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Announcement from Pandora's Box

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[quote name='Emperor Whimsical' timestamp='1334289983' post='2951822']
I thought you were supposed to attack with all your friends all at once [i]in the beginning of the conflict[/i].
Nah, we gave them a reasonably fair fight for a while. It is only as a result of their refusal to come to terms that we have called in PB assistance.

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This is just gold...

Thanks PB, you've made my day.

[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1334289679' post='2951819']

Artists rendition of war so far.
Also this

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Personally, this seems like a pretty reasonable announcement. People should fight to win. They should bring every available gun. Overwhelm your enemy. I hope both sides fight as hard and destroy as much as they can. In the end, that's why we're all here, right?


Edited by Comrade Craig
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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1334290332' post='2951825']
Nah, we gave them a reasonably fair fight for a while. It is only as a result of their refusal to come to terms that we have called in PB assistance.

Translation: We couldn't force a surrender with a 10:1 advantage [and higher in most of the relevant tiers] because our alliance is such a shambles, so we had to beg in our bloc before we lost any more face than we had already by bringing in giant allies piecemeal.



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[quote name='Prodigal Moon' timestamp='1334290248' post='2951823']
Final nail in the coffin for the myth that GOONS love war, don't care about infra, etc.
Don't be stupid, this is just proof that they aren't very good at it and like to win.

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[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1334290713' post='2951833']
Translation: We couldn't force a surrender with a 10:1 advantage [and higher in most of the relevant tiers]
!@#$%^&*. Simply !@#$%^&*. You can't repeat this lie into truth Xiphosis. Kaskus had a massive higher tier advantage going into this war many nations with full wonders, huge tech advantages, enormous warchests. When those nations were knocked down, it's no wonder why we had difficulty with them. Given the disadvantages we were under, we did reasonably well.

Edited by Sardonic
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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1334290938' post='2951835']
!@#$%^&*. Simply !@#$%^&*. You can't repeat this lie into truth Xiphosis. Kaskus had a massive higher tier advantage going into this war many nations with full wonders, huge tech advantages, enormous warchests. When those nations were knocked down, it's no wonder why we had difficulty with them. Given the disadvantages we were under, we did reasonably well.
Just out of curiosity, how come Umbrella wasn't enough to counter this?

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1334290938' post='2951835']
!@#$%^&*. Simply !@#$%^&*. You can't repeat this lie into truth Xiphosis. Kaskus had a massive higher tier advantage going into this war many nations with full wonders, huge tech advantages, enormous warchests. When those nations were knocked down, it's no wonder why we had difficulty with them. Given the disadvantages we were under, we did reasonably well.

So incredibly well that even with FOK and Umbrella backing you up, excellent military alliances in their own rights, you still had to call in the rest of your bloc. Yeah.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1334290332' post='2951825']
Nah, we gave them a reasonably fair fight for a while. It is only as a result of their refusal to come to terms that we have called in PB assistance.

Do you want to end this war? If so just lower the rep amount. That simple. On Planet Bob, 1 to 20 odds isn't a whole lot of difference than 1 to one million. This is just making you look pathetic and stupid.

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[quote name='Skippy' timestamp='1334291183' post='2951838']
Just out of curiosity, how come Umbrella wasn't enough to counter this?

Oh maybe because everyone in MONGOLS = 10k ns and below
everyone in Kaskus is = 33k and below.

But I guess avg NS in Umbrella of over 100k wouldn't mean anything when trying to fight their nations.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1334290938' post='2951835']
!@#$%^&*. Simply !@#$%^&*. You can't repeat this lie into truth Xiphosis. Kaskus had a massive higher tier advantage going into this war many nations with full wonders, huge tech advantages, enormous warchests. When those nations were knocked down, it's no wonder why we had difficulty with them. Given the disadvantages we were under, we did reasonably well.

Last time I checked on your nation. You are also on lower tier mister. And in this war both of members will be bring down along with all the nukes n guns. Dont make it looks like goons are standing strong, and there are nobody in goons from mid to low tier that cannot handle us well. Instead, your member is also maybe in the same range like us (put your nation into some good example), with tons of wonder, enormous tech, n fat warchest.


Edited by jeff123
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[quote name='Leerjet' timestamp='1334291371' post='2951843']
Oh maybe because everyone in MONGOLS = 10k ns and below
everyone in Kaskus is = 33k and below.

But I guess avg NS in Umbrella of over 100k wouldn't mean anything when trying to fight their nations.


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[quote name='Skippy' timestamp='1334291183' post='2951838']
Just out of curiosity, how come Umbrella wasn't enough to counter this?
Because umbrella is a primarily high tier alliance, and after knocking the offending kaskus nations down into our ranges, they are unable to engage. Asking them to sell down to keep fighting kaskus would be stupid.
[quote name='Xiphosis' timestamp='1334291221' post='2951840']
So incredibly well that even with FOK and Umbrella backing you up, excellent military alliances in their own rights, you still had to call in the rest of your bloc. Yeah.
FOK launched all of one war prior to this, and umbrella could not help with the nations after they knocked them into our prime ranges. We gave them their fair "honorable" fight with limited assistance, but now it is time for this to end, and you know as well as I do that we lack the force necessary to force them to a speedy resolution, given the aforementioned problematic former high tier nations. I feel no shame in calling down PB upon Kaskus, especially given how generous we were in our negotiations.

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[quote name='Leerjet' timestamp='1334291371' post='2951843']
Oh maybe because everyone in MONGOLS = 10k ns and below
everyone in Kaskus is = 33k and below.

But I guess avg NS in Umbrella of over 100k wouldn't mean anything when trying to fight their nations.
Now now, can't I ask a simple question without that attitude? :rolleyes:

Then what was the point in bringing Umbrella in at all? You might as well bring MK in to fight, isn't that supposed to be their range?

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