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Everything posted by Baltus

  1. I'm a hater, so I'm just going to hate.
  2. Completely unexpected. Congrats to our allies in TOP.
  3. We have more Declarations of Support than actual Declarations of War. We should all be ashamed and rectify this situation, immediately.
  4. The lack of ships in this thread disappoints me.
  5. o/ TOP May your victory be swift and glorious. Also Polar's 3/4 in Peace Mode, so I would try to grab them as fast as possible.
  6. I'm starting to suspect that you guys planned this out.
  7. This was coming eventually. Sad to see an old treaty go, nevertheless.
  8. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1322081831' post='2849933'] It may not be something you like or wanted but it is true nonetheless. Now anyone who wants to take a shot at Polaris has to consider their ties to SF and by extension you and PB. That is just the reality of the situation. There are other ties in the mix sure but I think you guys seem to be the strongest thing holding people back from actually acting on any of their more aggressive thoughts. It's fine you can protect GOD and their pals but what we are seeing now is other undesirables taking notice and thus trying to crowd behind your shield. Maybe you didn't invite them but this is the way things are going. It's blatantly obvious. Most people don;t talk about your position in these matters...in public.because hey your still a good alliance but people know where you are in the grand scheme and it's pretty much central to everything that will happen in the future. Like I said congratulations, whether you want to shoulder that responsibility or not. [/quote] Oh no! You're on to us. We secretly love Polaris, and the past 2 global wars were just a ruse to convince you otherwise. Gosh, maybe if you just weren't so clever, we would've got away with it.
  9. I've always seen you guys as a cool group. Good Luck to all of your former members.
  10. [quote name='nutkase' timestamp='1322019490' post='2849503'] While I wouldn't put it that far as to claim they are hiding under "your skirt". The connection is there and it is strong. [/quote] It's an non-chaining ODP. That's like saying that the connection between NG and RoK is strong, and RoK is hiding behind Non Grata.
  11. [quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1322016810' post='2849470'] Meh, all I got out of this is that now Polaris can hide behind VE's skirt as well. With all of the awful alliances VE is protecting these days I wonder how long they stay in the middle......Congrats for being the linchpin VE... [/quote] I..wait..what. How is Polaris hiding behind us?
  12. [quote name='9dj12' timestamp='1321923337' post='2848408'] Isn't this like the 3rd or 4th time already? [/quote] They had some tough opposition. Incompetence is hard to beat these days!
  13. I wish this was an actual civil war, that would be way more entertaining.
  14. [quote name='Krausberg' timestamp='1321511164' post='2845825'] So if RnR went missing or disbanded... who would the last sanction go to? [/quote] [img]http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100605090103/cybernations/images/thumb/d/d0/Cngoonsflag.png/200px-Cngoonsflag.png[/img]
  15. What's [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Chestnut_Accords"]this[/url]? Congrats on signing something that already existed?
  16. You're good at war if you have lots of tech and experience.
  17. We ascend via the Unjust Path. o/ Congrats to MK and NG.
  18. I like your new site. Congrats on the new gov, as well, but the site is far more impressive, I'm afraid.
  19. MK and VE need to stop ruining the game. EDIT: Post 1111. I see another 2 pages, at the least.
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