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Clarification of Umbrella Policy

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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1341124674' post='3001068']
I wonder what criteria they will use to decide which!

That should be pretty obvious.... Does FARK's protection of UMB extend to wars in which Umbrella is the offender?

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[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1341126535' post='3001078']
I don't have to try at all, Umbrella does the legwork on these jokes :v
When you're considered a joke by your alliance and allies you should really stop.

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If you're saying that can remember a time when Umbrella issued a DoW before attacking an alliance that has attacked an ally, then yes you're right.

Nowadays sometimes they'll issue a DoW, sometimes they won't, and sometimes they won't even attack.

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[quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1340601581' post='2995453']

To whom it may concern,

Any declaration of war on any of our allies and/or by any nation sizeable enough to be attractive can and [b]probably [/b]will be met by our full dedication.

That is all.

Domisi, President
Threefingeredguy, Vice President
Lusitan, Field Marshal
Raken, Head Envoy
Dylan Carter, Generator
Illustrious, The Economist

Did you secretly drop your [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=84587"]TREATY[/url] with VE and both alliances forgot to clean their wiki page or are you pretending the half dozen alliances who declared war on them happened in a nightmare?

[b]Probably [/b]the best defense of allies in the world

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1341154160' post='3001173']
Did you secretly drop your [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=84587"]TREATY[/url] with VE and both alliances forgot to clean their wiki page or are you pretending the half dozen alliances who declared war on them happened in a nightmare?

[b]Probably [/b]the best defense of allies in the world

Or maybe we already talked about this happening and came to an agreement before !@#$ hit the fan. As much as we appreciate your loudmouthed callouts how about you leave our foreign affairs business to us, we are the ones with the treaty after all.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1341154160' post='3001173']
Did you secretly drop your [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=84587"]TREATY[/url] with VE and both alliances forgot to clean their wiki page or are you pretending the half dozen alliances who declared war on them happened in a nightmare?

[b]Probably [/b]the best defense of allies in the world
Do you really want Umbrella to steam roll over TPF and NPO? It's not like either TPF or NPO could call in enough support to make a big dent in Umbrella. Umbrella is not going to engage IRON since they're allied and your only other chance of making a dent in Umbrella is through PF, half of which supports Umbrella (BN and Argent) or MK (TOP). Goading Umbrella into attacking TPF and NPO (If they even had their upper tiers out of pm) would be like giving them free to candy to chew on should either or both become part of a future opposition movement, which you so desire.

This is all beside the fact, though, because fighting on two sides of a war is stupid as $%&@. Umbrella chose their side of the war clear very early on.

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[quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1341156881' post='3001194']
How is it double standards?

Because they're trying to project this image being hardcore fighters and whatnot while fighting alliances that have been on the losing end of most recent wars, and Umbrella wouldn't help VE even if they asked. "We'll only attack you if you're already going to lose! Rawr"

We can pretend the motivation for this thread is "WE'RE TAKING TARGETS RAWR," like Umbrella has been trying to do, but the real motivation is "WE'LL DO OUR BEST TO IMPRESS YOU MASSAH."

Edited by Roquentin
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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1341161005' post='3001211']
Because they're trying to project this image being hardcore fighters and whatnot while fighting alliances that have been on the losing end of most recent wars, and Umbrella wouldn't help VE even if they asked. "We'll only attack you if you're already going to lose! Rawr"

We can pretend the motivation for this thread is "WE'RE TAKING TARGETS RAWR," like Umbrella has been trying to do, but the real motivation is "WE'LL DO OUR BEST TO IMPRESS YOU MASSAH."
Well of course Umbrella wouldn't help us even if we asked, they're fighting on the other side. I doubt there's anyone in Umbrella who is pretending that they would, and anyone in VE who would expect them to. This isn't like Sparta saying "yeah, we know the score, we're going to be on different sides" over and over and then actually realising what it meant only after war were declared.

It seems to me the reason for this thread is to pre-empt the crying and whining as happened when Umbrella engaged nations of alliances that were attacking GOONS without issuing a DoW on that/those alliance/s. Umbrella aren't going to impress anyone that matters to them with this stance because it's nothing new; anyone who matters to Umbrella already knows that Umbrella will happily attack nations of alliances engaging their allies without a DoW and Umbrella know that. It's an attempt to head off a moralist circlejerk by reminding those who have trouble putting two and two together and coming up with four of the situation before they conveniently forget fact, precedent, history and that they really don't matter one little bit in the greater scheme of things and go on some nonsensical tirade. Unfortunately it appears to have failed miserably.

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[quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1341168620' post='3001259']
an attempt to head off a moralist circlejerk

Umbrella are monsters for seeking to deny others sexual satisfaction.

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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1341154160' post='3001173']
Did you secretly drop your [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=84587"]TREATY[/url] with VE and both alliances forgot to clean their wiki page or are you pretending the half dozen alliances who declared war on them happened in a nightmare?

[b]Probably [/b]the best defense of allies in the world

MDoAP, look up the definition sometime

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[quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1341168620' post='3001259']
Well of course Umbrella wouldn't help us even if we asked, they're fighting on the other side. I doubt there's anyone in Umbrella who is pretending that they would, and anyone in VE who would expect them to. This isn't like Sparta saying "yeah, we know the score, we're going to be on different sides" over and over and then actually realising what it meant only after war were declared.

It seems to me the reason for this thread is to pre-empt the crying and whining as happened when Umbrella engaged nations of alliances that were attacking GOONS without issuing a DoW on that/those alliance/s. Umbrella aren't going to impress anyone that matters to them with this stance because it's nothing new; anyone who matters to Umbrella already knows that Umbrella will happily attack nations of alliances engaging their allies without a DoW and Umbrella know that. It's an attempt to head off a moralist circlejerk by reminding those who have trouble putting two and two together and coming up with four of the situation before they conveniently forget fact, precedent, history and that they really don't matter one little bit in the greater scheme of things and go on some nonsensical tirade. Unfortunately it appears to have failed miserably.
Of course, if Umbrella hadn't specifically declared war preemptively all this huff-and-puff would matter. But you know as well as all of us that Umbrella knew where the war was headed, and they [b]decided [/b]to join the action on the other side early rather than let the dominoes fall.

If VE wants to pretend that their allies who are watching VE burn are still good allies, convince your members on your own forum. Out here, we're not stupid.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1341172506' post='3001298']
Of course, if Umbrella hadn't specifically declared war preemptively all this huff-and-puff would matter. But you know as well as all of us that Umbrella knew where the war was headed, and they [b]decided [/b]to join the action on the other side early rather than let the dominoes fall.

If VE wants to pretend that their allies who are watching VE burn are still good allies, convince your members on your own forum. Out here, we are stupid.

Fixed your previous comments, thanks for the information though.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1341172506' post='3001298']
But you know as well as all of us that Umbrella knew where the war was headed, and they [b]decided [/b]to join the action on the other side early rather than let the dominoes fall.
Of course we all know that, I haven't seen anywhere that this has been disputed. Umbrella have always been coalition fighters rather than waiting to defend allies and shout about HONOR! HONOR! so I don't see why this would be any different. You guys (yourself, death, alterego etc.) are really clutching at straws this war. There's nothing you can 'expose' about Umbrella that we don't already know are aren't comfortable with.

[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1341172506' post='3001298']
If VE wants to pretend that their allies who are watching VE burn are still good allies, convince your members on your own forum. Out here, we're not stupid.
Yes, yes you are.

Edited by Kowalski
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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1341160816' post='3001209']
Do you really want Umbrella to steam roll over TPF and NPO? It's not like either TPF or NPO could call in enough support to make a big dent in Umbrella. Umbrella is not going to engage IRON since they're allied and your only other chance of making a dent in Umbrella is through PF, half of which supports Umbrella (BN and Argent) or MK (TOP). Goading Umbrella into attacking TPF and NPO (If they even had their upper tiers out of pm) would be like giving them free to candy to chew on should either or both become part of a future opposition movement, which you so desire.

This is all beside the fact, though, because fighting on two sides of a war is stupid as $%&@. Umbrella chose their side of the war clear very early on.

Can I give you a hug?

Edited by white majik
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[quote name='King Wally' timestamp='1341125412' post='3001071']
He's just pointing out what everyone is thinking to be fair. No one really expects Umbrella to try and hit NPO... it would be Umbrella's death move... it's just interesting to see the explanation they make for it. Reality is right now Umbrella couldn't hit NPO even if they wanted to, they simply need them on side now no matter what. And that my friends is quite an interesting development from this war if nothing else.
[quote name='Ogaden' timestamp='1341126535' post='3001078']
I don't have to try at all, Umbrella does the legwork on these jokes :v

It's just trying to goad them into war, and it's not working. VE doesn't want it, and NPO/TPF don't have much of an upper tier anyways so it's pretty pointless.

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Kowalski come back to us.

Also, I'm sure people can come up with better things to argue about than calling us out for not fighting on two sides of a war to protect an ally on the other side defending their ally who was defending their ally against our ally when this ally on the other side is literally the only ally of ours on the other side of the war. Is that too confusing?

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[quote name='JoshuaR' timestamp='1341178168' post='3001351']
Kowalski come back to us.

Also, I'm sure people can come up with better things to argue about than calling us out for not fighting on two sides of a war to protect an ally on the other side defending their ally who was defending their ally against our ally when this ally on the other side is literally the only ally of ours on the other side of the war. Is that too confusing?

I think I got that :wacko:

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1341160816' post='3001209']
Do you really want Umbrella to steam roll over TPF and NPO? It's not like either TPF or NPO could call in enough support to make a big dent in Umbrella. Umbrella is not going to engage IRON since they're allied and your only other chance of making a dent in Umbrella is through PF, half of which supports Umbrella (BN and Argent) or MK (TOP). Goading Umbrella into attacking TPF and NPO (If they even had their upper tiers out of pm) would be like giving them free to candy to chew on should either or both become part of a future opposition movement, which you so desire.

This is all beside the fact, though, because fighting on two sides of a war is stupid as $%&@. Umbrella chose their side of the war clear very early on.

If you think Umbrella or even all of Doomhouse combined could take on NPO-sphere I'd say your highly delusional. Yes they did it in the PB-NpO war (EVERYTHING. MUST. DIE.) but that was only able to be acheived by keeping SF and XX alliances on side. Those bridges have now been burnt repeatedly and DH has run out of "Nominal" plan B FA-Clusters to swing in to overpower NPO even if they desperetly needed to. This is also the reason why DH was so keen to create a diversion war away from LSF. They know they are on the edge and can not afford to fight anyone outside of previous recent enemy lists otherwise they wont have the numbers to win.

Simply fact is right now DH needs NPO-sphere more then NPO-sphere needs them. And it's in that line that I think we've witnessed something small change in this place. It's probably not so evident now but it's there. In time you will see the theory tested, may take 6 months to a year but I think the changing of the guard is already in motion.

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