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A Joint Announcement from the Mushroom Kingdom and the Viridian Entente

Leet Guy

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[quote name='Bill Wallace' timestamp='1320439326' post='2838722']
You should take a deep breath, relax, and save your angry comments for some future thread that goes on and on about how VE is having it's way with you.

Or RoK should keep encouraging NSO to not surrender so when we roll them, RoK can try to defend them. Would be fun.

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[quote name='Brehon' timestamp='1320439516' post='2838727']
Crap has breeds? wth?

Crap breeds crap. If you believe this to be true, you must also believe that you can have different levels of crap. And when crap breeds crap bad enough that MK and VE can agree on something, then that is about as crappy as it gets.

But seriously, it's not some moralist police action. It's people getting fed up with a crappy war that's going nowhere getting dragged out. Since we're apparently not going to get anything new until this war ends, it's time to end it ourselves one way or another.

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[quote name='MitchellBade' timestamp='1320425523' post='2838438']
On the contrary, for Tetris/NSO-Legion to peace out now because of the 'external forces' poised against them would be a complete loss for both sides. For Legion or NSO/Tetris to succumb to peace under the threat of further escalation by those who have nothing at stake in this conflict impedes significantly upon their sovereignty. Now if MK-VE had come forth and offer to hold a neutral forum for peace talks, that would be one thing. But no, they are coming out and demanding that peace be met or else there will be violent consequences. Seems rather counterproductive, but then again, its obvious that some people are just trying to escalate this war for sake of their blue balls.[/quote]

MK and VE are raiding the card game. Not a complete loss for both sides, but rather clearly the game (metaphorically) is over. Time to grab your chips, and Legion has more of them currently, and make quickly for an exit.

That both VE and MK are coming forward by the way pretty much makes a mess of any general war that people wanted to break out, so your "blue balls" comment is pretty much invalid. Combined, MK and VE can bring such overwhelming force to bear, you'd have to be an idiot to continue if you are Legion or NSO.

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Oh please let there be war, I haven't gotten to punch a Legion in the face since Karma, and a NSO since I was in Rok a few years ago. Even better, if this also allows me to slap around some of my old friends in Rok, this could be the greatest thing that has happened in the 975 days since I created my nation.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1320439789' post='2838737']
MK and VE are raiding the card game. Not a complete loss for both sides, but rather clearly the game (metaphorically) is over. Time to grab your chips, and Legion has more of them currently, and make quickly for an exit.

That both VE and MK are coming forward by the way pretty much makes a mess of any general war that people wanted to break out, so your "blue balls" comment is pretty much invalid. Combined, MK and VE can bring such overwhelming force to bear, you'd have to be an idiot to continue if you are Legion or NSO.

do you fail to relize that NSO and Legion both have allies in some large blocks in CN its not as overwhelming as the treaty forgeting VE/MK would like to believe...

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[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1320439000' post='2838715']
Sparta couldn't roll themselves down a hill to be honest with you

Well I appreciate the honesty!
I'll be sure to jot it down in my notebook of useless babble, and make reference of it next time we roll out.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1320439971' post='2838741']
do you fail to relize that NSO and Legion both have allies in some large blocks in CN its not as overwhelming as the treaty forgeting VE/MK would like to believe...

Are you new here?

I'm going to assume this is the case and your posting is due to that, and not indicative of a dangerously low IQ. It could be both, who am I to judge.

Either way, believe me when I tell you that it would be as overwhelming as they are implying. Follow the treaties.

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1320439971' post='2838741']
do you fail to relize that NSO and Legion both have allies in some large blocks in CN its not as overwhelming as the treaty forgeting VE/MK would like to believe...

Both of these alliances have had ample time to call in all allies. Given none are currently involved in the war I think we can surmise their allies have no real interest in defending them, for fear of retaliation. If you think that hitting MK/VE is less likely to incur the retaliation they're afraid of than hitting NSO/Legion, you're crazy.

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[quote name='Lukapaka' timestamp='1320440257' post='2838745']
Well I appreciate the honesty!
I'll be sure to jot it down in my notebook of useless babble, and make reference of it next time we roll out.

Next time you roll out... are you planning to call in Fark and MHA then as well against TFD and almighty NATO like last time?

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[quote name='alyster' timestamp='1320440458' post='2838753']
Next time you roll out... are you planning to call in Fark and MHA then as well against TFD and almighty NATO like last time?

Sort of like how they were called in to prevent those alliances from attacking you, right?

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1320439971' post='2838741']
do you fail to relize that NSO and Legion both have allies in some large blocks in CN its not as overwhelming as the treaty forgeting VE/MK would like to believe...

I understand that MK & VE can bring in Doomhouse, XX, SF, and enough additional alliance support that anything you can scramble together in less than 72 hours will not be able to repeal that much firepower. Sorry, Rok is good, but Jedi...not so much.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1320440563' post='2838755']
I understand that MK & VE can bring in Doomhouse, XX, SF, and enough additional alliance support that anything you can scramble together in less than 72 hours will not be able to repeal that much firepower. Sorry, Rok is good, but Jedi...not so much.

I really love these predictions xD

Guys, you're really going too far with your predictions... And also: VE and MK are quite capable of taking care of themselves I think...

Edited by Garion
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[quote name='Seerow' timestamp='1320440419' post='2838751']
Both of these alliances have had ample time to call in all allies. Given none are currently involved in the war I think we can surmise their allies have no real interest in defending them, for fear of retaliation. If you think that hitting MK/VE is less likely to incur the retaliation they're afraid of than hitting NSO/Legion, you're crazy.

do you honestly think that they cared about the war before now they dont....i mean VE and MK are biig alliances geting involved in a minor conflict....imagine Brazil declairing war on chile...who cares right?what if the US and Russia decide to declare on Brazil and Chile...and they both happen to have countries like china and england as allies...then it becomes a world issue...

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