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An Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom

Leet Guy

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As per Article VI of "[b]The 'First Person to Say This Is MK Joining PB Gets Rolled' Accords[/b]," the treaty between MK and FOK has been cancelled. Reasons have been communicated in private.
[quote]Article VI

If either signatory wishes to terminate these accords, they must provide the other with at least 48 hours notice, at which time both signatories will enter into discussions to determine if reasons for termination can be resolved. If they cannot, the termination of the accords will proceed 48 hours from the date of announcement. Any violation of these accords is grounds for immediate termination, but discussion to resolve the problem is strongly encouraged.[/quote]

It is disappointing when allies drift apart, especially when they have been close for so long. FOK has stood by our side, and us to theirs, since early 2009. We wish them only the best, and hope we can remain friends moving forward.

[u]Signed for the Mushroom Kingdom[/u]
[b]King:[/b] Archon
[b]Crown Prince:[/b] lebubu
[b]Prince:[/b] Teh 1337 Guy

[b]Lord High Treasurer:[/b] Azaghul
[b]Lord High Vanguard:[/b] Infinite Citadel
[b]Lord High Director:[/b] SteamPoweredHitler, Banksy
[b]Enclave:[/b] rsoxbronco1, Mathias, Quiz

Edit: There were a bunch of nations that seem to have been dumped to the None AA who were previously following their religious leader to Biodad Kingdom. Needless to say, they're still being protected by MK until they return home to the true prophet allarchon. We have a particular set of skills; skills we have acquired over a very long fighting career. Skills that make us a nightmare for people like raiders. As long as you don't hit those nations, that'll be the end of it. We will not look for you, we will not pursue you. But if you do strike, we will look for you, we will find you, and we will kill you.

Edited by Leet Guy
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Bonus double announcement - You'll notice some changes there in our gov. After the conclusion of our front of the war, NinjaColt stepped down as LHV. I thank him for his great service to the Kingdom, keeping our war machine in tip top shape. Replacing him is no stranger to gov, Infinite Citadel, who has spent extensive time as our LHT. Banksy has decided to make a return to gov as well, why he would willingly torture himself I simply do not know. Quiz was also appointed to the Enclave during the war.

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