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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1323016110' post='2862298']
Through seeing your posts in the debate sections here, I find the bolded humourous :P anyways so long Francesca.

I'm not in the slightest judgmental. Both ingame and in real life, I harbour no ill will towards anyone anymore (or try not to) whether they are my friends or my enemies. This is the whole idea behind this thread. I am, however, politically incorrect and proudly so. 'Political correctness is tyranny with manners', said Charlton Heston, and he is quite right. Anyone who dares to hold deviant opinions is demonised as an evil bigot.

[/parting shot at the Boiler Room people.]

Funnily enough I almost excluded people who post in the Boiler Room regularly from my offer of free tech. They really are an illogical bunch. :v:

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Well we were never exactly friends, and I usually disagreed with both your words and actions, but I did notice that you at least made up your own mind on things sometimes and I respected that and still do. So for that reason alone I am sad to see you go.

Kudos on how you decided to go out. Creation > Destruction.

And yeah, I would never refuse free tech, so if I am included in your offer: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=88152

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1323026654' post='2862427']
I'm not in the slightest judgmental. Both ingame and in real life, I harbour no ill will towards anyone anymore (or try not to) whether they are my friends or my enemies.[/quote]

You don't have harbour ill will towards people to be judgmental of something/someone, suppose have to agree to disagree with your blindness to the fact you're judgmental :P

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1322997489' post='2862137']
I don’t know precisely which ODN members interfered with my application to MK. What you did is pathetic.
They didn't. You did when you said you wanted to go rogue on our ally.

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Its sad to see you go, Fran, but you are going to go and take up a real life, and having done that myself over and over again over the years I cant really say anything but "good job".

But during your time in the NSO your temper and pride came back to bite me in the ass so many, many times with people who put their trust in me, and then you left the alliance, with me holding the bag. You have never apologized, and honestly, Im not looking for one.

So while you may be leaving in a classy manner, and you certainly are upgrading your investment of time, I don't wish you anything except to not come back. You give me a headache, and every time you come to mind you always will.

Good luck in real life, Francesca, I hope you don't look back.

Yeah, I can be petty too outside of acting. What a shock.

Edited by TehChron
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I remember how gung ho you were when you were in VE during Karma and then you aided a RL friend who was in the NPO while that person was engaged with a couple Viridians. Seems like that's about the time the wheels started to come off the bus for you and admittedly I was angry and no doubt spit venom at you. But, with the passage of time I can look back on that and laugh and chalk it up to one of the many nutty things I've seen over the years.

Hope you had some fun while you were here and best of luck to you.

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1323049128' post='2862854']
Its sad to see you go, Fran, but you are going to go and take up a real life, and having done that myself over and over again over the years I cant really say anything but "good job".

But during your time in the NSO your temper and pride came back to bite me in the ass so many, many times with people who put their trust in me, and then you left the alliance, with me holding the bag. You have never apologized, and honestly, Im not looking for one.

So while you may be leaving in a classy manner, and you certainly are upgrading your investment of time, I don't wish you anything except to not come back. You give me a headache, and every time you come to mind you always will.

Good luck in real life, Francesca, I hope you don't look back.

Yeah, I can be petty too outside of acting. What a shock.

I have no idea what you are talking about. I have never joined NSO as either Francesca or Kalasin. Do you have me confused with someone else?

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1323050561' post='2862872']
I have no idea what you are talking about. I have never joined NSO as either Francesca or Kalasin. Do you have me confused with someone else?
You did for 3 weeks back in 2009 or so, right before you rerolled. A pretty ugly 3 weeks it was for me.

But...yeah, Im really not that surprised you don't remember. Youre not the type to.

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1323051254' post='2862890']
You did for 3 weeks back in 2009 or so, right before you rerolled. A pretty ugly 3 weeks it was for me.

But...yeah, Im really not that surprised you don't remember. Youre not the type to.

I didn't. Link me to my application on your boards, you won't find it.

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[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1323051305' post='2862891']
I didn't. Link me to my application on your boards, you won't find it.
How clever of you since we've just switched boards and have none of that kind of thing to link to...?

Yeah, you're obsessed with being in the right all the time. I get it. If you're going to go and talk about how you have no regrets, don't be annoyed when someone points out a grudge they still have unresolved against you. Well, I wouldn't really call it a grudge at that point, more like a lingering headache.

I'm far from the only person you've burned and then forgot it ever happened in favor of your next crusade, and frankly I don't feel like going through the effort of trying to meet some kind of burden of proof to accuse you of anything. It's been 2 years since, and I honestly just don't like you. That's what happened, I've said what I wanted to say, and now I can look forward to the soon to come day where I can finally not have any more reminders of how much of a headache you've caused me when browsing these forums.

Have fun in real life, Fran.

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1323051672' post='2862905']
How clever of you since we've just switched boards and have none of that kind of thing to link to...?

Yeah, you're obsessed with being in the right all the time. I get it. If you're going to go and talk about how you have no regrets, don't be annoyed when someone points out a grudge they still have unresolved against you. Well, I wouldn't really call it a grudge at that point, more like a lingering headache.

I'm far from the only person you've burned and then forgot it ever happened in favor of your next crusade, and frankly I don't feel like going through the effort of trying to meet some kind of burden of proof to accuse you of anything. It's been 2 years since, and I honestly just don't like you. That's what happened, I've said what I wanted to say, and now I can look forward to the soon to come day where I can finally not have any more reminders of how much of a headache you've caused me when browsing these forums.

Have fun in real life, Fran.

Believe it or not I don't follow everything that happens in NSO. I didn't know you had switched boards recently. Frankly though I know my own history better than you do. I remember you tried to talk me into joining NSO, I even had talks with some of your guys on IRC, but then I decided not to. I dare you to provide any evidence to the contrary. IRC logs, anything you like.

In the end though, it doesn't matter. I don't much care. You don't like me for whatever reason. That's fine. I don't have a particularly high opinion of you either.

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[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1323049128' post='2862854']
Chron post
[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1323050561' post='2862872']
Kalasin response
[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1323051254' post='2862890']
Chron response to Kalasin response
[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1323051305' post='2862891']
Kalasin response to Chron's response on her response.
[quote name='TehChron' timestamp='1323051672' post='2862905']
More arguing
[quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1323052064' post='2862919']
even more arguing.

Pssttt... Hey guys you're both cool and it doesn't really matter much anymore. :P

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