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An Announcement from The Complaints and Grievances Union

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[quote name='trimm' timestamp='1341371373' post='3003032']
Forgive me for raining on your parade, but I don't find this nearly as hailworthy as you do.

Speaking for C&G here (but not really), sentiment noted and summarily filed under 'Don't give a !@#$'. :)

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[quote name='trimm' timestamp='1341371373' post='3003032']
Forgive me for raining on your parade, but I don't find this nearly as hailworthy as you do.

Sorry, business hours are 12:59-1pm. Please check back at that time for someone who cares.

This bloc is the best (mainly because of =LOST=).

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1341371595' post='3003035']
Speaking for C&G here (but not really), sentiment noted and summarily filed under 'Don't give a !@#$'. :)

Yeah, I figured as much. You guys enjoy your mindless, pointless, hailfest, y'hear?

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[quote name='trimm' timestamp='1341371373' post='3003032']
Forgive me for raining on your parade, but I don't find this nearly as hailworthy as you do.
All complaints must be filed in triplicate.

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No one thanked me either Yevgeni. But I will say this, TOP/C&G was definitely my favorite period on digiterra. Not only was it the hardest war C&G ever fought, it was also the war that proved CnG was not a one-hit wonder.

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Death to CnG! You must all be crushed without mercy! :excl:

Sorry. My ex-heg impulses got a hold of me. :unsure:

But seriously I liked you guys when I was on the other side of the treaty web. Liked you guys when i was allied to you. And even more now that I am on the inside. :wub:

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I've never really been a fan of CnG's MADP policy, since that is a bit outdated. Certainly not a bloc I would want to willingly partake in. That, and none of the original alliances in CnG are present in the bloc anymore shows its certainly past it's glory years. However, the bloc itself has remained steadfast, and has lasted through many changes, so congrats on that.

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I'm happy to be given such an honorable mention in the OP.

[size="7"][color="#DDA0DD"][b]♥[/b][/color][/size] you CnG. To hell and back, a million times. Never change.

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I remember the merger of Camelot and Heros of the Union and every move that made this bloc what it was. I remember the war, our "end", for we would not be allowed emerge from the wasteland. We did. I remember the endurance and persistance, the drive that ensured that no matter what may happen that we would continue. I remember the defiance, the spirit, the soul that carried us through any obstacle that stood in our path. We would not fail because failure was not an option.

There are no words. I remember everything, even this.


We, the 7 alliances you can't say on Planet Bob, have come together today, wondering what we're doing in Wisconsin, and pay careful attention to the fact that you are all plagued. As such, we hereby announce our existence as a coalition of alliances bound together in mutual defense and aggression, called the Complaints and Grievances Union (Hereafter known as C&G). We pledge the following in order to remain honest and true to our brethren:

[b]Article I[/b]
We, the undersigned, remain true to each other, first and foremost, as friends and, more importantly, as equals. Our complaints and grievances stem from our similarities and brotherhood, and we can not be dissuaded from our bonds with our comrades.

[b]Article II[/b]
We pledge mutual defense AND aggression in times of conflict, doing so with the utmost trust in each others motives and reasoning. We live as one, and fight as one.

[b]Article III[/b]
In the course of history, it is only natural for friends to make more friends. As we are open and accepting of our allies' allies, a new alliances may be accepted into the C&G union with a majority vote +1.

[b]Article IV[/b]
In some instances, an alliance may feel that they are simply going in another direction. If that is the case, the alliance(s) in question must submit a private resignation 72 hours in advance, notifying the group of its intentions.

[b]Article V[/b]
In some instances, an alliance may take actions that the groups sees as unfit for the whole. As such, with a majority +1 vote, the group may expel the offending alliance.

[b]Article VI[/b]
This agreement is not a replacement for current treaties. Acceptance or withdrawal/expulsion does not void any treaties made outside of this agreement.

For Camelot:
Londo Mollari - King, Ruling Council
Lightningdelta - Magician, Ruling Council
PurpleBadgerino - Warlord
The Pimp - Chamberlain
Manbearpig - Jester
Jack the great - Scribe

For Deck of Cards:
MoK, Dealer
Head penguin, Ace of Diamonds,
Imo, Ace of Clubs
Affluenza, Ace of Spades
Crash, Ace of Hearts,

For Heroes of the Union:
Rsoxbronco1 - Triumvir
Dillpickle - Triumvir
President Fox - Triumvir

For =LOST=:
Emperor: Wargarden
Minister of Internal Affairs: Johnny No Legs
Minister of War: Ninmeister
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Hombre De Murcielago
Chief Justice: Barron Von Hammer

For the Mushroom Kingdom:
Archon, King
Trace, Princess
AirMe, Lord High Envoy
tamerlane, High Lord Treasurer
SirWilliam, High Lord Vanguard
Stormsend, Baron of Aquatics

For TDSM8:
Head Monkey - Stumpy
Big Momma - Wing01
Huggles The Rampaging Clown - Manonation
Master of Disaster - Orkules
HiveMind - Mikesher
Blood God - Zahg
Judge Dread - UncleStalin

........also Shinra[/quote]

Oh time, how your hands cause twists and turns that no one could predict.

Edited by Melancholy Culkin
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[quote name='Jacques Cousteau' timestamp='1341381892' post='3003243']
I'm honestly offended that i didn't make that list.

[quote name='JackSkellington' timestamp='1341401278' post='3003330']
How can you forget about those alliances? Most of them became TLR

Jesus, I didn't know you two were still around.

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Considering the circumstances in which the bloc was formed, it's gratifying to see CnG survive and continue. My nation has been in a CnG alliance since joining Heroes of the Union, then being part of the merger that became Athens, and now part of the merger that became The Last Remnants. I rarely if ever do hails but this time, it's warranted.

o/ CnG

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[quote name='trimm' timestamp='1341373104' post='3003068']
Yeah, I figured as much. You guys enjoy your mindless, pointless, hailfest, y'hear?

A bloo bloo, this isn't a pointless treaty announcement between alliances I like (which I would mindlessly hail).

That's pretty much what I'm getting out of your participation here. Enjoy your grade school belly-achin', y'hear?

Edited by SirWilliam
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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1341412060' post='3003385']
A bloo bloo, this isn't a pointless treaty announcement between alliances I like (which I would mindlessly hail).

That's pretty much what I'm getting out of your participation here. Enjoy your grade school belly-achin', y'hear?

So it's only cool when you do it then, got it.

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