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The Yellow Fiasco

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I'm Jack Tarr, one of FAN's SotPKs. I am here to accept full responsibility for the recent Yellow fiasco. I also wish to tell you how proud I am because it all ended up much much funnier than I ever thought possible.

It's truly amazing how quickly stuff like this spreads across Planet Bob. There are so many versions of what happened and why that it is mind boggling. All the versions seem to have some truth, some speculation and a lot of interperitation.

I decided since this was all one of my "hair brained schemes", that it was up to me to explain it all. As you know, my posts are infrequent and usually quite brief and I apologize now for what will be quite the wall of text, for me anyway.

The "Yellow Fiasco" was formulated with two objectives:

1. To get even with GPF for all their asshattery and most recently their April Fools shananigans on my account on their forums. (BTW GPF, all my text is still underlined and links to PD).
2. To attempt to find out what SUN was all about and who they really were. They have been neighbors for well over a year and none of us was really sure what they were all about even with our discussions.

There was never going to really be a war. Let's face it, we are still trying to recover from our most recent beat down at the hands of TPF and NATO lol.

So, the plan was to get GPF to believe we were going to kick their asses off of Yellow because they are major pains in the ass. The latter is quite true as can be substantiated by their train wrecks on other OWF threads. In addition, we were going to involve SUN as some of the stunts GPF had pulled just made it too easy to do so. Seeds were planted by FAN and many of our friends and aquaintences. I even got Brehon to announce on his radio show that FAN was going to war and it wasn't with NPO. That provided a lot of lulz as no sooner did he announce it than the PMs started coming in looking for more info. We wouldn't be so paranoid if everyone wasn't out to get us eh?

Next we started working on SUN by explaining that GPF was setting them up with votes so they could watch us kick their buttts. Many lengthy discussions were carried out pushing for Yellow unity. And now we get to poor King James. Ah yes, poor King James. While his other .gov officials agreed with our plan because it was in fact quite logical, GPF did try to set them up for a fall. King James started flopping like a landed herring and finally asked me what would happen if they stayed out of it. I told him something to the effect of he was either with us or against us. I had NO idea he would then take the route he did. The joke was going to be a lot more internal. Anyway, being old and stuff I went to bed. When I logged on this am, I was alerted to the fact that King James went running to his ODP ally TLR but he went to the wrong one. He pleaded for help and told them EVERYTHING that had been said to him in confidence. I had to leave the computer for a bit as my sides hurt from laughing and I was so teary eyed I couldn't read the text anymore.

Anyway, while I am really not sure if GPF even knew about any of this, it did feel good knowing I had worked hard to send a little asshattery back their way. It also worked out well to find out the truth about SUN and the fact they really can't be trusted. But the absolute best part of this entire fiasco is we are still laughing and will be for some time. And not a shot was fired.

Once again, sorry for being so long winded but I felt it necessary.


Edited by Princess Doomee
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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1335578491' post='2960262']
This seems like it would be pretty hilarious.

The logs were pretty damn funny.

Props to Mandellav for not spoiling it by keeping calm with it (despite probably being near urinating himself with laughter) and for giving King James what in normal circumstances would have actually been fairly mature and noble advice.

Also, I give it a few more hours before someone makes a sig image of The Last Republic's flag with a message about being so irrelevant even their allies can't recognize them properly.

Edited by Lord Boris
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[quote name='Mandellav' timestamp='1335579176' post='2960269']
I am filled with exuberance and extend much gratitude for this auspicious chance to unknowingly take part in what I consider the most hilarious situation I have experienced here on Planet Bob.
On behalf of the Federation of Armed Nations, we with to thank you for your service in making this better than we had hoped for.

/o Mandellav

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[quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1335577907' post='2960254']
. It also worked out well to find out the truth about SUN and the fact they really can't be trusted. But the absolute best part of this entire fiasco is we are still laughing and will be for some time. And not a shot was fired.


I was with you up until this sentence. You literally judge SUN as untrustworthy because they spilled a plan that they thought was real, and that would really effect their allies in tLR. There was nothing untrustworthy in that. And it its pretty disgusting that it would be painted as such. Did you honestly expect SUN to make military plans, or field what they perceived as a threat from you, without talking to their allies? Had they NOT tried to talk to their allies they would be untrustworthy. King James mistake (and it was collossal) is not knowing who their allies are.

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1335580536' post='2960277']
I was with you up until this sentence. You literally judge SUN as untrustworthy because they spilled a plan that they thought was real, and that would really effect their allies in tLR. There was nothing untrustworthy in that. And it its pretty disgusting that it would be painted as such. Did you honestly expect SUN to make military plans, or field what they perceived as a threat from you, without talking to their allies? Had they NOT tried to talk to their allies they would be untrustworthy. King James mistake (and it was collossal) is not knowing who their allies are.

Agreed, though the mix up was pretty funny

Edited by stockhunter
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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1335580536' post='2960277']
I was with you up until this sentence. You literally judge SUN as untrustworthy because they spilled a plan that they thought was real, and that would really effect their allies in tLR. There was nothing untrustworthy in that. And it its pretty disgusting that it would be painted as such. Did you honestly expect SUN to make military plans, or field what they perceived as a threat from you, without talking to their allies? Had they NOT tried to talk to their allies they would be untrustworthy. King James mistake (and it was collossal) is not knowing who their allies are.

Rush, no matter what I said or what I did you would find a reason to hate. Its all good. I judged nobody. I spoke my opinion and you spoke yours. Save the hate for something important and not a damned game will you!

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1335580536' post='2960277']
I was with you up until this sentence. You literally judge SUN as untrustworthy because they spilled a plan that they thought was real, and that would really effect their allies in tLR. There was nothing untrustworthy in that. And it its pretty disgusting that it would be painted as such. Did you honestly expect SUN to make military plans, or field what they perceived as a threat from you, without talking to their allies? Had they NOT tried to talk to their allies they would be untrustworthy. King James mistake (and it was collossal) is not knowing who their allies are.

There is a way to tell one's ally of what could be going down without giving out too much in the way of specifics. Discretion is a valuable trait to have, especially when one spills their guts out to somebody else, regardless of who it is or who they think it is.

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[quote name='Princess Doomee' timestamp='1335581289' post='2960281']
Rush, no matter what I said or what I did you would find a reason to hate. Its all good. I judged nobody. I spoke my opinion and you spoke yours. Save the hate for something important and not a damned game will you!

It really isnt that I looked for something to hate. The event nearly gave me a hernia from laughing. But that last jab, was too much.

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