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Be Careful What You Wish For, UPN

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[quote name='Dexomega' timestamp='1313645813' post='2783488']
Except that FEAR are not our enemies. And we do not see them as such. This will be solved civilly like adults. And then we'll go out and get drunk afterwards at a bar. :smug:

And likewise FEAR does not see UPN as our real enemies. Tonight was the culmination of a lot of old bad blood and agitation boiling over, and now we shall sit down and have a drink while we talk it over and laugh at many groups providing triage to their members for severe cases of blue balls.

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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1313645298' post='2783473']
Can we save ourselves the trouble and just declare now? Please? Its what we all want, FEAR wants it, UPN wants it, hell the world wants it.

I believe this is the cue for UPN to make their own thread calling out FEAR to make good on their wish. The plot thickens. :ph34r:

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[quote name='Lord Boris' timestamp='1313646386' post='2783502']
And likewise FEAR does not see UPN as our real enemies. Tonight was the culmination of a lot of old bad blood and agitation boiling over, and now we shall sit down and have a drink while we talk it over and laugh at many groups providing triage to their members for severe cases of blue balls.

LOL. Go back with a tail between your legs.

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I nearly forgot that OWF threads can be as stupid without any ponies.

Please, Lord Boris. Try spinning it in direction of "haha and I was joking as well!". We'll believe it. We [i]want[/i] to believe it. The alternative is... quite silly, frankly.

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[quote name='Boy George' timestamp='1313646548' post='2783508']
LOL. Go back with a tail between your legs.
More like go away CSN.

If you don't like my wording of that take it up with my on IRC in private. Like these sorts of things should be. Don't dictate other's policy, or attempt to provoke a response. It's poor form and it's insulting to the parties involved here. Particularly when you have no idea what is going on.

Edited by Dexomega
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[quote name='Muddog' timestamp='1313645298' post='2783473']
Can we save ourselves the trouble and just declare now? Please? Its what we all want, FEAR wants it, UPN wants it, hell the world wants it.
Can two AA's lose at war when fighting each other? The answer to this question and more are just a DoW away. You can do it.

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[quote name='FeaR_LeSs' timestamp='1313646898' post='2783517']
mod should close this pointless topic

Looks like a lot of people need to start watching what they say. Yourself included, suggesting things that should not be discussed here.

I & others in BFF do think UPN/Sent/NpO are all jokes. Some of them take offense. If they want to, they can try to do something about it. Was a thread needed? Probably not, we already knew they were terrible. Boris/Dexo can try to smooth things over all they want, but that's the underlying issue. Personally, I am extremely disappointed in both parties. Both could have attacked, both are too boring/scared to. At least with their [i]current[/i] leaders, that is. ;)

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[quote name='erikz' timestamp='1313648410' post='2783546']
Wow. I thought FEAR were intelligent people. This kind of #$%& posting proved me wrong I guess.[/quote]

[quote name='Canik' timestamp='1313647650' post='2783527']
Looks like a lot of people need to start watching what they say. Yourself included, suggesting things that should not be discussed here.

I & others in BFF do think UPN/Sent/NpO are all jokes. Some of them take offense. If they want to, they can try to do something about it. Was a thread needed? Probably not, we already knew they were terrible. Boris/Dexo can try to smooth things over all they want, but that's the underlying issue. Personally, I am extremely disappointed in both parties. Both could have attacked, both are too boring/scared to. At least with their [i]current[/i] leaders, that is. ;)

Still, I don't know whether to applaud Canik's damage control - or facepalm even harder at this proof this was not all part of a joke we didn't get.

PS.: I just realized that I referred to undermining own leader and alliance FA line as "damage control". I'll leave the post be, as a sad monument of how low our (or only mine?) standards expected of OWF have sunk.

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[quote name='Boy George' timestamp='1313642064' post='2783380']
Amen. Then again I'm not sure anyone has that kinda of balls except for Ivan, someone in GOONS or the old FAN. Or the stupidity of LM.

Care to explain to me the LiquidMercury Reference?

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Hm expected more of you than internet memes lord boris....perhaps I've missed the joke. Or cn just got even more boring than expected. LoL u mad ...hur derp cry some moar...hur. :/ Really. I hope you are joking. Even if they were to declare war. I'm certain FEAR would call in all of its pets to make sure the fight were uneven as possible.

In this day and age of CN if you really don't like UPN then declare war. The precedent has already been set. No reason to make shenanigans about it.

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UPN hardly had to post at all in this thread, and yet they come out of it with a PR victory.

This is so absurdly stupid that it is hard to comprehend.

Was it that with the addition of NEW to BFF, FEAR was feeling bigger and badder then normal and felt like an 8 year old with a twenty-dollar bill in his pocket, and just couldn't resist doing something?

Was it that FEAR genuinely wanted a war, but wanted to goad UPN into attacking them to fight the war 'defensively'?

Was it that FEAR wanted to get some cheap attention and good PR, and decided the best way to do it was to bully somebody they perceived as weaker then them?

I've long believed that FEAR wasn't the most competent or well-lead alliance on planet bob, but this really confirms the suspicions. Whatever your intentions from this thread were, I can't see many possibilities that aren't frankly laughable and pathetic. UPN's working for years to improve their reputation, and in one night FEAR helps them out while making themselves looking like morons.

Considering my growing distaste of FEAR, this thread has been thoroughly delicious.

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[quote name='Beau Vine' timestamp='1313651149' post='2783580']
Still, I don't know whether to applaud Canik's damage control - or facepalm even harder at this proof this was not all part of a joke we didn't get.

PS.: I just realized that I referred to undermining own leader and alliance FA line as "damage control". I'll leave the post be, as a sad monument of how low our (or only mine?) standards expected of OWF have sunk.

I should've been more respectful, it was out of line. I don't care about rank, but I did go a bit too far. Apologies, Boris.

[quote=BastardofGod]Hm expected more of you than internet memes lord boris....perhaps I've missed the joke. Or cn just got even more boring than expected. LoL u mad ...hur derp cry some moar...hur. :/ Really. I hope you are joking. Even if they were to declare war. I'm certain FEAR would call in all of its pets to make sure the fight were uneven as possible.

In this day and age of CN if you really don't like UPN then declare war. The precedent has already been set. No reason to make shenanigans about it. [/quote]

Actually, FEAR would be perfectly fine fighting one on one or BFF vs Sentinel.

This is kind of a joke, and if Sentinel gets it, we can have some fun. :awesome:

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