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Submit Your Questions to a Former Imperial Officer


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I'm not angry with NPO anymore but I'm afraid I won't ever like or trust you because you won't acknowledge previous wrongdoing towards me. I would make some nice comment here to try and sugarcoat what I'm saying but I honestly see nothing nice about your leadership.

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[quote name='Baltus' timestamp='1312567277' post='2772722']
If you had a chance to apologize to a single alliance, then who would it be?
If you had to pick a member from each bloc (PF, PB/MK, SF, XX) to treaty with who would it be?

Way to ignore CnG!

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[quote name='youwish959' timestamp='1312574521' post='2772803']
Are you going to actually answer these questions?

Congratulations, you skipped the entire thread. Thanks for playing, I'm sorry we can't send you home with the grand prize today.

Edit: Also all those asking for apologies: I'm not a current government member, please go reread the beginning.

Edited by hawk11
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[quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1312502880' post='2772186']
When will NPO apologize for its past misdeeds?

Not just in general: in specifics.

As a concerned citizen of Planet Bob, I've been wondering this as well. Will the NPO ever do this? Also, will the NPO ever stop blaming TORN for their post-karma woes?

Edited by Malatose
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[quote name='Malatose' timestamp='1312590280' post='2772958']
As a concerned citizen of Planet Bob, I've been wondering this as well. Will the NPO ever do this? Also, will the NPO ever stop blaming TORN for their post-karma woes?

Oh ho ho ho. This guy, everyone. [i]This guy.[/i]

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[quote name='Malatose' timestamp='1312590280' post='2772958']
As a concerned citizen of Planet Bob, I've been wondering this as well. Will the NPO ever do this? Also, will the NPO ever stop blaming TORN for their post-karma woes?
I think its by pointed out by many that a lot of alliances were supporting NPO in their past woes, who now seem to be free from past guilt due to the sides they chose in the Karma War. Although I've never seen anyone from NPO blame TORN for their past woes though.

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[quote name='hawk11' timestamp='1312590373' post='2772961']
Oh ho ho ho. This guy, everyone. [i]This guy.[/i]

Do you plan to answer any of the questions that have been asked in this thread, or will you avoid the important ones because you don't feel it's appropriate to share your own opinion about your alliance's affairs? If the latter is true, why did you create this thread? You must have known that straight, hard questions about the NPO would be asked.

Please note that the above questions are meant genuinely.

Edited by Crymson
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[quote name='King Louis the II' timestamp='1312591556' post='2772984']
To me whatever NPO did before Karma is water under the bridge.

my question is:

have NPO members already moved on regarding their hate for Sparta? Seriously...

Maybe not the Former IO you intended the question to, but doubtful. Especially when you consider the current Emperor coined the term coalition of cowards.

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1312591478' post='2772980']
Do you plan to answer any of the questions?

[quote] Well look no further. [b]I am starting up a new column that will either be tacked onto the back of future NPO publications[/b] or have its own standalone area somewhere (probably not a blog).[/quote]


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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1312591980' post='2772998']
Maybe not the Former IO you intended the question to, but doubtful. Especially when you consider the current Emperor coined the term coalition of cowards.

Now Triyun, I know you were doing our FA before Karma happened. I'm dissapointed. Sparta had canceled our treaty before Karma actually started, so they were never one of the "Coalition of Cowards."

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[quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1312591478' post='2772980']
Do you plan to answer any of the questions that have been asked in this thread, or will you avoid the important ones because you don't feel it's appropriate to share your own opinion about your alliance's affairs? If the latter is true, why did you create this thread? You must have known that straight, hard questions about the NPO would be asked.

Please note that the above questions are meant genuinely.

As I said in the beginning of the thread, I am going to answer mostly all of these questions. That's why I made the thread. I said in the opening of the post that if I don't intend to answer a question, I'm going to clearly list why I don't intend to answer it. If there's a question that it's not clear about, point me to it. That being said, I've already said I can't answer any questions about apologies in this thread because I'm not a current standing member of the NPO government. How great would it look if I sat in here and said things along the lines of "I am hawk11 and I apologize on behalf of the NPO for all of our wrongs, both perceived and unperceived" while not having the proper authority to do so? That's going to get me removed from not just my alliance, but any sensible alliance. I don't have that kind of authority; I am not qualified to answer that kind of question.

Aside from that, the questions I don't intend to answer have been given an actual reason so far. I am gathering all of my questions and answers to be put into a publication. Hell, I'm writing the publication as we speak, starting with question one. I am sorry I haven't gotten around to quoting each individual question and saying "Hey, I'll answer this." I started doing that in the beginning, but I felt like that was just being spammy. I have updated the opening saying that I do have enough questions to write now, and, as I said in the beginning of this paragraph, I am actually writing it.

Right now. On a Friday night. Alone. I think I've established my commitment to this plan.

And for the record, all of the questions I'm answering [i]are going to be longer than this post at the very least.[/i] I'm putting thought into the questions and giving the best answers possible. [b]It's going to take more than five minutes.[/b]

Edit: and I did ask that people take their discussions elsewhere in the beginning of this. Did no one completely read my opening post?

Edited by hawk11
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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1312610900' post='2773371']
I find this thread deeply amusing in a strange sort of way.

I think you are trying to post in this thread to gain attention because your ego hasn't been stroked enough lately being an [s]IO[/s]gov. member. <_<

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[quote name='hawk11' timestamp='1312587799' post='2772932']
Congratulations, you skipped the entire thread. Thanks for playing, I'm sorry we can't send you home with the grand prize today.

Edit: Also all those asking for apologies: I'm not a current government member, please go reread the beginning.
Good sire, I think you just broke your own rule.


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Can you offer an explanation or a general reason behind holding fan at war for over a year or declaring sovereignty over the red sphere?

Yes, I am aware you are not government so you can't offer an apology. All I want is the "NPO Side or story."

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[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1312675067' post='2773835']
Can you offer an explanation or a general reason behind holding fan at war for over a year or declaring sovereignty over the red sphere?

Yes, I am aware you are not government so you can't offer an apology. All I want is the "NPO Side or story."
I think they consider the red sphere to be trade partners, making it best for alliances on the same color to work together for mutual benefit. They don't control red or have any obligations to protect every nation on red from attack, although an attack on the red sphere in the past has always been seen as a legitimate CB in the past if they want to use it.

Considering FAN jumped out and attacked NPO first chance they got after NPO was done completing terms for the Karma War, NPO was sort of proven right that FAN would attack them again.

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[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1312675067' post='2773835']
Can you offer an explanation or a general reason behind holding fan at war for over a year or declaring sovereignty over the red sphere?

Yes, I am aware you are not government so you can't offer an apology. All I want is the "NPO Side or story."
They already made an apology thread which everyone laughed at.

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