. :facepalm:

Given you're supposedly better off, you should be thanking us. But thanks for playing chil'ren!

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[quote name='Reyas' timestamp='1357967044' post='3075269']
So when can we expect to see TORN's notice of cancellation, or will they not be gracing the OWF with a public notice?

According to the rumor mill and what people outside my alliance keep telling me, we already did so a few days ago. Who knows?

I don't have any qualms about INT's cancellation, apart from the lack of drinks.

Edited by mythicknight
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[quote name='Reyas' timestamp='1357967044' post='3075269']
So when can we expect to see TORN's notice of cancellation, or will they not be gracing the OWF with a public notice?
Nah, they'll keep it and rely on either the optional or the discretionary bit of article III of their treaty to avoid having to fight anyone on behalf of NEW, I'd wager.

e: clarification.

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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