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Everything posted by Taget

  1. I'd like to take this opportunity to condemn ODN for abandoning DH. I'd also like to take this opportunity to condemn ODN for continuing to support DH. I'd also like to condemn ODN for enacting their long term plan to betray Umbrella. And of course condemn them for not knowing what they are doing. I condemn them for this and oh so many other things. You see. I'm not a fan of oranges. I much prefer blackberries. But you'll still always have our love and support anyway. :) Good luck to ODN!
  2. I was scared for a second there might be a third alliance with the initials "t-l-r". Phew!!!! Congrats to Last Stand on finding a fine protector and for LoSS for obtaining a brand new [s]croney[/s] protectorate.
  3. May the proletariat always make their tech production quota! Good luck to the new government.
  4. Sorry you guys had to go through that. Forum problems are always a frustrating chore. Good luck getting everything back in order!
  5. Certainly not us. We'd never put those jokers in charge. This is obviously a late april fools joke. That goes against everything TLR has ever stood for.
  6. While The Last Remnants(TLR) is sad to cancel on The Brotherhood of Sithis we felt it was necessary because we never signed a treaty with them in the first place.
  7. I find the lack of chest thumping and posturing in this thread disturbing. You guys can do better. Entertain me! I'd also like to lodge my first complaint at the new hegemony. I'm being oppressed! But congrats to our allies in NPO in accomplishing what they set out to do and bringing this war to a close.
  8. To my friends in GATO and VE. And those who genuinely support them. Stop. You are just being manipulated. And not by some masterful machiavelli. But by dolts. And if you fall for it you're a bigger bunch of dolts than them. Those on the other side are pushing your buttons and their praise and condemnation is based purely on what is in their own interests, not yours. You can debate what are better tactics. But the reality is this. When the numbers are not on your side everything needs to be executed perfectly for you to have a chance. And war is an imperfect art. Whereas when you have the numbers you have the lattitude for all types of screw ups. Fighting quality versus quantity is a hard path. And you just make that path harder when you allow the enemy to create discord in what is still an on-going war. GATO came in for CnG and three of it's treatied allies came in on it's behalf. CnG and all our members are not shy about living up to their name and listing every complaint and grievance we have with every other member. That is all GATO needs to stand in account for. Likewise the Viridian Entente entered honorably in behalf of their treatied partners. And the opinions of the peanut gallery on the validity and invalidity oif their strategy is of minimal consequence. I can only thank them for fighting with us. And perhaps privately and cordially if we find ourselves on the same side we can exchange ideas on better and more successful strategems.
  9. Congrats to FEAR on the treaty and government!
  10. GATO a source for entertainment? In what bizarro alternate universe? The only alliance more boring than GATO is TLR. No wonder the best you could get is two posts asking folks to pay better attention to war orders. It was either that or the paint drying thread. Next time spy on MK. We all know if nothing else they are at least interesting. Or NG. Or someone who'd provide us with some entertainment. But alas. Best we can hope for is This Week in the Grey Council. Which actually would not be so bad. We never do see enough of Mark Reynolds.
  11. May fail and the spirit of fail continue to always be a prominent feature of our beloved planet.
  12. That is an awsome picture. Congrats to NATO on their new government.
  13. I changed my mind. MK is clearly in the wrong. They never should have lifted the sanction.
  14. Everything said by anyone above who is on my side in this war I agree with. And they are paragons of virtue. Everyone above who is not on my side I disagree with and they should be ashamed of themselves. Or in summary. Us good. Them bad. Now that I've gotten the obligatories out of the way (or as most of you would call it.. just about the entire thread) I'll start. Could be a mistake was made and a few errant sanctions were placed. But given who they were placed on I'd be willing to concede a more likely scenario is a few folks who are rather loud but also rather small were given an at best half-serious sanctions. A little squirming but nothing really much since those nations are not key to the war effort and don't have very much to lose. And those nations are not all that concerned with nation building since other aspects of our world concern them far more. But then a very unwise escalation was done in response where nations that do matter and are intimately involved in the war are targeted. Now you can ask the question. Aren't all nations just as important? Aren't we all equal? Ponder them all you want. But in the real world of Digiteria the second action was one that had actual consequences. And which puts us at this crossroads. The question is can a little maturity be found to resolve it? The lords up above gave us a powerful tool for us to police ourselves. And on the whole we have used it wisely. I'd hate to see at some point changes made because we were too immature to use it wisely. May admin always guide our actions with wisdom. Amen. This is where both sides should back down and drop their sanctions.
  15. Congrats on four years! Time flies. Didn't Ivan create you last Thursday? Hope to see many more birthdays!
  16. Should've demanded all of Karelia. Oh well. Congrats on peace. o/ SRA
  17. Verily. Chim for GATO dictator! But congratulations anyway to all those who won and/or continuing your service.
  18. You guys need to get electron sponge to put that alliance guide board back up so itty bitty newbie micros like this don't need to get themselves in trouble over stuff like this.
  19. Haven't heard from you guys in ages! Hope everything is going well and congrats on the new forums.
  20. Sounds like the mortality rate of wombats will be skyrocketing. Good luck to our friends in the NPO.
  21. "A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse." One can only imagine what Richard III would have offered for a talking pony! Welcome aboard EvU.
  22. I couldn't agree more! Welcome to the war Hooligans!
  23. While I may be pro-Targaryen I do love me some House Baratheon too. Welcome to the war. Yours is the fury!
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