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Ignoring my usual biases which are heavily slanted towards favoring war and being aggressive in general... I'll say that I think this war is slightly dumbfounding for the simple fact that your literally fighting for 36 mil when it could potentially escalate further to incur more damages then 36 million would ever even hope to cover if Polaris honors her debts. It's just bad political and strategic thinking for that fact alone; but it's your right to press the issue as you see fit RnR and I commend you for taking a stand, but this is a paltry sum to waste precious political capital upon unless their are other motivations which would justify it. Albeit I'll concede that Polaris is still battered from it's previous conflict that the gamble could prove worth it...even still though based on what you cite at face value; Polaris has a decent amount of nukes to fire which is just enough to cause some damages that total more then 36 mil.

Good luck to all parties though I'll be comfortably watching from the sidelines with a bin of popcorn to see who else enters.


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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1307328791' post='2724877']
I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict a statement by UINE letting their allies off the hook in terms of coming to UINE's defense and/or a series of statements from said allies cancelling their treaty with UINE so they don't have to get pulled into a war they'd rather not fight.
Hey everyone look at Nostradamus over here. He's so knowledgeable and worldly and you should listen to and respect his opinions; he's been in gov before.

Everyone knows that nobody wants to defend UINE, especially UINE.

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[quote name='Mixoux' timestamp='1307328353' post='2724861']
I'm pretty sure anyone in UINE was allowed to send the reps, not just Keve. That was something he himself proposed.

Actually, it was another delay, AiD would have LOVED if more people would have send it because then they would have gotten it faster.

As for that war mentioned.. I don't recall us pushing UINE in that war.. If it was so hard for them to pay in the weeks in between the agreement and the war, they couldn't have fought either.

So like i said before, always excuses.

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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1307328667' post='2724872']
Lol didn't you advocate us disbanding UINE last time?

Also what techraid? Theres nothing to steal there.
[color="#0000FF"]UINE has always been an alliance that I have had strong feelings for. I would in fact say that I am perhaps UINE's most stalwart supporter and dearest friend. You will find no greater champion for UINE than I. Do not dare presume that I would ever advocate for disbandment against such an upstanding alliance as UINE.

As for there being nothing to steal, that is precisely why you would seek to raid them. It is known that RnR is an alliance of cowards, and opportunists, and scoundrels. You lack the courage to raid an alliance that might pose a challenge, instead opting for UINE, who are less menacing than Damsky and Damsky. I see through your plot. It is quite transparent. RnR is no more than IRON's lapdog, and we all know TOP pulls their strings. If this is not an attempt to bait Polaris into yet another war then my name is Sally.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1307328721' post='2724873']
[color="#0000FF"]You are RnR, and this war is unnecessary. If I didn't know better I would believe that you were attempting to bait Polaris into another curbstomp. Tell me, sir, how much convincing did it take from TOP to get you to act on this excuse of yours?[/color]
Via TOP's non-existent treaty with R&R.

Edited by Azaghul
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[quote name='EgoFreaky' timestamp='1307328667' post='2724872']
Lol didn't you advocate us disbanding UINE last time?

Also what techraid? Theres nothing to steal there.

I don't really want to spoil RV's fun, but I think it was clear that RV was just messing around when in his first post, he praised SF.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1307329072' post='2724884']
[color="#0000FF"]RnR is no more than IRON's lapdog, and we all know TOP pulls their strings.[/color]

See, this is what I've been trying to tell Xiph all along! *headdesk*

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Can't say I blame R&R here. Having had an alliance pay lip service to a peace agreement a few years back I can understand their frustration and commend them on their patience.

If you agree to a peace deal, do us all a favour and pay/do whatever you agreed to. 36 million could have been sent out in a day really, recipient aid slots permitting of course.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1307329072' post='2724884']
[color="#0000FF"]UINE has always been an alliance that I have had strong feelings for. I would in fact say that I am perhaps UINE's most stalwart supporter and dearest friend. You will find no greater champion for UINE than I. Do not dare presume that I would ever advocate for disbandment against such an upstanding alliance as UINE.

As for there being nothing to steal, that is precisely why you would seek to raid them. It is known that RnR is an alliance of cowards, and opportunists, and scoundrels. You lack the courage to raid an alliance that might pose a challenge, instead opting for UINE, who are less menacing than Damsky and Damsky. I see through your plot. It is quite transparent. RnR is no more than IRON's lapdog, and we all know TOP pulls their strings. If this is not an attempt to bait Polaris into yet another war then my name is Sally.[/color]

1) I'd like to see your long-form birth certificate, sir. I have no doubts at this time that your name is, indeed, Sally.

2) If you are such an incredibly stalwart supporter of these hoodrats, put your money where your mouth is.

Edited by Demosthenes Locke
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1307329072' post='2724884']
[color="#0000FF"]UINE has always been an alliance that I have had strong feelings for. I would in fact say that I am perhaps UINE's most stalwart supporter and dearest friend. You will find no greater champion for UINE than I. Do not dare presume that I would ever advocate for disbandment against such an upstanding alliance as UINE.
Well, that makes 1 friend. That's 1 more than I thought they had.

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[quote name='Balder' timestamp='1307327633' post='2724830']
Right on cue with the pandering to the weak and downtrodden, I didn't think we could make it to five pages without you showing everyone why you still deserve zero credibility.

I think it's a little bit insane to call this one a tech raid, especially given UINE's history.
[color="#0000FF"]I am afraid you are the irrelevant one, sir. For years I have been the sole voice of justice in this cruel world, and a true hero. I am idolize by many lesser men, and all strive to be me, except for those who do not. Those I spit on, and see for the evildoers that they are.

It is clear to me that you are the evildoer, and that you are one who laughed at. For all good men laugh in the face of evil, and your alliance is most definitely a face, or my name is Sally.

And you, Jrenster, do not presume that I am praising SF. I do not, and I will not ever. When I said that RnR belonged in SF I did not mean it as a compliment.[/color]

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[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1307329195' post='2724888']
I don't really want to spoil RV's fun, but I think it was clear that RV was just messing around when in his first post, he praised SF.

Oh I know, his post before yours was really funny too :)

It's just, an R&R topic without some useless arguing with RV just wouldn't feel the same. We're not the most OWF active alliance and this is one of those little traditions XD

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1307328791' post='2724877']
I'm going to go out on a limb here and predict a statement by UINE letting their allies off the hook in terms of coming to UINE's defense and/or a series of statements from said allies cancelling their treaty with UINE so they don't have to get pulled into a war they'd rather not fight.
That's not exactly an incredibly long limb to go out on.

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[quote name='Demosthenes Locke' timestamp='1307329351' post='2724894']
1) I'd like to see your long-form birth certificate, sir.

2) If you are such an incredibly stalwart supporter of these hoodrats, put your money where your mouth is.
[color="#0000FF"]Oh, but you fail to see much. My stalwart support comes in the form of words, and sometimes even prayers before I am tucked into bed at night.[/color]

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[quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1307329514' post='2724911']
Just to clear a point, this isn't over 36 million. It is over 18 million as Keve paid 18 million eleven days ago.

That being said, the money should have been paid months ago. It's inexcusable to let reps sit for this long.

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Dajobo- I like and respect both you and Polaris, but I don't think that Polaris should be defending UINE. I recommend taking a step back here. I hope that this can come to a quick resolution.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1307329555' post='2724912']
[color="#0000FF"]Oh, but you fail to see much. My stalwart support comes in the form of words, and sometimes even prayers before I am tucked into bed at night.[/color]

If that is the case, then I am talking to the only coward in this thread.

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[quote name='Dajobo' timestamp='1307329514' post='2724911']
Just to clear a point, this isn't over 36 million. It is over 18 million as Keve paid 18 million eleven days ago.
[b]OH!![/b] that makes it all better then.


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You can say that the cause of the war is over so little, so be it. The point is that more than enough was given, UINE still failed to comply. A simple agreement was made, but that was not upheld. If R&R did not take action then where would our principles be? We would be seen as cowards and soft if we took no action. Compassion is not something this game understands because even after extending the deadline the agreement was still not met. If we do not uphold our agreement with AiD then we are no better than Keve.

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