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Everything posted by Taget

  1. Congrats to our allies in NPO and our friends in the NSO on getting this finally resolved!
  2. You are far too modest. We know about your jetpacks.
  3. I think you've gotten something wrong. We are aligned with NPO and thus Francoism. Which you've described at as being oh so terrible in the past. And also Doom House which you describe as being even more evil. So for the sakes of argument we'll assign Francoism a -500 in a running scale where of course you are a 400 since you're obviously a force for good. Doom House being worse will be assigned -800. As everyone knows a negative number mulitplied by a negative number is a positive number. Thus if we take the evilness of our allies NPO and the eviliness of our allies in Doom House we arrive at 4000. Meaning we are in fact 10 times more moral than even you are. We're clearly on the correct side of history.
  4. Happy birthday! Everyone participates in this world differently and has fun in their own way. If you enjoy what you're doing that is all that counts.
  5. The proletariat and all progressive peoples welcome the Kommune assuming it's vanguard role in crushing the Democratic vermin from our fair world.
  6. There has been a lot of mindless throwing out statistics in this thread using all types of arbitrary criteria and dubious numbers. I thought I'd put this debate to rest with a few graphs using some undisputable facts showing just how well TLR has been stacking up in this war. First an area that TLR has an advantage in pip boys. I'll also be including NG and Sparta in everything as NG has been a friend we've been fighting with and Sparta another alliance we have been at war with. We have held a constant and thorough advantage in this category. It's in our flag. It's in our blood. Second an area that MCXA is well ahead of us on. Faerie dust. I'll include two charts. One post-war and another current as of yesterday. You'll notice MCXA starts with a huge advantage over us. And it continues even now. But our levels of faerie dust has grown markedly. In fact one of our motivations in declaring this war was the acquisition of faerie dust. We strongly believe we are well positioned to overtake MCXA in this key category by mid March. Now here is a key category. One which we started with an advantage in and have only seen it expand. Coolness. At the start of the war MCXA was in fact almost as cool as us. Which may come as a surprise to some but MCXA has actually been doing a pretty good job of building itself as of late. Unfortunately after the war started a lot of that good progress was lost. Week after week since war was first declared by NPO, AI, and friends their coolness has declined. In fact even as fast as week two it was falling into positively Spartan levels. While ours has grown by leaps and bounds. I should also point out NG whose coolness which was already at an insanely high level at the start of the war is now literally off the charts. I hope this finally put a rest to all debate on how our war with MCXA is going and where it is progressing.
  7. The power is in the dark side of the soup and NSO knows it! Keep on fighting the good fight guys.
  8. I'd like to thank you for your advice and suggestions. The Last Remnants values your feedback as we do all of our enemies. We strive to please and make sure you are thoroughly satisfied with your warring experience. That is why we have decided to expand RushSyke's Minister of Geriatric Affairs portfolio to include Customer Relations. We encourage you to message him in game, on irc, and everywhere else for that matter with every one of your valid concerns. They shall be thoroughly evaluated and given the full consideration that they merit. Each and every suggestion good enough to be integrated into our war plans will result in the person sending it getting his or her very own Last Remnants monogrammed coffee mug! We thank you for contacting us and again don't hesitate to drop RushSykes a line!
  9. Attacking poor defenseless MCXA? The TLR triums should be ashamed of themselves!
  10. I see many similarities between Sith poetry and Vogon poetry. Otherwise a good read!
  11. And what's wrong with what NSO said? I probably said something very similar when NPO attacked Umbrella. Doesn't matter that they are on opposite sides. They are friends and allies and we do want them to do well and not get hurt. Now I do realize in the bigger picture of coalition versus coalition we can't exactly BOTH win. But I do want them to come out okay. In regards to NSO itself. It made it's own war on it's own terms. Not an easy one but one they are having a lot of fun with. And I respect the hell out of them for it. And know first hand they are great folks to fight beside and that both NG and NPO are lucky to have them as allies. As for theoretical draconian terms given to NPO. NPO has friends on our side that will make certain that does not come about no matter what the outcome. Just because we agreed to disagree about this war does not mean we won't have their back. Split treaties puts everyone in a tight spot. Like a lot of us they have been dealing with it as best they can. They also have been more than pulling their weight in their fight despite also having another ongoing war and being relatively tech poor. You're lucky to have them fighting by your side and if you are looking to cast blame on others they are the last ones you should be casting an accusatory eye towards. Happy hunting NG.
  12. Not a decision I was thrilled to hear about. Wish you had selected a different target. What is done is now done. Good luck to our friends in both the NPO and Deinos.
  13. NG is never one to pass on a good tech raid. Happy hunting!
  14. A wise and completely understandable decision. Best of luck!
  15. I'm dissapointed you're not standing by GATO. Not that I still don't love you guys.
  16. Have you seen how sexy Stewie looks in a skirt? You'd be hopping under there too if you had a chance! Good to see us finally off to war! o/ TLR
  17. Might be too high concept and it can be interpretted in different ways but.. [u][color=#0000ff][img]http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/5042/offtooblivion.jpg[/img][/color][/u]
  18. This thread has had far too much Mushqaeda and not enough Mushroom Kommune. I await a formal Kommune declaration before I can adequately comment.
  19. May the International collectivize many NATO nation's infra for the masses!
  20. Wait you're not bandwagoning in with everyone else? Recklessly doing the honorable rather than safe thing? Where is the old Optional Defense Network I knew and loved? Good luck and blow as many pixels as you can ODN! o/ ODN
  21. [img]http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/561/rad3o.jpg[/img]
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