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The Miday DoW

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[quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1323224209' post='2866574']
I'm a fan of the 10-11pm blitz. Get to nuke on day 2 still and hold an outside chance of getting 2 days worth of attacking in without a reply. But that's just me. With anyone who's worth anything either nuclear or close now a days, the update blitz doesn't really matter.

This sums up my feelings on it adequately. Nice to be able to nuke on the first day.

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I would rather DoW midday. It allows you to help disguise when your alliance is online and about. Along with that, it is always enjoyable to drop 2 nukes on the 2nd day reset.

But DoWing just prior to update is a horrible idea imo. You lose a day's worth of nuke damage on your opponent. With the objective being to destroy your opponent, what take that off the table? Would you rather get an additional nuke in or anarchy him sooner by attacking with a quad?

Perhaps it is different at lower ranges, but I haven't been nor have I seen too many anarchies occur to 100K nations who were ready for war. It just doesn't happen as often.

An update blitz is effective though for a surprise attack during peace time. You could anarchy most nations with a solid blitz when they have no inkling of impending doom.

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I've been in several mid-day / prime-time blitzes between TE and SE. It was usually decided on simply because the majority of attackers were busy people that couldn't be bothered to stay up late. :v:

Hard to deny that war would be more fun if loss-of-sleep wasn't involved.

Edited by Richard VII
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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1323216135' post='2866371']
Update blitz is a dumb move tactically now we have nukes.

But because no one in this game likes to depart from the past, we still use 2006 war tactics.


Plus you should always declare at least an hour before update to get an extra day of nukes in. If you are attacking an hour before update it's not likely you will get quad attacks in anyway. Not that quad attacks are even useful when you can just nuke your target the next day. Update attacks are a relic of a pre nuke era when alliances would blitz as close to update as possible to try to put their targets into anarchy. Anarchy used to be a big thing in the days before warchests. Remember, wars only lasted 1-2 weeks. I always found it funny how people still use the update blitz.

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[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1323228885' post='2866653']
Its probably due to the fact that most people still being busy with end of semester projects/finals to where staying up until 11 pm, 12 or 1 am isn't feasible.
This would make me more likely to be awake at 1 am :(

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[quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1323267391' post='2867282']
For me, Update blitzes are 2 PM. Therefore, I am pro-update blitzes.
Living in the western pacific region is wonderful for cybernations.
3 or 4 PM here (depending on DST)

Edited by Shan Revan
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[quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1323217720' post='2866431']
Personally I think fighting at update is silly since its when everyone is around and your target will be ready for you. Much better to attack during the day randomly.

used to think this, however, if your war-mates arent quadding, you basically have to pick up the slack yourself or your $%&@ed.

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If you think about it, for several reasons it can be more optimal than an update blitz. Some alliances that aren't based on American times (FOK, NEW) would find a post update time more effective than an update blitz due to the amount of people they can get on. It also is not the expected time for people to DoW and can catch an opponent off guard since most people would be either asleep, at work or not expecting a DoW at any other time than update. Update is when most people are on and ready to defend, it is rather like you don't update blitz if you know your opponent is an active update blitzer. You wait for times they likely won't be on to launch your attacks. Military strategy in some ways as well as stopping PM. There are many benefits to DoWing at times other than update, depends on the circumstance though.

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[quote name='SoADarthCyfe6' timestamp='1323228885' post='2866653']
Its probably due to the fact that most people still being busy with end of semester projects/finals to where staying up until 11 pm, 12 or 1 am isn't feasible.

Midnight and later is when I do my best work on severely procrastinated projects...

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I don't know about you all, but I work extremely odd hours and can't usually hit update. So when it's me posting the DOW, I post it in the early evening (around 7pm server). Earlier DoWs have the element of surprise as everyone's expecting hits at update, and have the benefit of not having to worry about server traffic. All you lose is the quad attack, which, IMO, isn't worth missing sleep for.

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[quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1323215448' post='2866327']
Easier to get Europeans to contribute in a midday blitz.

Its why we moved at mid-day, so we could get BAPS in the fun at a decent hour instead of making them wait till OHGODITSEARLY o'clock

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Blitzing about an hour and a half before update is optimal imo. Wu pretty much explained why.

Just a tid bit on those citing NEW as a reason why midday blitzes are more prevalent, update is like 1 PM for them (iirc), so midday would be in the middle of the night for them. Just sayin'

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