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Everything posted by Taget

  1. A good read and well written. But the best way to honor Sir Paul is to bring back the singalongs!
  2. Form your own alliance. Then you an make your own rules.
  3. Representative democracy is nothing more than bourgeois fetishism. TIme to suspend the elections and implement a true dicatorship of the proletariat.
  4. The International still has MDoAP's with TLR, GATO, and ODN. They took a beating last war and are certainly no cowards. What they do have now is enhanced freedom of movement since they are no longer part of an MDAP where every action requires the utmost coordination.
  5. Initially I thought MQ would crush TDO but with Zulu's entry all that has changed. With their entry the war has clearly shifted and it may be time for MQ to throw in the towel and admit defeat.
  6. One thing I always regretted is that I forgot to thank you guys for your protection of sssw18 in our disbandment thread. And we were not the only protectorate you helped to nurse in your heyday. You guys were always help and friendly to friend and foe alike and were solid digiteria citizens. Disbandment is a tough choice to make but sometimes when activity reaches a low ebb it's sadly necessary. Good luck as you guys seek new homes.
  7. Heard about this for awhile. Int are good folks. Good luck wherever your journey takes you next.
  8. On the other hand how many alliances with plenty of treaties have been bulldozed since the woodstock massacre? Virtually every single one of them. How many neutrals? None until now. And TDO has been pretty much left alone since they came into existence. It's a pretty good track record. Now I'd advice all neutrals to beef up military preparedness since peace never lasts forever. But I wouldn't necessarily condemn GPA or TDO over their recent actions.
  9. Shame on the Terran Empire for attacking a poor defenseless alliance without a single ally or treaty. Good luck mushqaeda!
  10. Sad to see. You've always made an impact. Sure we'll see at least some of you back in some reincarnated form once all the dust and jihading settles.
  11. Congrats to GPA on their upcoming surge in applicants!
  12. Congrats to GATO on yet another succesful election. But poor Manis deserves a break. Man works too hard (and bless him for it). Best of luck to everyone elected!
  13. The Last Remnants is happy to get to know the Knights of the Roundtable better. While this treaty was rather unexpected, in fact I still have no idea who they are, we enjoy surprises.
  14. There is way too much positivity in this thread. So I'll start by saying ODN is terrible alliance and you all should be ashamed. But also end by congratulating SLAP on getting a fine protector in ODN!
  15. TLR did not enjoy choosing anything. If anything we spent a lot of effort behind the scenes trying to defuse tensions. We invested a lot political capital in trying to help bring NPO out from the cold and are not at all displeased to see them ascendant. And being on the opposite side from them is not something we wanted or desired. Our past relations with them go back more than one war. And our future relations wil go forward them past the next. Sometimes allies will agree to disagree and foreign policy is not about the current war but the war that will come after that or even the war after that. And quite frankly our relationship with NPO goes beyond simply whether it is strategic or useful. Most importantly we spent a lot of time arguing with ODN about NPO and how they were good folks on our wavelength. They were quite skeptical at first but we are glad our efforts have borne fruit in this treaty.
  16. NPO has no love for Int? What a slap in the face of CnG. :( Congrats on ODN catching our Pacifica fever.
  17. Was hoping for a Buffy the Vampire Slayer theme. But that would be Sunnydale. Congrats on stepping out on your own and for getting the assistance of NG.
  18. Two alliances I like getting closer. What is not to like?
  19. Ack. Poor Mia. You're supposed to let someone else have the big title. Then you get to blame them for everything. Better to be the puppetmaster behind the stage than the puppet. But alas. What is done is done. And certainly having you in charge is IRON's gain. o/ Mia.
  20. This is a longstanding treaty of LoSS and no doubt was not done lightly. Best of luck to my friends in LoSS.
  21. The issues between NEW & BFF (and unfortunately INT as well) was communications. Things broke down because people were not communicating. Which is doubly important when there is a language barrier. If FEAR is doing a better job communicating than they've gotten a fierce group of warriors as allies. And that can only be a net plus as long as everyone is on the same page.
  22. Fail succeeds as always. Give 'em hell RV!
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